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My fantasy storys (these are not done)

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Shadowpearl19's Avatar Shadowpearl19
Level 18 : Journeyman Mage
Repetitions of the Past

Chapter 1

Elsanna glanced at her sister Elvanna who was digging through a garbage pile outside Lord Nyssis’ kitchen trash door. “Are you done yet?” she whispered urgently to her sister.

“No I can’t find it!” she whispered back, alarmed. They were looking for their mothers necklace. When Lord Nyssis kidnapped her and later killed her, he didn’t realize what it was and threw it away. “I can’t believe he didn’t recognize it! I hope we can find it” Elsanna said nervously. “Where is it? I can’t find it!” Elvanna cried frustrated a minute later. “Wait, what’s that?” Elsanna pointed to a dark lump half hidden in the shadows. Elvanna walked over and picked it up. She brought it over to the only sunlight that could reach into the dark alleyway. It was the necklace tangled around a small container with unreadable marks on it. “The necklace! Who’s going to put it on?” Elvanna exclaimed happily. “We can figure it out once we get home.” Elsanna said worriedly, looking around the eerie alleyway. Quickly they hurried back to the secret place they called home with the necklace and strange container.

All throughout the whispered conversation a dark shadow was listening. After they left he ran on the rooftops until he came to a building right on the river. He looked around to make sure nobody was watching and jumped down the chimney. “Master, I have found them.” he said in a raspy voice to the man who was waiting for him. “Good. Do they have the necklace?” the man replied. “Yess. It was tangled around a tall circular container.” the other man rasped back. “Hmm. Well that complicates things. Be there when they open the container and put on the necklace.” said his master.

Back in their home Elvanna and Elsanna were discussing the necklace and container. “You can put on the necklace if I get the container.” said Elvanna as she finished untangling the necklace from the container. “Okay that's fine, although I am curious what's in the container.” replied Elsanna. “I’ll open it in a minute. First put on the necklace.” demanded Elvanna. “Okay, I will.” said Elsanna laughing. She undid the clasp on the swirling silver necklace and slipped it around her neck. The necklace started glowing blue as soon as it touched her skin and it illuminated the entire room. A couple seconds later the light dissipated and left them blinking the light out of their eyes. “Wow!” Elvanna breathed. “Okay, it’s your turn.” Elsanna said. “Fine, I’ll open it.” Elvanna replied. She reached for the container, which was sitting next to her. She opened the container. A note in the same language as the writing on the container fell out along with a piece of fabric with long worn out elastic attached to it and a second note that was newer than the first. “What do they say? I don’t recognize the language.” asked Elsanna pointing at the notes. “Let’s figure it out in the morning. Right now I’m tired.” replied Elvanna.

In the morning Elsanna woke up before her sister to sun streaming in the windows. What?! The only time the sun streams through the windows like this is when it's almost noon! We couldn’t have slept for that long could we? She ran to the window and looked outside. Sure enough, the sun was straight above the building. Hmm. Did the necklace do something that made us sleep so long? Or was it something else? Elsanna walked over and shook her sister's shoulder. “What?” Elvanna said sleepily, not opening her eyes. “It’s almost noon, it’s time to get up.” replied Elsanna. “Oh! It is! Okay I’ll get up.” Elvanna said, looking around and blinking. They headed outside onto the street with the container to go to the library. The streets were deserted. “Where is everyone?” said Elsanna looking around at the deserted streets. A while later they walked past a hospital. “That hospital is full! Did everyone just disappear from their job and go to the hospital?!” said Elvanna looking at it. Elsanna shrugged and they continued walking toward the library. When they arrived at the library there was nobody there. Elvanna scanned the shelves as Elsanna studied the notes. “I can’t find anything in that language!” said Elvanna walking back towards her sister after she had looked at every shelf in the library. “Wait! I think I know the language! It’s old english! They stopped using it about 200 years ago. The older note says, 2020, Coronavirus: symptoms:, then I can’t read it anymore because of the age. The newer note says, The cure is hidden in Nythaa’s hospital.” exclaimed Elsanna. “Oh! Nythaa is a ruined town just outside the city! Coronavirus must be why everyone is in the hospital. Was it in the container?” replied Elvanna excitedly. “Well however it happened we have to get that cure. Which part of the city is it just out of? Old city or new city? Old city would be closer” said Elsanna walking toward the door. “It’s just outside of the new city.” Elvanna clarified, following her toward the door.

