Minecraft Blogs / Interview

Interviewing With Mobs Part 4 :D

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SamAiman's Avatar SamAiman
Level 26 : Expert Dragonborn
Hey! It's me again. Thanks a lot for supporting me in the making of this interview. I really appreciate that all 3 parts of this interview got pop reel, so I hope that this one will get pop reel too :) So here it is :D
Part 1 is here:
Part 2 is here:
Part 3 is here:

Interview with Squid:

Me: Hey Squid, want to have some interview?
Squid: Okay. What would you like to ask?
Me: Why do Sky hate you so much?

Squid: Because I'm the sexiest mob in Minecraft. Nobody has a mouth at the bottom, so that makes me the
sexiest creature :3
Me: Anything else?
Squid: I'm done. Err, I better go now.
Me: Why? I was just about to interview you D:
Sky: I'm saving you from that SQUID!!
Me: ....Go home Sky, you're drunk -.-
Sky: I ain't go home until I get that SQUID!
Me: You asked for it. INCOMING!!
*Missile appeared and heading to Sky*
Sky: Oh my, HOLY BUDDER MISSILE! Come to papa :D
Me: Stop! Why did you shoot that golden missile -.-
Squid: Look son, that's why you can never communicate with people. Even the interviewer.

Interview with Villager:

Me: Hey, can I interview you?
Villager: *murp**murp*
Me: What?
Villager: I'm just kidding. Welcome to the village, young lad. I hope you enjoy your stay. *murp*
Me: Thanks :) So can I intervi..
Villager; Let me take you around. So this is our farm. We farm twice a month. We use the farm for food and to sell it to other village. *murp*
Me: But I'm her.....
Villager: Shh!! Don't talk until the end of the tour. Now here is the lamp post. It is so...
(3 hours later)
Villager: ..and this is my home. So I hope you enjoyed the tour. *murp*
Me: Finally! So can I interview you?
Villager: No.
Me: GAARH! *headbangs*
SamAiman headbanged to death

Interview with Bat:

Me: Hey bat, can I interview you?
Bat: *snores*
Me: Hello?
Bat: *snores*
Me: Oh wait. Bat sleeps at day! Silly me :3 I'll just come at night. *walks away*
Bat: Whew, luckily he is gone. Stupid enough that he's in a dark cave.
Me: Got you! I was just setting you up xD Now let me interview you!
Bat: How about no? *flies away*
Me: Why does everyone hate me :'(

Bat: Dude, I don't hate you, but TAKE A FREAKING SHOWER! You spent a whole week interviewing those mobs without
even taking a shower -.-
Me: Oh .-. How did you know?
Bat: Because I'm a boss, unlike you :P
Me: Okay :'(

Interview with Silverfish

Me: Hey, can I interview you?
Silverfish: Sure! What do you want to ask?
Me: Your name clearly states that you're a fish, but why aren't you one?
Silverfish: I don't know either .-.
Me: What? You are a silverfish and you don't know why are you called one.
Silverfish: Why would you even care? My job is to kill people and I'm killing you now.
Me: You? Kill me? Hahaha xD You are just too small to kill me :P Take this!
Silverfish: Thanks for hitting me! By doing that, my army of silverfish has spawned. Get him!
Me: Aww nuts .-.

SamAiman was slain by Army of Silverfish

Interview with Blaze:

Me: Hey blaze! May I interview you?
Blaze: Why yes, ask me all you want.
Me: How do you pee?
Blaze: Why do you even ask?
Me: Because I'm interviewing you.
Blaze: Asking and interviewing are two different things.
Me: No it isn't. It works just the same way.
Blaze: Where's the camera then? What TV channel will this interview be published live?
Me: .-.
Blaze: Why aren't you answering? Where's the table? Where's the chair? Where's the paper? Where's the studio? Where are you?
Me: I'm outta here -.-

That's all. I hope you enjoyed. Sorry if it isn't funny as before, but I put a lot of effort in this Interview With Mobs series.
There will be 3 more parts to complete the whole mobs interview. So if you like it, please comment whether I should continue or not. Thanks :)
CreditTheLouiiJP for some ideas.

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08/22/2013 12:59 pm
Level 26 : Expert Dragonborn
SamAiman's Avatar
Part 5 coming right up today! Sorry that I've stopped making blogs, but I was on my vacation and was busy with school and stuff :/
08/15/2013 5:55 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Pokemon
TheWombatDonut's Avatar
Where's part 5? D:
07/31/2013 11:40 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
AlphaTheGreat's Avatar
Eh not really not my thing (not trying to hate :v
07/31/2013 11:30 pm
Level 42 : Master System
tinzin's Avatar
Lol, I love how the blaze gets all worked up. I bet he caught on fire near the end xD
07/31/2013 3:22 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Skinner
SkullHunter8000's Avatar
30th sub, keep up the great blogs
07/31/2013 1:46 pm
Level 24 : Expert Taco
Jaxtrm_'s Avatar
A lot better, good job! and... how do you pee? What? XD Possibly the best part of the entire string of interviews.
07/31/2013 10:55 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Warrior
UnTamedWolf's Avatar
warcraft want to be friends
07/31/2013 10:54 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Warrior
UnTamedWolf's Avatar
warcraftpriest you have to kepp leveling up to get more titles
07/31/2013 10:45 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Hunter
WarcraftPriest's Avatar
How do you get titles like Journeyman Dragon?
07/31/2013 1:44 pm
Level 24 : Expert Taco
Jaxtrm_'s Avatar
As you rank up, the first word changes and you unlock new titles for the second word.
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