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Judging - What's Right?

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Level 14 : Journeyman Scribe
Greetings again everyone. I'm back with another blog, today I will be talking about why you shouldn't judge.

Why is it?

So I don't understand how some things can be right while other things in the eyes of people are wrong. I won't name names and I won't say which or what but I seen a blog today on PMC - Someone who was going off about Dating in Minecraft and I thought to myself, "Oh this'll be interesting...". So I clicked on the blog to have a peek and I read about how this person didn't like the idea of online dating. Which if fine, each to his own. 

Though I think it's completely fine. Some people may find it disgusting and yes, it's easy to lie about who you are over the internet. Though if someone finds a connection with someone over the internet, who are you to say it's wrong? 

In the everchanging world we live in, where everything is being digitalized this becomes the Social Normal. So why is it that still in the eyes of many people that online dating is wrong? It's still the same thing as if you met them in real life, except your not physically there - Your still using your brain, your emotions are still there so what's the difference?

Honestly - They aren't hurting anyone... This is just like how I remember seeing something on the net one day when I was surfing. Some guy was having a huge rage rant about how he seen two gay people kissing in public and how he thought that was disgusting and how it shouldn't be allowed in public. I literally baulked. That's horrible. 

If something isn't physically affecting you, honestly you should just keep out of it. Take me for instance. I hate the way people nowdays dress. Basically walking around naked and in a few years I think that's the way we are heading. I don't go around constantly telling people to get clothes on - No I let them do what they want because they are comfortable with it. Who am I to say it's wrong?

So next time your about to judge someone on something you think is wrong just think - Who are you to tell someone what is right and what isn't?

Hey there guys - Thanks for reading another one of my blogs. As always if you liked it leave me a comment on your opinions and if you ever want to chat just throw a PM my way. :) 


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03/09/2014 11:18 am
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
Jetra's Avatar
Most people's systems of right and wrong come from the environment they grow up and how they were raised. The thing about online dating that most people don't seem to like is that people want to play a game to forget about real life, even for a moment. When you bring that kind of stuff into the virtual, your world of peace is shattered as reality takes hold. I honestly can't blame them, I want to surf the net, not see a bunch of 14-year-olds get into a relationship (Personally, I don't think you should start dating until you're 16 or 17, but that's off-topic).

People will always judge one another based on personas, beliefs, or even the clothes they wear. It is only when you consider why you are judging them that way and to find a solution that people can truely be more accepting of other people.
03/09/2014 3:02 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Scribe
Kinand's Avatar
Thanks for your input Jetra. Its true there will always be judgement in the world and nothing anyone can do can stop it because it's only human nature for people to get jelous, etc.
03/12/2014 7:56 am
Level 31 : Artisan Taco
bolibob2's Avatar
judging =/= jealousy.
03/09/2014 7:47 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Baconator
monkeyfunk26's Avatar
Also, it is a little naive to say "if it doesn't harm you, mind your own business." People who are offended at things ARE harmed in a mental sense. It infringes on their belief system, and humans treat such threats on our psychological stability as the devil, so to speak. I get what you are trying to say, but things simply don't work like that. An extreme example is,  an animal  killer who kills rodents and pets you don't know. It doesn't affect you in the least, really, especially if they are in a different location and have no way of hurting you. But should you not hold judgement, and by extension, society? Should the killer be allowed to go about things because it's not really affecting you, or a majority of people? It's not to say one way or the other about the examples you presented, but nothing is so black and white, and I mean NOTHING. That's why you made this post. That's why there are wars, polls, debate.
03/09/2014 7:50 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Scribe
Kinand's Avatar
Yeah I see your point and that's what I was trying to get at through this post. Its also why I always ask for the people who read this to voice their opinions.
03/09/2014 7:41 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Baconator
monkeyfunk26's Avatar
Online dating is not the issue, I'd imagine. If two players were in a real, committed, regardless of locale relationship, then no one would mind. It's that little kids, who either don't really know what it means, or  are purposefully trying to annoy/troll/harass other players cause problems. Log on, "will you be my GF/BF" based on an avatar alone? It's beyond ridiculous, and is annoying to everyone else when chat is spammed with similar postings."Looking for GF/BF." These sorts of people are annoying enough IRL, and are worse in-game, looking for it merely for the title (I think of younger kids). Relationships blossom naturally, they can't be bonemealed into a fully grown plant like they can in MC. And that's what most folks gripe is, I'd guess. The intrusion on their gaming experience with irrational and immature behavior.
03/09/2014 7:48 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Scribe
Kinand's Avatar
First off thanks for your input. 

True I honestly didn't think of it like that. You've given me something to think on. 

Anyway. Thanks again and nice to meet you :)
03/09/2014 7:49 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Baconator
monkeyfunk26's Avatar
I'm a psych major. I love mentally stimulating conjectures lol.
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