Almost an hour of walking later they arrived at the edge of the new part of the city. “It’s over there!” said Elvanna pointing toward a small town that was almost touching the edge of the city. “So where’s the hospital?” asked Elsanna looking around the town. “See the building on the far side? I think that’s it.” answered Elvanna. After they walked over to the building they could tell it was the hospital because it had a sign that said so. The hospital was in pieces. “How are we going to find the cure here?” said Elvanna looking around the ruined hospital. Someone wearing a black cloak with a hood jumped off the roof of a building next to them. “You're not.” he said in a rasping voice and glared at them threateningly from under his hood. “Um, you realize cloaks are like 15 centuries out of style.” Elsanna said to hide her terror. She grabbed her sister's hand and dashed toward the hospital door. Somehow he was there before they could make it through. Elsanna got an idea. She grabbed her mothers necklace, now her necklace, and charged him. He wasn’t expecting that. The shield that the necklace generated pushed him aside and they made it through the door. Elsanna decided she didn't trust the elevator and ran up the stairs. As they ran she was thinking. It must be hidden inside the walls. Lets just hope we get to it before he does. She ran through the third floor halls pulling her sister along until she came to a place where the wall was crumbling away. “Stay hidden somewhere, don’t come out until you hear me whistle.” whispered Elsanna urgently to her sister. A second later she started running, but this time she was running through the hollow walls. A minute later it occurred to her that the cure might be in the elevator shaft. After a bit of running she found the access to the elevator shaft. As she suspected before, the elevator cables had snapped and the elevator was at the bottom of the shaft. How am I going to get down? She thought as she scanned the dark walls. Then she noticed ledges going down around the edge of the elevator shaft. I can hop on those! She realized and started going down. Climbing would have been a better word to describe what she was doing. She was lowering herself from one onto the next one. She got about halfway down and she heard a bang, a bullet appeared right above her left shoulder. She realized she was more vulnerable while she was lowering herself down so she decided to try jumping instead. It hurt her feet a little but it was better than being hit with a bullet. When she was about three quarters of the way down the man with the raspy voice jumped from where he had been shooting at her and landed in front of her, she grabbed onto her necklace and ran at him. This time he was prepared. He braced himself. Somehow though she had gotten it on a different setting and it knocked him unconscious. She let go of the necklace and took his gun. She was unsure of when he would wake up so she kept jumping. At the bottom there was a ladder that led down into a room with a table with a jar on it. She could tell no one had been in there for a very long time because there was at least two inches of dust. Trying to not sneeze she walked over to the table and grabbed the jar. Over in the corner of the room there was a window. She shot the window with the gun and climbed out of it. Once outside she whistled and waited for her sister. A minute later Elvanna walked out of the ruined hospital's entrance. “Elsanna! You're okay!” she exclaimed. They walked back toward the city. During the walk to the hospital to give them the cure she told her sister about what happened. “I don’t think he’s dead yet.” Elsanna said grimly. A while later they arrived at the hospital and gave them the cure. They didn’t give any other explanation other than it was the cure and it was verified. They tiredly walked back to their house to fall asleep, exhausted.

Chapter 2

Elianna looked up from her book. Rasp was standing there staring at her. She was surprised by this, he’d never so much as looked at her before, nevermind stared at her. “Why are you staring at me?” Elianna asked. He said nothing. She sighed and rolled her eyes. Of course he wasn’t going to talk to her. She thought sarcastically. He kept staring at her. After two minutes of this she gave up trying to read her book and stared right back. Ten minutes later when their master, Lorec came into the room they were still at it. “Did I miss something?” Lorec asked, amused. Elianna and Rasp turned to look at their master. Rasp bowed. She rolled her eyes again. Why does he have to be so ridiculous? She thought and sighed. “Hello Lorec, he just started staring at me. It's so creepy…” She complained. “That makes me curious too. Why are you staring at her?” Lorec asked. “I believe Moranna had triplets.” Rasp answered shortly. “Triplets?” Elianna asked. “So… I have two siblings?” Lorec gave her a little smile, understanding what he ment. “Rasp thinks the two girls we’ve been watching are your sisters.” he replied.

