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When Great Minds Gambled (A Gladiatorial Fantasy)

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Thadrious's Avatar Thadrious
Level 47 : Master Strawberry
A fantasy story by Thadrious Inc.

When Great Minds Gambled

My name is Roth, it is just after the dawn of the age of man; my civilization, Eshkana, had risen up without the help of the surrounding terrain and made a strong name by doing so. Eshkana had been the offspring of the Ancient Alfar but since the end of the war of the image the country along with the rest of the world had plummeted into civil disorder due to the absence of Alfar. It took many generations for a great leader to rise up and grasp the countries potential to bring it into a golden age. But recently trouble across the ocean lands had been brewing that the great beast Nitas had been released from his imprisonment in Krannack. There was also the assassination of our king Agrome, at the hands of the Mountain Rocki tribe towards the west. Ever since his death a disordered governor by the name of Mallock had taken possession of Eshkanao s rule and brought down hard judgment upon the surrounding Markar lands. The Markar were a civilization of beast like men that Mallock and Agrome spat upon as being a nescience to the o civilized worldo Mallock had taken more drastic messures then Agrome to enslave this civilization and use them for barbaric entertainment in the local arenas.

Many of the Markar had refused to fight one another in the arena but where forced using possessive arts of spiritual magic, a form that seems to be growing disgustingly common these days. The magic rears after necromancy which was a dangerous art discovered by Baraaduk long before the Age of Beasts. As a general to the Eshkana army I decided to take a stand against these evil ways and attempt to liberate the Markar and end any use of the magic conjuration, reanimation, and manipulation. Many of my diplomatic attempts had been unsuccessful these late few years and I fear the popularity of the arena games have been growing immensely over these past few months with Mallock in charge. I confronted him one evening at the capitol arena; he was sitting in his high throne like usually betting on his favored Markar gladiator.

o Mallock, it has been long since we last talked.o

The man turned from his chair to face me and asked, o What business do you have here general?o

o I have come to discuss the affairs of the Markar and arenaso ¦o Mallock stood silently starting at me without an expression on his face, and then turned to watch his game. As he did he replied without looking back; o We have discussed these terms before and I thought I made myself clear that the Markar belong here, and serve as our entertainment.o

My anger slowly began to grow as I pressingly stated o We never came to a complete conclusion, there is much dispute in the council about this and I believe that you are corrupting this nation against the high god Forsha.o

o By whoo s law is it wrong to watch animals quarrel in a pit?o He countered without drawing his eyes away from the present fight.

o By Forshao s law! The law he established to all Ancients long before the era of corruption, do you not remember the many years before the age of Beasts. When the Ancient king Alfar reigned over this land?o

Apparently I had angered Mallock as he rose from his seat and walked close up to me saying in a hushed voice o If you were not the prize general and admiral of our galleyo s fleets then I would have you banished from this land, but seeing as you are a valuable military asset I suggest you keep to your tactics and out of diplomatic affairs.o

o This is not just diplomatico ¦o I spoke strongly

o I will keep to my gambling and you keep to your militaristic mindo ¦o he turned to sit back down but not before I spoke asking; o You gamble and waste your time on such issues that our king before you would never have done.o

o I gamble as a sense of inspiration and freedom for my soul, and the entertainment of gambling upon gladiatorial battles gives much satisfaction, and I never lose, I always wino ¦ one way or another.o Mallock smiled as he sat back in his chair and continued to watch the battle take place.

I turned from him and walked back towards the arena door exit, but not before glancing in to watch the end of the arena battle. My heart went out for the six Markar men who fought one another with crude tactics of violence. I couldno t take my eyes of the sad sight as I saw each one fall until only one remained, who was Mallocko s champion. The crowds of people in the stands stood cheering for the manipulated body which stood in the center of the arena amidst all the chaos that had just taken place. I cautiously exited the arena and slept for the night thinking of how I could help in any way to keep the Markar out of the reach of people like Mallock.

