Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to make your very own Bukkit server, with plugins and more!

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CastleCorp's Avatar CastleCorp
Level 54 : Grandmaster Programmer
Note: There is a problem with the link. I just put in the wrong URL. If you cannot open a page, go to the part where it says the URL and make sure the very first part is (without the quotes) "http:". I just forgot the colon, and rather than having to redo all the links, this is much easier.Hey guys,

Enter Spoiler Text here.Let's start this off with a little dialog: These are things that are always all over the forums:
Today, our characters will be player one and player two.
Playerone: Wow, I sure love those cool bukkit servers!
Playertwo: Yeah IKR THEYZ IZ SO EPICZ!
Playerone: I sure wish that I could run my own bukkit server! I know I could make it super-duper-collio!
Playertwo: Yeah, but I am just so darn terrible with that computer stuff :(
Playerone: Same :(
Both: :(
Both: If only there was an easy tutorial, that could show us step by step how to make a rockin server! They could even have some of the stuff premade for us!
ME: I have just the thing for you sirs! Here it is:

My goal with this tutorial:
To show everyone the fast and easy way to make a Bukkit Minecraft server (for beginners to making servers), which will be easy to maintain, and also easy to set up.

Wanna be a cool person? SURE YOU DO! Here's one easy way: Leave a diamond, favorite and subscribe!

If you are interested in running your own all-purpose, multiworld, mutligamemode server, then THIS IS FOR YOU! :D

**Please leave suggestions of plugins to add! I will make a list of suggestions, and decide, and also let other people vote, but in the end, I will research and decide.**

Table of contents:

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I would create a file, or find some other good place to keep everything, I always use the Desktop and make a file called "server". Now we need to make a startup script for the server. You can download the mac version here, and the pc version here. Put whichever one that you are using into your server file. Then download the newest craftbukkit version from here. I would suggest using the recommended build, but it is really your choice. Download craftbukkit and put it into your file. Make sure to rename it "craftbukkit.jar" so that it will be recognized by the startup script. Now is the moment of truth: all you need to do is go into the file and double click on your startup script. When you run the startup script, Terminal should open, and you should see lots of text, as well as seeing a lot of other files being generated in the folder. Minimize terminal, and go into Minecraft. Click multiplayer, and make a new server entry. Put whatever you want in the name of the server, and in the IP, put in "localhost" (WITHOUT THE QUOTATION MARKS). Save that and connect to the server. You should spawn in a randomly generated world. At this point, you may stand up from wherever you are, raise your arms, sing a little song and dance your happy dance: YOU ARE NOW THE PROUD OWNER OF YOUR OWN BUKKIT SERVER! :D When you are done dancing, go back to the Terminal window, now dubbed the "CONSOLE", and type this in: "op [playername]" (no quotes) where [playername] is the name of your character. This will give you all of the permissions in the game, and let you do ANYTHING you want! Now go back into the game, and in the chat it should say something like "Console has opped [playername]" (or something like that). That means you are oped! Now lets play with the console: in console type "say [whatever-you-want-here]", press enter and go back to Minecraft. You should see your message in purple text. The only other important thing that I can think of for the console, is how to stop the server. **NEVER, EVER,EVER STOP THE SERVER IN ANY OTHER WAY THAN TYPING "stop" INTO THE CONSOLE! (or using /stop in-game)** What that means, is that you cannot "x" out of the terminal window. If you do not use a "stop" command, you face breaking the server. This happens because when you simply close the window, the processes are still running, and when you try to restart the server, it won't work, and will most likely fail to bind to the port, because technically the computer still thinks that the server is running off of that port. If you do accidentally close out of the window, don't get too scared. Try restarting the server. If it doesn't work (and says something like "can't bind to port, is there already a server running on this port?"), then "stop" the server, and reboot your computer. That should clear it. Also important to know, is that if you get a spammer, a hacker or another player you don't want on your server, then you can kick or ban them from the server. Hackers and spammers should be dealt with by the Anticheat plugin which I have listed in the suggested plugin list below, but if not, you can manually either kick (literally kick them off the server, not permanently) by using "kick [playername] [reason-for-kick]" (for example: "kick pthomasization Spamming" in the console or "/kick [playername] [reason]" in-game, or ban them (permanent, but you can undo it) with "ban" and "/ban" (for example: "ban pthomasization"). You can also temporarily ban someone with "/tempban [playername] [time]" (time is how long IN MINUTES the player will be banned for). I will make another section below with more useful commands.I would create a file, or find some other good place to keep everything, I always use the Desktop and make a file called "server". Now we need to make a startup script for the server. You can download the mac version here, and the pc version here. Put whichever one that you are using into your server file. Then download the newest craftbukkit version from here. I would suggest using the recommended build, but it is really your choice. Download craftbukkit and put it into your file. Make sure to rename it "craftbukkit.jar" so that it will be recognized by the startup script. Now is the moment of truth: all you need to do is go into the file and double click on your startup script. When you run the startup script, Terminal should open, and you should see lots of text, as well as seeing a lot of other files being generated in the folder. Minimize terminal, and go into Minecraft. Click multiplayer, and make a new server entry. Put whatever you want in the name of the server, and in the IP, put in "localhost" (WITHOUT THE QUOTATION MARKS). Save that and connect to the server. You should spawn in a randomly generated world. At this point, you may stand up from wherever you are, raise your arms, sing a little song and dance your happy dance: YOU ARE NOW THE PROUD OWNER OF YOUR OWN BUKKIT SERVER! :D When you are done dancing, go back to the Terminal window, now dubbed the "CONSOLE", and type this in: "op [playername]" (no quotes) where [playername] is the name of your character. This will give you all of the permissions in the game, and let you do ANYTHING you want! Now go back into the game, and in the chat it should say something like "Console has opped [playername]" (or something like that). That means you are oped! Now lets play with the console: in console type "say [whatever-you-want-here]", press enter and go back to Minecraft. You should see your message in purple text. The only other important thing that I can think of for the console, is how to stop the server. **NEVER, EVER, EVER STOP THE SERVER IN ANY OTHER WAY THAN TYPING "stop" INTO THE CONSOLE! (or using /stop in-game)** What that means, is that you cannot "x" out of the terminal window. If you do not use a "stop" command, you face breaking the server. This happens because when you simply close the window, the processes are still running, and when you try to restart the server, it won't work, and will most likely fail to bind to the port, because technically the computer still thinks that the server is running off of that port. If you do accidentally close out of the window, don't get too scared. Try restarting the server. If it doesn't work (and says something like "can't bind to port, is there already a server running on this port?"), then "stop" the server, and reboot your computer. That should clear it. Also important to know, is that if you get a spammer, a hacker or another player you don't want on your server, then you can kick or ban them from the server. Hackers and spammers should be dealt with by the Anticheat plugin which I have listed in the suggested plugin list below, but if not, you can manually either kick (literally kick them off the server, not permanently) by using "kick [playername] [reason-for-kick]" (for example: "kick pthomasization Spamming" in the console or "/kick [playername] [reason]" in-game, or ban them (permanent, but you can undo it) with "ban" and "/ban" (for example: "ban pthomasization"). You can also temporarily ban someone with "/tempban [playername] [time]" (time is how long IN MINUTES the player will be banned for). I will make another section below with more useful commands.

