Am I too old for Minecraft?

Snowy_Parker's Avatar Snowy_Parker8/9/17 2:34 pm
51 emeralds 12.2k 247
6/12/2019 8:10 pm
Starryspectrum's Avatar Starryspectrum
Hello everyone.

I am 16 years old and I recently got back into playing minecraft. I hadn't played it for a good year and a half because I simply got bored of it but I am now back and I feel ready to play a bunch again. You see, I first started playing minecraft back in the fall of 2010 when I was only in 4th grade. I've seen this game grow and evolve over the years and I can't tell you how much fun i've had. But only recently, when I started playing again. I felt... Left out, or not in my place. I feel that because i'm 16 and all my other friends have moved on the other games. I feel like I shouldn't be playing. Right now is a time in my life when I have started to think about my early adult plans in a couple of years and I can't help but wonder if I should be playing at this age. Now I know what you guys may be thinking, "Oh! You can play at age 50 for all I care, It doesn't matter! Aslong as your enjoying yourself!". And to an extent this is true, but I can't find people my age to play with anymore. Everytime I play a game and someone asks if they wanna discord. They always turn out to be way below my age and I feel like i'm an oddball in everyplace I go. I never thought back in the day, everyone was my age too. I figured there were a diverse range of ages playing the game. Basically what I'm trying to say is. Am I welcome?? In this community that I have come to love for 43.75% of my entire life!? (Yes I did the math). I really don't want to feel this way. Is there anyone out there my age or older that feels the same way? I have a pretty good YouTube channel going that I have had for 2 years now and I've uploaded 100+ videos and my subscribers enjoy what I do post but I don't DARE upload a minecraft video because to them it's "Childish". So again, if there is anyone else out there that feels the same way I would love to know. THANKS!
Posted by Snowy_Parker's Avatar
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner

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01/27/2018 3:42 pm
They/Them • Level 54 : Grandmaster Cowboy Pixel Puncher
Indraft's Avatar
the real question is if you're too young for minecraft
02/28/2019 1:02 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Archer
Andarius68's Avatar
I'm fifty years old and play Minecraft. One lady who applied to my realm recently was 10 years older than me. If you ever get too old to enjoy a good game then I feel for ya. Don't listen to the haters.
01/15/2019 6:35 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Taco
Iapetus11's Avatar
Hey, i'm 15 and none of my friends played it and scoffed at me when I asked them if they played minecraft. Don't let anyone peer pressure you into doing anything!
08/23/2017 6:07 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
CLARBS1973's Avatar
we dont stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing
06/14/2018 1:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Joetorp's Avatar
Am I too old? I am 72, admin of rencorner minecraft, been playing since 2011.
05/23/2018 11:07 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Mr_Vaudeville's Avatar
I agree with most of the other comments. There's no such thing as 'too old'. I turn 29 in less than a week, and I adore the game. All of the biggest, most detailed builds I've seen - and the best tutorials - are all by older, adult players.

At the end of the day, only you can decide if it's something you want to keep doing. Don't let others dictate how you should or shouldn't feel about a thing. As long as it brings you joy or fun, there's no problem.
06/24/2018 1:51 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
dunuo123's Avatar
I know this is too late but happy Early month late birthday.Ehh...
01/28/2018 1:59 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Engineer
ShelLuser's Avatar
Too old? I'm 47 years old and still seriously enjoy playing Minecraft.

As to not finding people of the same age: who cares about age in the first place? You don't judge a book by its cover, you don't judge a person by their looks so why would you judge someone up front by their age?

I've played amongst people (on a server) who turned out to be kids (12 - 14) yet were still much more mature than some 21 year olds I know. Don't judge people by their age, judge 'm by their behavior, you may very well end up surprised sometimes.

