Re: Blood Line || Forum RP Application Thread ||

BlackFTW's Avatar BlackFTW4/28/12 5:39 pm
1 emeralds 2.2k 100
11/15/2012 5:25 am
Teddy's Avatar Teddy
If you even give your IGN, you're automatically dead. THIS AIN'T A SERVER RP, BOI!

IC: blood-line-forum-thread-t78236.html

Well, if you were into RP when RP was first introduced to PMC, you might remember that I once made a RP titled "Blood Line". (( blood-line-t19551.html )) I loved it, it was fun. Though, I wanted to revive it now, thinking back. It wouldn't be right to just revive a seven month old thread that is already dead and buried, so I decided to make this, Re: Blood Line. Since I'm (at least I think) better at RP, I think I can re-do it, making it better in the aspects of what I have improved on. With out further delay, I bring you... the plot...

The Plot...
In the country of Asurea, certain people, dubbed Bloodliners by themselves, possess... certain... "odd" things. The blood from ancient ancestors flow through their veins, giving them a considered "unholy" ability to do certain things no one else can. The root of this is that Bloodliners' ancestors preformed taboo rituals that cursed their families. In exchange for the ruined fate of their next a hundred generations and their souls, they received powers normal man could only dream of controlling.

In total, the number of people who participated in these ancient events was a total of twelve. Each one having a different ability. The thing is, that, whoever they married, their children would get an altered power, either slightly or a lot different than their father or mother's power. It flowed in their blood, the children spread the curse further through the generations. Two thousand years after the initial curse, is where our story takes place.

The government of Asurea try to keep the public from knowing of the existence of Bloodliners, though they track down Bloodliners in hopes of capturing, controlling, and killing them. You see, the one way for the curse to be destroyed is to kill every single last remainder of the Bloodliners, as with no Bloodliners, there could never be a new Bloodliner born, therefore ending the line of the curse. Forever. Until another fool dared to attempt the rituals again.

Bloodliners could get their abilities at any time, ranging from birth to death. It could be almost anything, as there is no way to predict it.

Teh Rules:
1.) Your character cannot be OP or perfect.
2.) Your grammar MUST be at a fifth grade level or higher.
3.) You only have three chances to sign up, so don't spam fourteen different characters that you know won't pass.
4.) Do not god-mod, meta-game, or power-game. I can see you sleep.
5.) Do NOT swear your head off. This isn't Jersey Shore, this is a RP not meant for gangsta' users.
6.) Mdaddy, if you're reading this, get off the whale.

Application Format! :3
Your backstory and dialogue must be at least a paragraph long.

[b]If a Bloodliner, abilities:[/b]
[b]Anything Else?[/b]

Me, fabulous me! *Bathes in money*

My Character...

Name: Lucas Smith. (Commence throw-back to original thread! :3)
Age: Twenty-two!
Gender: Male.
Job/Occupation: He used to be a waiter for a local restaurant, before some government goons began to sniff him out. Currently a Bloodliner on the run.
Appearance: Commence Operation Picture!
Click to reveal
Ignore the metal limbs and the steampunk-ish clothing. >.>

Backstory: Lucas was raised without a father. No, he didn't die, but left. Leaving Lucas and his mother to themselves. The reason for Lucas' father was only told to Lucas; he had to flee from the city, escape from the government, be on the run. It's better having a dead father. Around the age of seventeen, he got a job at a restaurant. At first, he was hired to be a cook. Though... it didn't turn out well. He got fired the fifth day. After a lot of begging, he was taken back in with the job of a waiter. Nothing special until he was nineteen. That was when he actually got his ability.

He only told his friend, Lidia, of it. Before fleeing the city, going to a smaller city, and renting an old, run-down apartment. The government hadn't made chase yet, but Lucas could feel them breathing down his neck. Through several weeks of planning and action-y events, he eventually stole a priceless relic from a nearby museum. It was supposedly used in the rituals by his ancestor. It was called the Wind Relic. Supposedly, it controlled the spirit of a great wind demon. Not long after stealing it, did Lucas supposedly lose his blood line curse. Though, it wasn't gone. Just merely suppressed. For a single three years.