The Next morning I awoke with a new plan, a plan of risky action, but a plan that could work none the less. I quickly traveled to the capitol palace where as usual Mallock sat awaiting audiences of people to address. I approached him and he frowned at my entrance, before I could speak he spoke out angrily saying, o Have you come to press more information charges upon me? I heard that you are starting to sway the council of elders and even some of the arch-mages to your side.o

o No, I have come to offer you a proposalo ¦o Mallocko s brow raised at the sound of my words and gestured for me to continue.

o My king, I have come to you to propose a gamble, in the arenao ¦ I wish to train and compete my own Markar slave against your championo ¦o

Mallock chuckled as I finished and said o what are the terms you wish to gamble on?o

o Io m betting the freedom of my chosen Markar and his family, and the winnings to be given over to my diplomatic friends to be used towards the overall liberty of the Markar civilization. And I refuse to use manipulation upon my Markar contestant, and to train him personally.o Mallock grinned and tapped his hand upon the throne armrest saying o and if I win?o

o You get the winnings, and the diplomats and I off your back from the issue of Markar slavery.o

o I will agree to your terms.o Mallock then dismissed me and I quickly left the palace.

The first thing I did was find one of the imprisoned Markaro s, his name was Dal-Morg, a young husband, and father of two young children. I told him my proposal of freedom, it took him a day to think it over but finally he agreed. Weeks passed as I trained him in the Eshkana military physical arts. He was a much stronger creature then I was and patient with me even when times became increasingly rough. He was diligent and eventually came to be a great fighter. Every day I would assure him that freedom was closer than it had ever been before, but I also told him that he had to be strong to win a fight against his own species.

We grew to become close friends, and one day the Markar asked me; o Is it right under the name of Forsha to fight a possessed brother for a good cause?o

o The Markar you will be fighting is not your brother, though he may have been once, the magic of manipulation has poised him, after been controlled for nearly a month I dono t believe there is any hope to resurrect his original mind, he is nothing but a soulless body now.o

o Then thank you, for keeping me from such fateo ¦ But, I have heard it is wrong to gamble under Forshao s name, as it is a game of chance and deadly consequences. Your cause is right but your actions seem unjust.o

o Sometimes, unjust actions are required to give a better outcome, in this case the chaotic world of Eshkanao s gladiators; you must kill your own, in order to take the first step towards freedom, for all.o

Finally the time had come; the entire crowd anticipated the fight that would now take place, as the king had made a powerful bet upon who would win. Mallocko s champion who was nicknamed the Messenger of Krannack, vs. my friend and student Dal-Morg. As the bell rung to release the gates I watched with my breath held as Dal-Mog approached the sand circle of the arena, and just across from him was the Messenger of Krannack. The gong sounded as the two ran at each other with weapons flailing in the air and battle cries sounding. As the two Markar collided the Messenger of Krannack was knocked off balance and Dal-Morg swept his legs with his spear. The Messenger fell to the ground but quickly raised his shield to block the oncoming attack from Dal-Morg. I turned to see the face of Mallock who seemed displeased with the work I had conjured up from such an average Markar.

The battle raged on and the two seemed surprisingly equal, even with the magical enhancement of manipulation the Messenger couldno t get an opening from Dal-Morg for a finishing blow. The entire crowd seemed on their edge as the two ran at each other with everything they had to give. Suddenly the Messenger was able to bash his shield upon Dal-Morg knocking him over in a daze. As the Messenger of Krannack came down for a final blow Dal-Morg dropped his weapons and grabbed his enemies spear mid flight and snapped it. He then grabbed his shield off the ground bashed his enemy knocking him unconscious. The crowd was stunned at what had just happened and the king was in shock. I raised my fists to the sky in victory but then looked to see Dal-Morg standing silently over the unconscious body of his enemy. The crowd repeated for him to kill the champion and there was a sudden pause. Dal-Morg turned pick up his spear and snapped it on his knee, dropped the ruble and raised his fist in the sign of victory.

The crowd was silent and began to boo him off the arena grounds. Either way the Markar had won but without a glorious victory from the people. I ran down to greet my tired friend and so did Mallock. He silently approached us from a distance and then turned to walk back upstairs as if changing his mind about something. I grabbed my friends hand and neck and spoke the words he had been anticipating for a long time o Youo re free.o It seemed like such a small step, but it was a step none the less, and showed the people the true personality of the Markar.

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