Of course I have to admit that I consider myself lucky with the server I play on because it has a very broad variety of players. There are whole families playing there and having a good time, so you can run into 14 year olds just as easily as you can run into 40 year olds :)
06/11/2019 12:34 am
Level 21 : Expert Geek
MrDementorFace's Avatar
You're never to old for Minecraft!
07/19/2018 5:56 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Ivain's Avatar
I'm 22, and still here. Minecraft is ageless. It's communities that are age-based. A very large portion of Minecraft's playerbase is younger than 16, so a lot of servers will feel like you're surrounded by younger kids. But there's many others.
As mentioned by others, the creative community as a whole tends to have a much wider spread of ages. I've met people that are pretty good at building or other forms of creation in MC, but are only 12 or 13, while others are older than me still.

As for people saying it's too childish, that's on them. Nobody who plays stuff like Farmville or CandyCrush or FIFA's football simulator gets to even BREATHE about minecraft being too childish.

I'd also like to see them build a cool castle or complete a CTM map.
09/08/2017 7:58 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Miner
awwwa's Avatar
ooh, I am 47, minecraft is played by any aged people, my 4 years old son plays too
10/09/2017 4:55 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
KaanGaming's Avatar
But isn't minecraft for 7+ Aged peoples? May it's dangerous for your son.
05/21/2018 11:35 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Princess
PufferJackets's Avatar
It's not dangerous, there's nothing objectively dangerous in the game. Children that age are likely to be exposed to much worse of things so, minecraft, I'd say is a good thing for children that age as they aren't then currently, as they are playing, taking in the other genuinely dangerous content.
08/23/2017 11:57 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
MarineToast88's Avatar
Never to old for good ol Cave Game
08/20/2017 1:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
fishkake's Avatar
Oh God. Thanks for sharing your ages everyone. It really helped me to find out that I AM LITERALLY DOUBLE THE AGE of most people on here...

The first computer games I played looked like this.

And I still play Minecraft. When I get too old, I'll let you know.
08/23/2017 11:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
trylesta's Avatar
I LOVED PAPERBOY. That probably dated me, but whatever. I'm closer to 40 than 30 myself but I still play.

Not Paperboy. Minecraft. I haven't played Paperboy since the 90s.
03/10/2019 2:38 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Tobbzii's Avatar
You're never too old for minecraft mate, im 16 nearly 17 myself.
03/01/2019 11:50 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Vampire
SouthDakotaGirl's Avatar
Your never to old for Minecraft!
a blue car
03/01/2019 8:14 am
Level 45 : Master Giraffe
a blue car's Avatar
snowy, eat a snickers. you start doubting the things you love when you're hungry.
08/26/2017 8:44 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Mlem Mlem Bat
Remmicious's Avatar
You're 16 you're not all big and mighty
08/24/2017 12:16 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Archer
jaebeom's Avatar
I'm 16, I still play minecraft and im always on pmc...

Minecrafts for all ages, Nothing can really change that

My 18 y/o sister plays minecraft daily and wONT sTOP trYING TO geT M e tO PLay WITH HER

so its normal
08/24/2017 12:02 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Jav0330's Avatar
Well, I'm over 50 years old so.. If you are too old.. OMG!

We love the games we love. If it makes us happy, that is the point right?

08/23/2017 11:50 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Answer
black_hat's Avatar
Never. I'm 21 and I play this all the time after work. Do what you enjoy doing and to hell with the haters.
08/23/2017 10:50 pm
She/Her • Level 58 : Grandmaster Grump Pokemon
Azie's Avatar
There are plenty of people way older than that that are still playing.

I remember when I was in middle school and my dad told me I'd grow out of Pokemon when I got older. I'm 22 now and I still play because I still enjoy it.
08/10/2017 10:03 pm
Level 27 : Expert Architect
DrummerJacob's Avatar
Minecraft is rated E for everyone.
08/10/2017 8:44 pm
She/Her • Level 46 : Master Nerd Fox
KrissieFox1's Avatar
*laughs* I'm 30 and it's one of my favorite games. :) I suppose I can understand if you feel awkward when you're having difficulty finding other players within your age range, but I'm sure you can meet other teens who enjoy the game. I'm sure I would have loved playing it as a teen. Part of the problem might be - and please don't take this personally - is that a lot of teens may be feeling social pressure to be what their peers deem as "tough" or "cool" and may actually like Minecraft just as much as you, but are just afraid to open about it because they might get teased. I was like that in my teens, to a degree.

