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LeonBass's Minecraft Ideas

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LeonBass's Avatar LeonBass
Level 23 : Expert Architect
Hello everyone, LeonBass here with another blog.

When I play Minecraft I think "Awesome game, although I think it's missing a few things.", and those few things could (in my opinion), make Minecraft a funner and more creative game to play.

Here are my ideas:

Wool slabs and Wool stairs: I think a lot of people have been wanting Mojang to add this, it would help alot for building. Just think, you could make an awesome couch and stuff like that. And your probably starting to get tired of the same stairs, well not exactly, but wool stairs could really help. Who knows, you could make the most epic stair case that you have been wanting to make.

Emerald tools and armour: Recently lots have modders have made this (awesome job original creators by the way), but imagine if they added this to the game, I mean, I'm sure you want to do more with emeralds then just use them for trading with Villagers (although it is pretty cool). Who knows, maybe they might have a specialty, besides it's shining green color.

Mob genders: I think this would be great for the game, here's how it would work:

Male chickens/Roosters: They wouldn't lay eggs.

Female chickens: They'll be the same (of course).

Male cows/Bulls: They wouldn't have udders.

Be able to climb vines without them being attached to a block: Simple, just keep holding the space bar when you're near some vines.

Throw-able blocks: This isn't the normal press the Q button and you drop the item or block, this is a type of throwing that actually hurts mobs and players. To do this, keep holding Q while you have any block (except the water and lava block) in your hand, you'll be able to move in the direction you want to throw it, like charging a bow. Depending on the block you hold and the how far you throw it, depends on how much damage it would do. While the block is thrown, it grows from item size, to block size. The strongest blocks would probably be diamond blocks, iron blocks, gold blocks, obsidian blocks, and bedrock blocks.

More bed colors: I think this would be a nice feature for houses. This is how it would work. The bed recipe would still give you the same bed color, no matter what wool color you use, but if you add a dye (like lapis) to the bed in the crafting table, it would give you for example, a blue bed.

Potion of Possesion (Splash type only): I think this is gonna be one of the best ideas, with these potions, you can tame monsters!!:D Possession potion 1 would make the monster tame-able for seven minutes, possession potion 2 would would make it tame-able for 1 minecraft day. Instant possession is the one your looking for, it'll make the monster be tamed FOREVER. You can revive a monster's health by giving them some kind of food.

Better exp: Getting exp has always been useful for enchanting Armour and tools, but you might want their to be another specialty for exp to make it more useful and convenient. So I was wondering, why not use it for improving player stats. When you pause the game, their would be a feature that says Level up. With this, you can make yourself stronger, faster, sneakier perhaps, and a faster swimmer. This would be EXTREMELY useful for PVP. Who knows, maybe you could beat one of your rivals. Now you're probably wondering "No Leon!!! These are going to turn Minecraft into an RPG! We don't want that in the game!", and so that, is why you can turn it on and off when creating a world. Just to make things fair:)

Break through glass panes: This is might be one of my best ideas yet. To break through glass, you'll have to keep sprinting for 5 seconds or higher and press the Space bar. However, you'll take a little bit of damage. When you break through glass without any Armour you'll take as much damage as when you throw an Ender Pearl, which whould be 2 and a 1/2 hearts. However, if you have armour stronger than leather, you'de take less damage. Your gonna find this as an extremely useful feature for all of you that make machinimas, warriors, etc. I got this idea from one of Slamacow's animations, A normal night in Minecraft.

More doors: Are you tired of their only being 2 kinds of doors in Minecraft, just Oak Wood and Iron Doors? Well I think their should be more kinds. I think their should Birch, Jungle, Pine, Gold, and maybe even Emerald Doors. Trust me, I think this is gonna change the game at least a little bit (that's a good thing:D).

Mirrors: This will be useful for seeing yourself in the mirror (obviously) and for making builds be a little more fancy.

Sea gulls: After seeing a lot of sea gulls on my vacation to Mackinac Island, I thought "Man they've got to add Sea gulls in Minecraft". Really, wouldn't it be cool. Their nests would be found in beaches and they'de live in land (of course). Sea gulls always fly around looking for food and of course, they'de only go to the sea to die. Sea gulls drop fish and feathers when they die. When they protect their nests, they will attack you whenever you get close.