Temple of the Moon

Silver Lemmin was bored. She was always bored on the silver moon when everyone above the age of fifteen went out searching for an Island Temple. Only three people had seen one and only one of them had been inside. Everyone wanted to find one even though most people thought they were only or mostly legends. It was believed by some people that the people who lived in Island Temples has magic, not magic tricks, that is an entirely different thing, pure magic.The magic that most people considered pure, people who had gone to the famous school, Lemicon think is a combination of coincidence and trickery, and were only trying to find an Island Temple to prove everybody wrong. Silver’s mother had gone to Lemicon. Silver had never believed her mother when she said that magic wasn’t real. Silver heard a knock on the door. “Who is it?” she called. “It’s Evyella, Lian wants us to come to the meeting tree where the hideout is. He didn’t say why.” Answered Evyella. “Oh! Yay! It's alway so boring on the silver moon!” Silver exclaimed. “Then come on!” Evyella replied impatiently. Silver walked out the door. Evyella was already walking to the secret hideout they had made in Lian’s backyard. “Evyella, Silver, you're here!” Lian exclaimed excitedly. “What are you so excited about?” Evyella asked. “You didn’t see? Over there!” Lian said, pointing. Silver looked where he was pointing and gasped. “An island temple!?” Silver exclaimed, surprised. “Yes! What are we going to do, explore it? Tell our parents?” Lian asked, a little nervous. “I think we should explore it or at least take a closer look.” said Evyella. “So do I.” replied Silver. “Ok, this might take a while so should we pack some stuff?” asked Lian, even more excited than he was before. “Definitely.” answered Silver. “Don’t take too long or our families might come back.” Evyella warned them. Silver ran to her house and grabbed her backpack. In it she put a change of clothes, four skinlights, two boxes of meatsticks and cheese, eight bottles of water, a rope, and an all tool. Then she ran back to their secret hideout. Evyella and Lian were already there. “Come on! Lets go explore it!” said Evyella both excited and nervous at the same time.They started walking towards the Island Temple. There seemed to be lights on top of it so they could still see it through the thick leaves. “Lian what on earth did you pack?! Your backpack looks stuffed!” said Evyella “um… 3 changes of clothes, 18 skinlights, 12 boxes of meatsticks and cheese, 22 bottles of water, 6 ropes, and 2 all tools.” said Lian sheepishly. Evyella smacked her forehead. “Oh Lian.” she sighed. As they continued toward the Island Temple the forest got thicker until they could barely get in between the trees. Finally it opened up into a clearing in the shade of the Island Temple. “Where's the door?” Evyella asked, walking around the huge gray pillar. “I don’t know, wait look about ten feet up, is that it?'' Silver replied. “Yes! Yes, it is!” Lian said excited as always. “How do we get up though?” said Evyella, asking the question they had all been thinking. “Hmm. Maybe those? Silver said, pointing to some bits of rock that stuck out from the pillar. “We could use them as hand and foot holds.” “Yes I think that's what they're there for!!!” Lian said excitedly and started climbing. Silver and Evyella followed him. About halfway up there was a larger ledge with an opening into the base of the Island Temple. “I think this is how we get in, the steps don’t continue past here.” said Evyella as she joined Lian and Silver on the ledge. “It’s dark in there. Should I activate a skinlight?” asked Silver, poking her head into the opening. “Yes, let's go!” replied Evyella impatiently.