But anyway, I'd suggest maybe looking around for a server of mostly your age range if you feel awkward. I'd definitely feel a bit silly playing Minecraft on a server full of hyperactive 12 year olds, so I can understand that. I'm sure you can find servers out there with a more mature player base if you look.
08/09/2017 3:56 pm
Level 23 : Expert Botanist
XxOPoofyOxX's Avatar
I'm 17 and I still play PixelGun and stuff.
08/09/2017 3:54 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
hgbf's Avatar
16? No. Finding someone that age might be a little more difficult than finding someone around 12, but it is far from impossible. Some easy ways to gain new friends is by checking server reqruitement threads on forums etc. I have one I recommend at www.reddit.com/r/realms/comments/6qy2vp/monthly_looking_for_group_thread_java_edition/
Good luck!
06/12/2019 8:10 pm
Level 40 : Master Wolf Whisperer
Starryspectrum's Avatar
Too old to play Minecraft? Not a possible thing. I know someone over 50 who plays.
06/11/2019 12:36 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Snowy_Parker's Avatar
Just want to say I'm 18 now, a graduate. I love playing minecraft and I feel I've found my place. I can't believe this thread is still going after 2 years. Thank you all for your replies, it means a lot.
03/12/2019 9:51 pm
Level 22 : Expert Dragon
CD242's Avatar
Minecraft's community ranges from kids who are 7 years old all the way to mature adults, just go on youtube to see that. Minecraft is a game of infinite possibility, so of course theres a large section that is childish but theres also parts that are more mature. You're never too old to create and explore.
03/11/2019 6:39 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Mountaineer
Kastivi's Avatar
The mature community I play with has people well over their 50ies playing..
03/11/2019 1:49 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Krader's Avatar
Well i guess you are 18 now
06/11/2019 12:30 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Snowy_Parker's Avatar
Indeed I am. And yes I play, I found my place :)
03/11/2019 12:34 pm
Level 83 : Elite Fox
CraftyFoxe's Avatar
Wew this thread is still going on for 2 years.
06/11/2019 12:31 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Snowy_Parker's Avatar
I quite surprised myself. I'm 18 now, just graduated High School. And I still play .
03/11/2019 12:04 pm
Level 48 : Master Answer
Makaneek's Avatar
there are people twice your age who play minecraft.
02/28/2019 2:53 pm
Level 48 : Master Sus
ArcaneKnight's Avatar
I'm over 300 millions years old and still play it, it's a game for any age
02/28/2019 12:44 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Explorer
TheCyanShyGuy's Avatar
no. simply no. you are never too old to do what you love. don't let the opinions of others get in your way of doing something you are passionate about.
02/28/2019 12:25 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Architect
TheArchitect1995's Avatar
I don't think you could ever be too old for Minecraft, it provides a great way for people to get out their creativity. I'm 23 and I've been playing it for the past 6 years
09/16/2018 8:00 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Pokemon
Noibat's Avatar
not at all.
06/05/2018 2:03 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
luigi_vampa's Avatar
Awww, that's cute! I'll be 40 in October.
05/23/2018 7:43 am
Level 40 : Master Dragonborn
DraterTTV's Avatar
You can never be too old for Minecraft. I have friends 24+ who play it. If you want to do Minecraft videos without upsetting your subscribers you can always create a second channel for Minecraft content. I don't post Minecraft stuff on my channel but I don't really want too.
If you want to find people your age then you'll need to start going on more mature servers. It doesn't really matter how old someone is, to be honest as long as they are a good friend. I am friends with people younger and older than me and I'm 18.
And if you want to do Minecraft content on your channel in a way that doesn't seem childish then why not do a modpack series on something more grown up like my friend Ulandos. He does Minecraft AVP and recently got 100,000 subs. Never give up and don't be afraid to walk into the unknown.
05/04/2018 4:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
JoeThinks's Avatar
I know this is an old post (9 months) and for some reason its received recent activity, but I want to chime in here.