Dialogue: "It's not supposed to go at an angle, John." Lucas muttered as he watched his friend attempt to hit an awkwardly placed nail at an angle. Eventually, John took a swing, missing the nail by a mile and smashing a vase carefully placed a top the shelf beside the newest shelf-to-be. "Damnit, John! What did I just tell you five minutes before!?" He shouted with a quickly changed expression.

If a Bloodliner, abilities: Lucas has the ability to control the air and wind in a five meter radius around him, though it strains his lungs to do it. The most important thing that he uses it for is sending sharp blades of winds at enemies close enough to be hit by his ability, and using the control of wind to make himself run faster and jump higher.
Anything Else? Mdaddy, seriously, get off the whale.
Posted by BlackFTW's Avatar
Level 39 : Artisan Miner

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04/28/2012 10:52 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
WaffeCrafter26's Avatar
Name: John Ryder

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Job/Occupation: Cashier at an ice cream shop

He has brown hair though

Backstory: John grew up a only child. For most of his childhood he was raised by both of his parents, one day though when he was at school his mother died. She had supposedly had been killed in a car crash. John believed this story until a year after he had graduated High School. His father had finally worked up the courage to tell John that his mother in fact had been killed by the Asurean Government.

Confused and enraged at his father he left his home. He ended up renting an old apartment. He was also able to find a job at a local ice cream parlor due to the fact that the owner was a friend of his mother. That same year he found out about his powers, putting two and two together he realized why his mother had been killed. He also realized why his father had not told him sooner.Feeling a great sense of guilt he went to apologize to his father. When John returned home all that was left of it was ashes and his father's dead body. From then on he tried keep his power a secret from the government, hoping that they wouldn't find out.

Dialogue: John clocked in as he did most mornings. After saying "Good morning," to his boss, he walked to the register. The shop was empty as it was most mornings."So how are you?" Asked one of his co-workers. "Good," John replied. He could already tell that today was gonna be another boring day.

If a Bloodliner, abilities: To control the gravity level with in a 7 meter radius. Though when he uses his powers it gives him a large headache but it goes away immediately after he stops using them. Also he can make it so his powers only affect those around him and not him, so if he was increasing the gravity it wouldn't kill him. I took him a year to learn how to do this and in the process he broke many of his bones.

Anything Else? I remember seeing the original bloodline rp
04/28/2012 11:28 pm
Level 28 : Expert Pirate
ThunderHooves's Avatar
Yay! Let's make this NOT die in a hole.

Name: Asura Natsu
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Job/Occupation: Programmer
Appearance: Very young looking, black long hair.

Backstory: Asura was born in the small town known as "Tiano". She grew up with her best friend Tatsu. The two were inseparable. Not everything was fine though, she was brutally attacked by a gang. As she was getting attacked, she screamed and her hand became a claw. She stabbed most of the gang members, but some got away. She had no idea what happened, so she ran. As soon as she got home, she packed up her things, said goodbye to Tatsu, and started to run. Soon, she reached a new city. She went out looked for a job. There was something available, a programmer. She started to put her life back on track again and for sometime, it was okay. She was attacked again by another gang, and she felt the same feeling from before. Her hand turned into a blade this time, but she hid it behind her back. She gave the her purse, and ran back to her apartment. She saw that she could control her limbs, and she had knew that she had gained an ability that nobody else has...
Dialogue: "No!" Asura screamed at Tatsu. As Asura ran in a panic, Tatsu replied saying "What? I'm only opening the blinds." Asura looked at her and said "I've been in my room for about 32 hours in pitch black light. You tell me if that would have stung your eyes." Tatsu sighed as she leaned against a wall, grabbing a book from her bag.
If a Bloodliner, abilities: Able to turn her limbs into crude weapons. Slowly drains her energy until weapons retract.
Anything Else? So tired. Sorry if the backstory isn't the best. I just wrote 3 complex paragraphs for another RP.
04/28/2012 11:44 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Scribe
mdaddy14100's Avatar
Will create an app soon! But I'm a Lay-Z-boy... And no, the whale is mine!
04/28/2012 11:57 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
BlackFTW's Avatar

ThunderHoovesYay! Let's make this NOT die in a hole.