They stepped into the darkness of the Island Temple. As they stepped in a blinding light turned on. Somehow they were in the middle of a stone chamber on a floating platform. “What happened?!” exclaimed Evyella. “More important question. How are we going to get off?” replied Silver. “We have the rope, we could use that!” answered Lian. “How are we going to get it over there?” Silver and Evyella asked him. “Throw it?” he said like it was obvious. “It won’t catch on anything. It’ll just fall off when we pull on it.” replied Silver dubiously. “Let me do it, I can get it to catch on that bar and we can swing across.” Lian answered confidently. He tied a loop in the end of the rope and threw it. It hooked onto the bar just like he said it would. He gave it a couple of good tugs and swung to the ledge. He swung the rope back to them. Evyella went next. She clung tightly to the rope as she swung across. In the middle she almost lost her grip but she made it across. Lian swung it back to Silver. She swung smoothly across and did a backflip off the rope. “Show off.” Evyella said smiling.

The Way to an Alternate Universe

Part 1 Olivianna Kcriabatt

Olivianna Kcriabatt and her family were driving to her grandparents house, and they came to a place where four roads met. The GPS said to turn left into a tunnel, but what the family didn't know was that the GPS was wrong, they were supposed to go right, not left. The reason? The aliens from Jupiter invented a mechanical device that switches the magnetic fields and creates pathways to alternate universes. The road to the right was odd because it wasn't on their GPS. (In their universe the road they were on was actually trees and bushes). As they drove through the tunnel they felt a tingling sensation and a minute later they fell.

CRASH! The car hit the ground. After they hit the Kcriabatt family felt the land wobble. “ That doesn't feel like an earthquake!” Exclaimed Olivianna worriedly. “No, that definitely doesn't feel like an earthquake.” Said Olivianna's mom agreeing in the same tone of voice. “I think we're on an island” Said Olivianna’s sister Lilyanna looking out the window. “It does look that way” Olivianna's dad commented on his British accent. “Can we get out of the car? it's way too hot and we've been in here for hours.” complained Lilyanna. “You might as well and I suppose that you're right.” said Oliviana's mom. As the Kcriabatt family got out of the car Olivianna's mom said, “I know this place! It's where I grew up and Olivianna was born!” “WHAT!” Olivianna exclaimed loudly. “What what what?” The mountains echoed back. “Yes, you were born here.” “I was born here? how?” questioned Olivianna. “I'll explain later.” replied olivianna's mom. “ Was I born here?” Asked Lilyanna, confused. “No, you were born at grandmother and grandfather’s house.” said both parents at the same time. The island was big, the part they could see was very small compared to the island. On one side of them was the ocean and the other three sides there were mountains blocking their view. Olivianna looked at her mom, she was staring at a valley between two mountains. After looking that way for a minute, Olivianna noticed a dark speck among the green. “Is that a village?” Olivianna wondered.

Olivianna’s mom was deep in thought, she was remembering her life before Oliviannawas born. She knew that they were in great danger but for now, they would be safe enough.

She was sitting in the room waiting. For what, she was not sure. The door opened, in came a young man about her age wearing a cloak. She noticed that her parents followed. “Zara, we’ve arranged a marriage for you.”

“Zara, you’re pregnant.”

“Zara, you can go, I can stay here, it’s fine.”

Stepping into a cave with baby Olivianna in her arms, stepping into a new life.

“Mom,” Lilyanna’s voice distracted her from her daydream. “Who’s that?” She sighed, the problem with having children. She refocused her eyes and saw a man. “Eaika?” she said. “Yes, it is me.” he said smiling.

Olivianna’s mom and the man that stepped out of the water hugged and kissed. “I missed you so much.” said Oliviannas mom. “I knew you would come back some time” said the man who stepped out of the water, apparently named Eaika. “So this is Olivianna?” Eaika asked, looking at Olivianna. During that time Olivianna was processing and information overload “father?” Olivianna said questioningly. Just then she felt something tug at her mind, and she ran and grabbed her notebook from the car and drew a map. It looked like this,