Now, I've been a gamer from 10 years old on, and i'm pushing 40 now. It's been both fascinating and humbling watching the Video Game industry grow up with all of us. The most fascinating part of this observation has been the advent, maturing, and then standardization of the Online Gaming market; and I've been there through it all. I've Ultma Online and Everquest; EQ from the begining (and got out after House of Thule) and been one of those stuck up guys in a high-end raiding guild that will not give you the time of day. I've played Runescape for just as long, knowing the joy of putting on a max cape after years of gains, leaving for months to a year, and then having so much work to do simply to equip it again.

I bring the above points up, because I’ve been where the OP was when they posted this; many times. I game with friends too, fall under their influence, and in-kind influence them. The pressure of great life-long gamer friends or online followers, is that when they move on to other game, we often feel we must as well to keep them happy or at least content.

The root underline issues addressed but unspoken here in this post, is that in reality age has very little, to almost nothing, to do with how one reacts and behavior related to group gaming or gaming exposition (YouTube and such); it all has to do with maturity. The maturity you possess and the maturity that others convey to you with their opinions. (The true irony of that statement comes when you are playing Minecraft next to someone playing a game like say Skyrim and then they knock Minecraft; even though they too love the game and have hundreds of hours into their own world(s) and online play time on servers.)

This is one of those life lessons I really wish someone could have told me at a younger age, even if I wouldn’t have listened to it back then. If your maturity level is very deviated from those around you or those you value as in followers, you are going to naturally have these types of dilemmas. Remain true to yourself and if it truly bothers you, talk with your friends or poll you followers; get feedback and give feedback. Communication is a paramount portion of maturity.

Wow, that was a lot longer then what it was in my head; but, I hope this helps someone one day.
04/29/2018 8:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
unclekeith's Avatar
I'm 47 and still going strong. I play with the boys and lads down at pub. I don't see anything wrong with that I am on your side young one.
04/23/2018 11:11 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
HunkyHenry's Avatar
NO your not too old, now you just need to start creating plugins, mods, and huge build projects.
So far the average age of players on my new server is like 25. lol
01/27/2018 10:00 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Artist
ParadoxMM's Avatar
Dude, I'm 19 and I still play the game. Nothing wrong with you playing it as long as you enjoy the experience. (Cliché, but true.)
As for videos, that's a majority of what's on my channel. Do I get great views? No, but I enjoy making the videos, editing them, and uploading them. (Okay, maybe not the editing because I'm still figuring out what works for me.)
If you need someone about your age to play with, I'm always glad to hang with other Minecrafters. If you want to play sometime, PM me and I'll give you my Discord.
10/09/2017 4:46 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
KaanGaming's Avatar
I am gonna check ratings:

Okay, you are not too old to play Minecraft! Just continue!
09/08/2017 8:15 am
Level 1 : New Network
ItAHo's Avatar
Surely this can be solved reasonably.

Hey there Snowy_Parker! I'm 15 and had your problem once before. If public opinion about you is all you care about, then go ahead and drop minecraft in favor of a game such as PLAYERUNKOWN BATTLEGROUNDS. However, if like me, you couldn't care less, then go ahead, do what makes you happy. I mean, the game is rated E for everyone for a reason right? Like, a game like that appeals to the greatest common denominator and would have a larger impact on a larger audience. Yes, minecraft is filled with at the very least 65-75% kids, And on console, this number is almost certainly 90%. You said you wanted to think about your future, which I respect, however, don't let your plans get in the way of what makes you happy, because that's what life is in the end right?

I wish you luck on your journey!

09/02/2017 8:50 pm
Level 1 : New Network
NeverForPeace's Avatar
I'm 18 and run a server now :)
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