Name: Asura Natsu
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Job/Occupation: Programmer
Appearance: Very young looking, black long hair. -snip-
Backstory: -snip-
Dialogue: -snip-
If a Bloodliner, abilities: Able to turn her limbs into crude weapons. Slowly drains her energy until weapons retract.
Anything Else? So tired. Sorry if the backstory isn't the best. I just wrote 3 complex paragraphs for another RP.

Accepted. It wasn't that bad of a backstory, if you thought it was.
WaffeCrafter26Name: John Ryder
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Job/Occupation: Cashier at an ice cream shop
He has brown hair though
Dialogue: -snip-
If a Bloodliner, abilities: To control the gravity level with in a 7 meter radius. Though when he uses his powers it gives him a large headache but it goes away immediately after he stops using them. Also he can make it so his powers only affect those around him and not him, so if he was increasing the gravity it wouldn't kill him. I took him a year to learn how to do this and in the process he broke many of his bones.
Anything Else? I remember seeing the original bloodline rp

One thing I'd like to ask, how strong is the gravity control. I mean, like, can he make it so that anyone within a seven meter radius gets hit by such strong gravity that their bones are instantly crushed, and they die faster than you can say "Say" or what?
04/28/2012 11:50 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Scribe
mdaddy14100's Avatar
Name: Tawn Kilik

Age: 24 always 24...

Gender: male...

Job/Occupation: Maintinace man.

Appearance: http://shibue.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d32h5dm

Backstory: Tawn was always teased at his school.
It wasn't odd that he fell into a sort of depression because of this.
To add to it, Tawn's mother died in a car accident leaving him with his strict dad.
He had some friends, not many... A kid across the street who was also a 'Nerd' who would come over to Tawn's house to do things a normal twelve year old kid would do...
When Tawn and Kintel reached into a potato chip bag at the same time, a rush of images hit him. He saw everything Kintel had seen in the past month. Everything...
He passed out and was sent to the ER by his father.

Once there, Tawn was wheeled in and cat scanned. His brain showed unusual activity.
Very unusual.
When Tawn finally woke up, he got up, ripped the IV from his wrist and ran.
He ran past the doctors, the policemen at the door.
His father ran after him but then, Tawn was a blur.
He was running at speeds that a car could barely top.
Sixty, seventy... He was a cheetah without the spots...
He ran until he slammed into a metal streetlight pole and was taken home.
He went throughout his life somewhat normally since then.
Collage, a job...

Dialogue: "Tawn... You seen the green wire?"
Tawn replied,
"Don't touch it..."
Tawn cut the wire as Jillian said not to.
The power went out...
If a Bloodliner, abilities: Can see what someone has seen if he touches them and can move slightly faster than an Olympic gold medal winner in track.... Okay not slightly...

Anything Else? Nuhhh
04/29/2012 12:01 am
Level 38 : Artisan Skinner
ultradoom5's Avatar
I'll app in a sec. Save me a spot!
04/29/2012 12:09 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
WaffeCrafter26's Avatar
Well he can make so there is less or more gravity. But the gravity gradually increases so its not going to instantly break peoples bones. But he can make it so there is so much gravity over time that it starts to crush things around him. Though he can control were the change in gravity is. Like only on him or on a certain person, or just in a general area around him.
04/29/2012 1:30 am
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
BlackFTW's Avatar
So, a person could escape from the radius of the gravity change before it could kill them? Also, how long would it take to kill someone with it?
mdaddy14100Name: Tawn Kilik
Age: 24 always 24...
Gender: male...
Job/Occupation: Maintinace man.
Appearance: http://shibue.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d32h5dm
Dialogue: -snip-
If a Bloodliner, abilities: Can see what someone has seen if he touches them and can move slightly faster than an Olympic gold medal winner in track.... Okay not slightly...
Anything Else? Nuhhh