Suggested plugins:

These are the plugins I suggest downloading. To go to the plugins page, click "link" beside each one.

Anticheat -detects players cheating and will warn them, then kicks or bans them. link

ChatBukkit- link

ChatManager- link

Chatter- link

CraftBukkitUpToDate -automatically checks for craftbukkit and plugin updates, and downloads them to the bukkit_update folder. link

Essentials -a ton of helpful commands. link

EssentialsChat- link

EssentialsGroupBridge- link

EssentialsGroupManager- link

EssentialsProtect- link

EssentialsSpawn- link

Factions -create factions, you probably have seen these in other servers. link

iConomy -creates a great start for an economy on your server, by adding in money. link

mcMMO -gives points, money and rank for skills, like mining, fishing and so on. link

Multiverse-core -what allows you to make multiple worlds on your server. link

Multiverse-inventories -different inventories in different worlds, good for preventing people from taking items. link

Multiverse-netherportals -allows you to make portals to different worlds with nether portals. link

Multiverse-portals -make portals to different worlds. link

Multiverse-signportals -make portals using signs. link

NyanStone -make toggleable bridges, gates ect.

PermissionsEX- my personal favorite permissions plugin (and the one I will provide support to). link

Serversigns -make signs with executable commands. link

Timeismoney -give your players money for spending time on the server. link

Vault- usually other plugins hook into this. link

Votifier- when people vote for your server on pmc, they get money or other stuff (using a listener). link

Worldedit -you should either know what this is, or look it up...like now...go now... link

*I lay no claim to any of these plugins!*

I very strongly encourage reading the documentation on these plugins and familiarizing yourself with them!

How to find your server IP so others can connect:

Mac: Go to System preferences -> Network -> look for your ip in the window.

Windows: In command prompt, type in ipconfig and look for IPV4.

For both, the ip should look something like xx.xx.xxx.xx (with numbers of course) Example:

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by CastleCorp 04/07/2013 6:25:20 pmApr 7th, 2013

fixed a problem with the links

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10/30/2014 11:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
russianchicken's Avatar
Hey um how do you change the server ip so my friends can join
08/17/2014 6:56 pm
Level 23 : Expert Lumberjack
Superdude717's Avatar
Well this is a bit late, but thanks. I may open a server with this guide.
04/07/2013 10:02 pm
Level 1 : New Warrior
jackknife0001's Avatar 24/7 NO LAG HUNGER GAMES!
04/08/2013 1:11 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Programmer
CastleCorp's Avatar
the only thing that really bothers me about this is the all CAPS thing...
did you make your server with this guide?
04/07/2013 6:40 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
thunder_boy101's Avatar
Hey this is cool but when I click ''PC version here'' It only sends me to planetminecraft's homepage

( Do you mean at minecraft.net?)
04/07/2013 3:21 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
FluffytheAlpaca's Avatar
A very cool plugin is Paintball- War Edition it is very customizable and very fun with different ranks and you make your own stages. But when I click any of the links the webpages won't work D: Please help I'm good with plugins and admins and commands and all that stuff I just really want to get a server started ASAP I'm not very patient

Thanks in advance though ^_^
04/07/2013 6:23 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Programmer
CastleCorp's Avatar
I am working on fixing them now. I will update it soon.
03/12/2013 9:21 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Warrior
Arjuncraft2001's Avatar
how do you keep your serving running permanently withut the "RUN"?
01/04/2013 3:57 am
Level 1 : New Miner
edwardeggboy's Avatar
how can i update server to 1.4.6?
01/04/2013 8:51 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Programmer
CastleCorp's Avatar
go here: dl.bukkit.org/downloads/craftbukkit/
then look to the right side. you should see a green, yellow and red box. click the yellow one.
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