Be able to pick up arrows that skeletons shoot out: Aren't you just tired of how you can't pick up the arrows skeletons shoot. We'll now you should. Just think, skeleton farms would be SO convenient.

Wall jumping: I think this would be one heck of a feature. To do this, you have to hold shift when your on a wall and then press the Space bar to jump (of course). You can even control the angle of the jump with the camera.

Better Sound settings and an extra feature in Graphic settings: In Graphic settings, gravel will have it's old texture when turning it on in Fast graphics. Because to be honest, I think the old gravel texture standed out more in places like NPC Villages. in the sound settings, their'll be a feature called classic sounds. It would bring back the old sound of arrows and TNT explosions (I once read a blog about the creator missing those sounds, he/she might like this idea).

Corpses: Are you tired of mobs disappering right away when they die? Well now, they would remain as corpses in the ground for 14 mintues. When the time runs out, then they disappear, but they will still drop their items as corpses. Use the time when their corpses to throw Potions of Possesion at the monsters (if you want a monster, of course).

Having Monsters: After taming monsters, they will now be you're loyal companions forever. You are able to put Armour on Zombies, Skeletons, and Zombie Pigmen. Monsters (this applies to dogs and cats) will have a level up feature. Monsters will fight for you and(like dogs) when you right click them they stay (right click again for them to move again). Sometimes, when you're Monsters really like you, they will give you roses' just like Iron Golems.

Sunflowers: Are you tired of their only being two kinds of flowers, need something else? Well here's my idea, Sunflowers. Sunflowers would be found in Forests (but not Spruce Forests), Plains, and in NPC Villages. Sunflowers would start out as small as normal flowers, but if you let it grow, it ends up being 4 blocks tall.

In game Music Records: Ever liked the Minecraft music that you listen to in gameplay? Unfortunately, they aren't available as Records. Well now they should. Perhaps the most peaceful game music would be in the brightest color.

More Wooden Fences: The types of fences are alright...... but I'm sure their could be more kinds. My idea is more wooden fences, even ones made with organic wood.

Book and Quill on Bonus Chests: So far, Bonus Chests have helped players have a jump start on Survival Mode, but I think their has to be at least 1 new item in the chest. And that item should be a Book and Quill. Reason why: If you really like to write down what you do everyday, this would be a great way to do it.

Ingame colorful Minecraft Font: Info coming soon.

Better Villagers: Villagers (along with Villages) have added a new feel to Minecraft over the past like 10 months. But I have some ideas on how they could be better. Villagers will now farm animals and will even milk the cows and shear the sheep. Sometimes, the young Villagers will even ride on the pigs. Villagers would now have wolves which would be their be their loyal companions and another one of their protectors along with the Iron Golems. Villagers will now also have a friendship meter with players. You can see their meter in the trade menu. If the meter is high enough, they will help you at times. Here's a another idea on how they could improve: Sometimes when a zombie breaks through their house, the Villagers will try defending themselves by throwing books at them (I'm pretty sure that the covers are hard).

Lighters: Redstone lovers, decorators, builders, you are all going to love this (including me. I can't really describe the shape or anything of the lighters yet, but here goes! Lighters would be smaller than a Torch and would light in the exact radios as a Torch. If you place any die on top of it, below it, or just near it in a crafting table, it'll light in that dye's color. Fortunately, lighters can be placed in water (waterproof FTW) and if placed in water, the water will be in the same color as the lighter (if you added color in it, of course). With this, you'll be able to throw great parties in Minecraft and you'll be able to create what you could never create before. Think about that:)

Pluckable (if that's a word) Feathers: I know this might be small, but it would be kind of convenient. Instead of going around killing chickens, why not make a Chicken farm so that you get feathers easily. To pluck a feather off, right click on an adult Chicken. This process can only be done every 10 minutes. Be sure to never pluck a baby Chicken's feather off, if you do, one of the parents will attack you, doing 1 heart of damage.

Tropical biomes: So far, we only have 1 tropical biome, Jungles (I think). They are one of the most amazing biomes I've ever been to. But I think we need another kind of biome to add another twist to the game, Tropical biomes (sorry I can't think of a name yet). Tropical biomes would have a range of Palm Trees like the trees from swamps, or the trees from Forests. The Palm Trees would have 1- 4 coconuts. More info coming soon.