One thing that bothers me is that he's "super fast". It just seems like it could be misused so easily and it could easily be OP.
ultradoom5CODE: SELECT ALL
Name:Seve Ritrune
Gender: Male
Job/Occupation: Archeologist
Appearance: Tall, black hair, skinny.
Backstory: -snip-
Dialouge: -snip-
Anything else?: Sorry, my iPod is being screwy at the moment. In my backstory I was gonna go for a Solomon Grundy type bloodline ability, but thought that was op, so changed my ability, but I liked the story.
If a Bloodliner, abilities: Basic arcane abilities. Eg magic blasts, arcane sigils, minor summoning.
Anything Else?He is a klutz.

One thing that bothers me is that the rituals sacrificed ones soul, and it cursed their entire family blood line (from his generation and on) with the Bloodliner trait. But, that doesn't really matter, and I can't really say anything about the rituals as I never explained them, so it wouldn't be fair to dock you on that matter. Otherwise, I see nothing too horrible so I guess, accepted.
ClueWell, I suppose spaceships would make one think that.
Or was it the dragons?
Sarcasm is dead.
Or maybe everyone is dead, but Sarcasm is alive?
Maybe, or maybe Sarcasm is a dragon.
Or a spaceship. . .

I once knew a dragon named Sarcasm.
04/29/2012 12:09 am
Level 37 : Artisan Scribe
mdaddy14100's Avatar
I have made my backstory! You may set your eyes upon it!
04/29/2012 12:20 am
Level 38 : Artisan Skinner
ultradoom5's Avatar
Name:Seve Ritrune
Gender: Male
Job/Occupation: Archeologist
Appearance: Tall, black hair, skinny.
Backstory: He was born into a fairly rich family. By the time he was four, his drunkard parents had gambled away most of thier money. His father had told him never to touch the big black book sitting atop a high shelf, so naturally, he stole it and read it. It told of the way to become a bloodliner, and of the 'benefits'. It sounded good to him, he had nothing at all. He preformed the taboo rituals, and instantly knew he made a mistake. There was nothing he could do, he was cursed, and blessed at the same time.
Dialouge: Seve looked behind him, running furiously. He turned just in time to see the gun go off. The bullet sailed true, hitting him in the head. Seve laid on the ground, blood spurting from his head. His money was stolen by the man who shot him. As the man began to walk away, Seve slowly got up. "Stop right there." He said weakly. He stumbled foreword, grabbing the man by the collar, barely able to stand. "Get out of here and never come back." He said angrily.
If a bloodliner, abilities:Basic arcane powers, eg magic blasts, magic sigils.
Anything else?: Sorry, my iPod is being screwy at the moment. In my backstory I was gonna go for a Solomon Grundy type bloodline ability, but thought that was op, so changed my ability, but I liked the story.
If a Bloodliner, abilities: Basic arcane abilities. Eg magic blasts, arcane sigils, minor summoning.
Anything Else?He is a klutz.
04/29/2012 12:26 am
Level 38 : Artisan Skinner
ultradoom5's Avatar
Sorry, forgot to add that my char gets a terrible pain in his spine when he uses magic, and has a very sensitive back overall.
04/29/2012 12:28 am
Level 37 : Artisan Scribe
mdaddy14100's Avatar
Black! I swear to god if you're on the whale and not accepting my app, I'll eat your soul!
04/29/2012 12:49 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
TheUsergamer's Avatar
Name: Lawton Lucas
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Job/Occupation: Applied for working in the Army
Appearance: I always use my profile picture as my Appearance... He is slim and muscular
Lawton was born in the city of Tucson Arizona. He was a shy kid, He was born with Cerebal Palsy in his legs. Everyday he worked out just so that his legs would function normally. at school he would be bullyed for his disability because he was the only kid at the school who wasnt normal physically.