“That’s a map of the island we’re on!” Said oliviannas mom surprised “I just remembered, I saw it on your desk a couple of months ago when I was looking for a pencil. But, Mom, why did you have a map of this island on your desk?” asked Olivianna. “There were suspicious sightings and disappearances so I was trying to figure out if there could be a way to get home, and if there was, where it was and where would it lead to.” said Olivianna’s mom, ansering her question. “That's not the real reason is it? You’ve always planned to come back?” asked Olivianna. “Yes.” Oliviannas mom stated sadly. “Yes.” “Come.” I assume the rest can’t travel by water?” Eaika said beckoning for them to follow. “No,” Oliviannas mom said “they can’t travel by water.” said Oliviannas mom. “So I’ll take Lilyanna and Relleziic to Licton and you can bring Olivianna through the water?” Asked Eaika. “That works for me.” Oliviannas mom replied. “Can I bring my backpack?” Olivianna asked. “Sure” answered Olivianna’s Mom. “where are we going?” Lilyanna asked as if just finding her voice again. “We’re going to Licton.” answered olivianna’s mom. “We’d better get going or else I’ll be missed.” said Eaika. Olivianna and her mom went to the edge of the water. “It’s okay to be nervous the first time you travel by water, I know I was.” reasured olivianna’s mom “ready?” “yes.” answered Olivianna. The two of them stepped into the water.

For a second there was a swirling blackness then they were there. Olivianna and her mom were standing next to the ocean, Surprisingly their feet were dry! About 200 feet away was a small town, next to them was a sign that said, Welcome to Licton! Olivianna and her mom started walking up toward the town. All the people in the town square stopped and stared, then they started whispering, finally after a few minutes a lady came running towards them and hugged Olivianna’s mom “Oh Zara I never thought you would come back.” said the lady then she burst into tears. “Mother I would never desert you.” Oliviannas mom said softly “I love you.” “How did you get back?” said the lady who Olivianna figured out was her grandmother. “We were traveling to my other daughter’s Grandmother and our GPS, a map that tells you how to get somewhere said to go into a tunnel, and then we fell and landed on Coletimic beach near the Ocean and Eaika found us. Eaika, Relleziic, my husband from the other universe, and Lilyanna, my other daughter are traveling by land because I’m not sure how they would take going by water.” Olivianna’s mom said. Oliviannas Grandmother invited them to her house. “What have you done with my room?” Oliviannas mom asked curiously as soon as they got into the house. “Actually we haven’t changed it since you left.” Oliviannas Grandmother said sadly. “Eaika should be here soon.” Oliviannas mom said changing the subject. “Your father is at the palace as usual.” Oliviannas Grandmother said sounding slightly annoyed. “Maybe we Could visit him at some point?” asked Olivianna’s mom.” Of course we can visit, if he allows us.” Olivianna’s grandmother said, sounding annoyed again. “Why would he not allow us? That just doesn’t seem like him.” said Olivianna’s mom with a worried look on her face. “Now that I think about it, you're right that doesn’t really seem like him, does it.” said Oliviannas Grandmother, seeming worried, just in a different way as if not worried about the same thing. Eventually they ate a dinner of ham and pickles, and went to bed.

Part 2 Elizabeth Witch

Elizabeth Witch was flying with her old foster parents from their home in England to her soon to be family in florida.

Part 3 Kaytlyn Xelksha

Kaytlyn Xelksha was walking through the woods in her backyard. The woods were about 10,000 square feet so she had explored it all, or so she thought. It was early morning, the light filtering through the leaves was beautiful and it also seemed right. Right for what? Kaytlyn wondered. Oh! I know! Right to enter the cave?! she thought excitedly and started walking towards the cliff in the back of the woods under the fence. She had found the cave by accident one evening when she was climbing the cliff so she could see over the tops of the trees. I wonder, what could be inside? She started climbing the cliff, after a bit of climbing she finally arrived at the cave entrance. She stood there for a moment and parted the vines. When she looked inside the cave she gasped, inside was an underground forest. She stepped inside and looked around in wonder. When she looked back towards the cave entrance it was gone, there were only trees. Wait, where did the cave entrance go? How am I supposed to get back home?! Well I suppose the only thing I can do now is continue on through the forest cave. She thought logicly. She kept walking through the underground forest. After a while she walked out of the cave into a beautiful valley.

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