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The importance of giving a diamond, favorite, and subscribing!

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CastleCorp's Avatar CastleCorp
Level 54 : Grandmaster Programmer
Can this get on the pop reel? (If it does, please leave a comment and pm me!)

Today I am here to explain to everyone the importance of giving a Diamond, a Favorite, and even Subscribing to a submission on PMC.

As always, if you want to be a cool person, here are a couple ways: Diamond, Favorite and subscribe! (If you like it)

The key thing to always remember when looking at a submission, is that in most cases, people have spent a lot of time and creativity to create something that they think people will really enjoy. Also, remember that if you clicked on something, then that must mean that you saw something that caught your interest, basically what I am saying, is that if you are even looking at it, it must have been good or interesting to you.


Diamonding is very important to people, because it is seen by others, and many times is how people rate that submission. Giving a diamond is a sign that you like that submission, and is a very nice way to, in a way pay back someone for their time and effort. However, diamonding is not necessary, and if you don't like a submission, then you shouldn't give it a diamond. My personal rule of thumb is to give diamonds pretty freely, especially to people who are newer, as it will encourage them to stay active on the site. My other thing is that most times I download something, I will diamond it, unless I absoultley hate it. Diamonding is something that truly not enough people do. It is the most basic way to show approval, liking, agreement, etc. etc.

The Bottom Line: Giving a diamond is a great way to tell someone you like their submission, and, (as with favoriting and subscribing) means a lot to the person who created the submission.

Gives XP: Yes.


Favoriting means that you like something, as does giving a diamond, but it is the next level of something. Favoriting is either that you love the idea, or maybe you have downloaded, really liked the idea, or content, or whatever it is that has been posted, and therefore go back to the submission to favorite it. If you really enjoyed something, then it is not against the rules to diamond and favorite, and in fact, I personally recccomend it! Favoriting is also helpful for saving submissions that you liked so that you can easily return to them later.

The bottom line: Favoriting shows someone that you not only liked the idea or something about the submission, but that you also really enjoyed the content.

Gives XP: Yes.


Subscribing is the third way that PlanetMinecraft allows you to show appreciation to creators. Subscribing is something that I reserve for people that support me, or if I enjoy their submissions. Also, if I look through someone's profile, and like some of their submissions, I will generally subscribe. Subscribing to someone tells them that you either VERY much enjoy the submission that you saw, or that you enjoy their submissions in general. I personally recommend subscribing to people freely, but not willy-nilly. It shows support for all of their work, not just the one you saw.

The bottom line:

Subscribing to someone tells them that you really enjoy their submissions in general, not just one of them.

Gives XP: No.


Just a note about it: Commenting is a great way to give feedback and ask questions. It helps you and the submitter to be better. Don't hesitate to do it!


So here is another thing, that really isn't involved with all this, but I think it fits. Adf.ly is a website that shows viewers 5 seconds of ads, and pays the person that post the links (a fraction of a penny per view). I fully support (and use myself) adf.ly because it is a great way to show your support for that person and what they've made.


So I just decided to do a quick update, and add this section, which is because I have ideas for this blog sometimes, and they don't really fit in any category, so I figured I would make a category for all those without one. :/ I have tried to break them up some so they're easier to read. Sooo...here goes:

Submission Quality:

I think everyone has probably seen or at least thought about this at one time or another: the submission quality on this site fluctuates. A lot. It seems that every day, as the website becomes larger and larger, every section is flooded by submissions that are, simply said: bad. I am sure we are guilty of at one time or another posting something that we look back on and say "Wow...that's pretty bad" (I know I am!), so it is pointless to toss around blame here. I just think that it is important, especially now as it is harder to harder to get noticed, to make sure that before you hit the submit button, you take the time to think "Is this of good quality?". If it is not, go back, revise. With those self-checks, you will help yourself to get much more popular. This is very important because if you don't submit quality work, it will just become another submission that gets 5 views, and drowns all of the good quality submissions.

Just take a minute to think if your submission is of good quality, and if you will be proud to have it posted.

To Sum it All Up:

Diamonding, favoriting and subscribing mean a lot to people who work hard on submissions. Diamonds, subscriptions and favorites should be given freely, but not all over the place. It IS allowed, and encouraged, to give a diamond, favorite and subscribe, or any combination of the three to one subscription or person, if you really enjoy it.

A note about meeting goals: Getting on the popular reel is something (I believe) everyone strives for. Help people meet their goals. Don't withhold diamonds, favorites and subscribes because you don't want others to level up.

Thanks for reading! Why don't you use your new-found knowledge to give this a diamond, favorite and subscribe?

5 Update Logs

Update #5 : by CastleCorp 06/28/2013 10:44:23 pmJun 28th, 2013

added a notes section, and a bit about quality submissions.

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06/29/2013 2:53 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Ranger
azrobert's Avatar
Very nice blog ! This deserves more views . -Az

Ps. Isnt your server going to be up today?
06/29/2013 6:42 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Programmer
CastleCorp's Avatar
First off, thank you very much. Second: The server was going to be up. However, we encountered technical issues that were irraparable, and forced us to move the opening till next saturday. Very sad indeed.
06/29/2013 6:32 am
Level 41 : Master Artist
Ender_Eely's Avatar
Nice Blog! You ahve very valid and true points! I hope this gets more views and reads.
06/29/2013 8:43 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Programmer
CastleCorp's Avatar
Thanks! that's the idea! hopefully this well help people to understand that giving a diamond is not something difficult to do, or should be reserved only for the like's of Disco's creations. :p
06/15/2013 2:33 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
laserpigofdoom's Avatar
Thank god for this.
06/15/2013 4:03 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Programmer
CastleCorp's Avatar
haha thanks!
06/05/2013 4:34 am
Level 35 : Artisan Droid
GiganticBlock's Avatar
And also could you please check out my stuff? And if you like it maybe subscibre to me?
06/05/2013 10:19 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Programmer
CastleCorp's Avatar
Yes, I will definitely take a look at your stuff. Just know that I save subscribing only for friends or people I really want to keep tabs on if their work is good.
06/06/2013 3:57 am
Level 35 : Artisan Droid
GiganticBlock's Avatar
I am making zombie adventure map which i will gonna put at planet minecraft soon. Are you gonna check it out?
06/06/2013 11:39 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Programmer
CastleCorp's Avatar
Sure, just let me know when you post them.
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