When he was 16 years old his Aunt Lura had a stroke of Cancer. They visited her at the Califonia Oakland hospital. They were praying so that he would wake up another day when his Aunt woke up. They all when in her Aunts room "are you feeling better Lura?" Lawton's Father said. "I will be just fine after a few days of resting, thanks for asking." Lura said. Lura said that she wanted the young one's to come and join her for a little story.So the aunt began the story of the bloodliners. (I dont know how it goes but I think you do BlackFTW) When she was done she said to all of us that you may have one of these powers some day, who knows. after they went back to Tucson Arizona the doctors said that she was cured of her Cancer and the Doctors were so amazed to see such a remarkable recovery,

When Lawton was 22 years old he Applied for the Army. he had 6 months untell he went to real war. When Lawton was fight Afganistan he trickered his Bloodline heritage. Lawton all of a sudden after his friend got shot before his eyes shot the rest of the Afganistan men who were there and came to his friend and begain to cry. Lawton Absorbed his injury and was amazed he was alive ( Lawton did not know at the time he healed him) after they returned to base Lawton fainted and the medics saw that was injured...

At age 24 he quit the army and begain to find people like him who have Bloodliners.

Dialogue:"I will be just fine after a few days of resting, thanks for asking".
If a Bloodliner, abilities: To heal the wounded from physical injury or the sick from disease, and he may gain there wound but 10 less of a wound then it already was.
Anything Else? I so want to be in this awesome RP and this took me 2 hours to write
04/29/2012 12:59 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
TheUsergamer's Avatar
Also, the dialogue may be bad because i spent TWO FREAKING HOURS ON IT!

Also my real name is Lawton Lucas... I don't mean too take your name... Im just explaning my life in a story with extra fake parts.
04/29/2012 1:16 am
Level 35 : Artisan Dragon
Clue's Avatar
Its this again.
04/29/2012 1:18 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
TheUsergamer's Avatar
Yep =P.
04/29/2012 1:21 am
Level 35 : Artisan Dragon
Clue's Avatar
04/29/2012 1:27 am
Level 37 : Artisan Scribe
mdaddy14100's Avatar
My sarcasm detectors were off the charts here...
04/29/2012 1:22 am
Level 37 : Artisan Scribe
mdaddy14100's Avatar
Uhm, it seems we have a Bloodline hater...
04/29/2012 1:25 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
TheUsergamer's Avatar
I guess so... i guess he doesn't want to be part of this.
04/29/2012 1:26 am
Level 35 : Artisan Dragon
Clue's Avatar
A Bloodline hater? What would eevvverr make you think that?
04/29/2012 1:29 am
Level 35 : Artisan Dragon
Clue's Avatar
Well, I suppose spaceships would make one think that.
Or was it the dragons?
Sarcasm is dead.
Or maybe everyone is dead, but Sarcasm is alive?
Maybe, or maybe Sarcasm is a dragon.
Or a spaceship. . .
04/29/2012 1:32 am
Level 35 : Artisan Dragon
Clue's Avatar
I once knew a dragon called Pundanar.
Bless her soul, and may she rest in peace.
04/29/2012 1:32 am
Level 37 : Artisan Scribe
mdaddy14100's Avatar
Okay... No super speed, just enhanced reflexes? Mild speed enhancement?
04/29/2012 1:41 am
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
BlackFTW's Avatar
Mmkay. Enhanced reflexes and like, a one point three speed multiplication is fine by me. Accepterdeeed.
04/29/2012 1:34 am
Level 35 : Artisan Dragon
Clue's Avatar
Pundanar had enhanced reflexes.
May she rest in peace.
And wait a minu- no, just no.
04/29/2012 1:44 am
Level 35 : Artisan Dragon
Clue's Avatar
Black, Accepterdeed is a euphemism.
A very disgusting one too.
04/29/2012 1:54 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
TheUsergamer's Avatar
So Black, how did you think of my app?
04/29/2012 1:55 am
Level 35 : Artisan Dragon
Clue's Avatar
Personally, it reminded me of Crustaceans,.
04/29/2012 2:14 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
TheUsergamer's Avatar
We need more people!

come on and free to try. =D
04/29/2012 2:32 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
TheUsergamer's Avatar
Come on people! This is going to be epic. Join and make a story now!
04/29/2012 2:38 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
WaffeCrafter26's Avatar
Yes they could but they would have to be fast because more gravity makes you slower. And well i would take around like 2 min to start breaking bones. And maybe 3 or 4 for the pressure to kill them.
04/29/2012 2:51 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
TheUsergamer's Avatar
Well im going to bed now and i really hope you accept my app black.