Christmas updates: Besides Halloween updates, I'de say we need Christmas updates as well:) The updates would probably be a week or a couple days before Christmas and I'de say the update should add in snow globes, Christmas lights, present boxes (to make the box hold what you want to give to the other person, simply put an item on top, below, etc. near the box in the Crafting Table, and the boxes would be great for servers), and for now that's all I can think of.

New features for the Command Block: When I started seeing how Command Blocks work, I though "These are going to be so cool for adventure maps.", but then when I realized their was no way to make it so that ender dragons could not destroy blocks, that was a total downer. So I'de say, a new command should be dragonGriefing (true or false, of course).

Cutscenes for Adventure Maps: Have you ever wanted to add a cutscene in your adventure map when you just slayed the Enderdragon, or when you hit the jackpot in the mines, or when you just escaped from an ancient temple that was just about to explode? Dang, you just want a cutscene to make those kinds of moments even better. Now this is how it would work to add you're own cutscene. Before I start I just want to say that this may not sound perfect or possible to work with. So umm..... yeah. Anyway, to add cutscenes, you would go into the files in the folders, their would be something where you can copy and paste the video file code or whatever it's called (like I said, I'm not the best at this kind of stuff). To do all of this, you would have to download a program that let's you put cutscenes in you're adventure maps. To make the cutscene start where you want it to, you would have to be good with X Y Z cordinates to know at which point it would start. You would even be able to make it so that a cutscene starts whenever you defeat all the monsters or the boss in your current part in the adventure map.

If all of my ideas end up being added to the game, I'll make an animation that covers nearly all of the ideas. If you really like these ideas, you could tweet these to Jeb (if you want too). And who knows, we might have at least almost half of this in the game:D

If you like, go ahead hit that subscribe button and diamond. If you want to give me your're opinion about these ideas or just want to give a compliment, comment. See ya guys later and have a nice day.


23 Update Logs

Update #23 : by LeonBass 12/21/2012 3:14:43 pmDec 21st, 2012

-Added info on Cutscenes for Adventure Maps

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10/01/2014 7:47 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Robot
TheEnderCat5's Avatar
I love a lot of them, these are really creative. Earned a sub, pal! :D
10/03/2014 3:24 pm
Level 23 : Expert Architect
LeonBass's Avatar
Glad to hear that. And thanks. :)
07/15/2013 10:03 am
Level 30 : Artisan Grump
+snakeonthebus+'s Avatar
Wow, these are all really good ideas. Although I would probably make it so you could climb(like a ladder) over fences. That's one thing that really bothers me. This is still really good and I'm impressed at how long the blog is. Diamond for you my friend.
07/15/2013 10:21 am
Level 23 : Expert Architect
LeonBass's Avatar
Thanks! I didn't think I'd still get comments on this.
11/18/2012 3:56 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
groxlord27's Avatar
Notch does not believe in genders in minecraft.
I am making a document of what minecraft needs in the next update, i'll blog that at some point.
It's probably gonna be 50 pages long :)
Server on!
11/18/2012 4:23 pm
Level 23 : Expert Architect
LeonBass's Avatar
Glad to hear!
10/27/2012 8:50 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Nether Knight
DarkFusion's Avatar
EH... almost all of these are mods so they would probably get to implemented and then trashed. Most of this stuff would not stick to what Jeb and the team are doing keeping MC towards medieval. there is beach biomes, and sunflowers have no reason to be in MC as they have enough foliage now.

I have not commented the ideas that are mods.
10/27/2012 12:29 pm
Level 23 : Expert Architect
LeonBass's Avatar
True, most of this are already from mods. Maybe not everything needs to be added, but some of it. The thing is that, Minecraft has great potential, but it's still missing a few things. I've always felt kind of bad from the fact that their isn't much for decorating in Minecraft like tables and chairs, Using stairs and signs is actually a nice way to make a type of chair, but where missing the other kind. But I do respect your opinion.
10/11/2012 1:33 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Robot
WARdd's Avatar
How about more noteblocks? So you can make an entire orchestra!
There should also be noteblocks that can make continuous noise, instead of just single notes.
I know i could make some really cool noteblock songs if this existed in minecraft.
10/11/2012 1:45 pm
Level 23 : Expert Architect
LeonBass's Avatar
Agreed. Their should also be more instruments like pianos or even saxophones and stuff like that.
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