It just feels like not many people like me rp'ing...

I just want to know what would make me better and they think im trying to annoy them.

If you think or if someone told you to not yet me in could you at least tell me?

Sencerly, Lawton Lucas
04/29/2012 3:01 am
Level 35 : Artisan Dragon
Clue's Avatar
04/29/2012 10:18 am
Level 37 : Artisan Scribe
mdaddy14100's Avatar
Black! Stop eating your Japanese treats and make teh thread!
04/29/2012 1:06 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
BlackFTW's Avatar
04/29/2012 10:20 am
Level 41 : Master Taco
Gargoyle's Avatar
Going to Apply Soon
04/29/2012 10:21 am
Level 37 : Artisan Scribe
mdaddy14100's Avatar
U appli naow!
04/29/2012 10:25 am
Level 41 : Master Taco
Gargoyle's Avatar
Bat i iz Aplyinz for Yorz Fist D:
04/29/2012 1:39 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Loremaster
Poke's Avatar
Gonna apply for this.
04/29/2012 1:41 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Skinner
ultradoom5's Avatar
God dangit! Y U NO APPLY NAO?
04/29/2012 1:49 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Loremaster
Poke's Avatar
Applications take time. Young Padawan.
04/29/2012 2:07 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
TheUsergamer's Avatar
Black... can you check my app after 15 hours ago. Thanks
04/29/2012 4:24 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Loremaster
Poke's Avatar
Name: Aeolus Stellar.
Age: 16
Gender: Male.
Job/Occupation: He works at a restaurant. Mostly advertising with a large sign.
Click to reveal
(Yep, he's a Raphael clone)

Backstory: Aeolus was a simple Baby when he was born. His abilities hadn't activated yet. Much to his parents' relief. They could bring him out in public without fear of his powers suddenly occuring. Although they didn't know what his power was.

Eventually, when Aeolus reached the age of 10, he was one of the shyest people in his class. He never wanted friends, he never thought he'd need any. On the way back from school one day however, he came across some kind of stray cat. Aeolus stroked it, and for some reason everything went dark. When he awoke, he noticed that he was, a cat. Upon further inspection of the cat, he realized that it was the exact same stray cat he was going to stroke.

Since then, Aeolus has been using his powers to escape in some situations. But he doesn't use them for battle. As it would take too much work.

Dialogue: Aeolus was getting tired. But that would probably happen to anyone who was required to carry a sign around a single building.
"Someday I'm gonna leave this place." Aeolus said to himself. He had some kind of plan in his head. But he was somewhat hesitant to do it.
If a Bloodliner, abilities: To posses animals and objects. So as long as they're not so big to the point of being able to crush his enemies. Also, the object must have some kind of movement, otherwise it's pretty much useless.
Anything Else? Nope.
04/29/2012 5:20 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
BlackFTW's Avatar
Stroke. Heheh. So, is it just animals and objects, or can he possess humans, too?
04/30/2012 2:26 am
Level 35 : Artisan Loremaster
Poke's Avatar
Nope, he can't posses humans.
04/30/2012 2:31 am
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
BlackFTW's Avatar
Yeah, alright. Accepted. Just don't try stroking any cats anymore.
04/30/2012 2:33 am
Level 35 : Artisan Loremaster
Poke's Avatar
*Strokes more cats*
04/29/2012 5:33 pm
Level 22 : Expert Network
crimsoncreeper13's Avatar
I wan't to join but i'm really lazy right now :/
04/29/2012 5:36 pm
Level 44 : Master Pokemon
jackattack4000's Avatar
I'll join this later. I have some cookies to eat.
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