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MysticQuest Medieval Kingdoms SMP

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Loriac's Avatar Loriac
Level 21 : Expert Mage
Status Offline Pinged: 06/07/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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MysticQuest is a growing Medieval-Factions Kingdoms SMP akin to SMP Earth that takes place on the 22k by 20k block continents of Cyenra and Okosha. It attempts to replicate Medieval life through plugins that help to grant each player-created Kingdom a unique culture with its own economic systems, and political ties towards other kingdoms.
The way each culture builds and interacts with other kingdoms is based upon the template of each race's Culture, but players are encouraged to be creative within those limits.

MysticQuest IS a BUILD-HEAVY Server, and based upon the race you select you will need to build in a way that can be recognized as that culture's form of architecture, no matter how much you innovate the base template.

This is a Kingdoms server, meaning that it takes place in a medieval era, follows the normal ways in which one can play Minecraft, and is solely based upon player-led gameplay. All kingdoms on the server are created and led by players following the template of their race. You may join a kingdom or create your own, but these Kingdoms are the basis of the server.

The server hosts 5 unique races and 3 fantasy races such as Elves, Dwarves, and Merfolk.


MysticQuest Medieval Kingdoms SMP Minecraft Server
Njords inhabit the Icy northern forests and coasts. They are a culture built upon the honor of one's word and of one's deed. While not all Njords are warriors, they can be rough people, coarse to the races of grace. Many Njords are proficient in fishing and in the trade of cutting lumber. They have firm sea-legs and built many ships. Their preferred weapon is the Axe. Njordic buildings ought to resemble that of Medieval Nordic settlers, or of vikings. One can turn towards Skyrim for inspiration.

MysticQuest Medieval Kingdoms SMP Minecraft Server

Armians are industrious, hardworking, healthy people. They sprawl across the plains to farm and built up their fortresses. Arminians are skilled in farming and brewing beer, and have a passion for horses, understanding these beasts like nobody else. Their building style should resemble typical medieval Europeans. Arminian Warriors are chivalrous knights and ride horses to trample their enemies with speed. They favor the sword.

MysticQuest Medieval Kingdoms SMP Minecraft Server

The Dtokan (pronounced Duh-toe-Kahn) are the woodland survivalists. They inhabit the thick jungles and dark forests of the world, having gathered together in tribalistic kingdoms. Though they are rather naturalistic people, they are not uncivilized. Their kingdoms can grow large and be forces to be reckoned with. The Dtokan are immensely skilled in the bow and hunt to stay alive. They believe in the sacredness of the Earth, yet understand that all things must die. They are careful to use all of a kill or to only chop trees when necessary. Many Dtokahn warriors will drink the blood of wolves in order to become werewolves. Their major export to the world has been coffee, a prized drink that has made many kingdoms wealthy. Dtokans are a unique race, but the larger kingdoms can resemble wood-elven architecture.


The Okoshan are half-elves banished from the elven kingdoms for their mixed-blood. They have retained, however, their ideals of grace, virtue, stillness, and art. Okoshans are a race that demands respect and lives the legacy of honor. They would rather die for their kingdoms then let them fall while they yet live. They are distrustful of outsiders. The Okoshan live in Okosha, our Asia inspired continent, and build after the style of the Japanese. Okoshan warriors are talented in the bow and sword.


Resembling Desert Spartans, the Redguard are native to the continent of Proelis, yet some live in Okosha. They are people concerned with gold, jewels, and warfare. Their children are enrolled in military academies at a very young age and are greatly feared in battle. They know the sword like nobody else.

The Merfolk are a mythic race, spoken of only in the legends of Seafaring Njords. They dwell in their holy land, the continent of Lumeris, which lays completely submerged beneath the ocean's waves. The Merfolk care nothing for the wars and relations of the surface kingdoms, yet will still trade with them. Merfolk are hard to understand for the surface dwellers. They are quick to change their minds and will change prices or go back on their word very easily. Merfolk will sometimes set up borders on the sea to prevent sailors from crossing said waters unless a tribute is paid. They will attack anyone who refuses to pay them and does not turn back. Not all merfolk have tails, in fact, most all of them have legs. They wear coral tailored to cover themselves, and have green or blue skin and fins. Merfolk can't tarry above the water, for they dry up and die for want of moisture. Players who choose to play as a Merman or Mermaid will receive the permanent effects of Water-breathing and Dolphin's Grace and will take slow but lethal damage when out of water. Only they are endowed with the magic essence from their gods to brew potions of dolphins grace.


The Dwarves have always lived on the continent, digging deep into caverns and obsessing over jewels. They are stout, bold, and fearless. Their giant mountain kingdoms comprise some of the most awe-inspiring and breathtaking wonders of Cyerna. Of course, these Kingdoms house their own secrets. The Dwarves are the only ones who know the secret to forging pistols and muskets. Dwarves love to drink, and are often blunt to a point of being rude in some cases. However, the friendship of a Dwarf is not to be taken lightly. Once won over, they are loyal unto their death. Dwarves have rough skin and long beards, which are a source of pride to them. Their hair is most often red, brown, or black, but never blond.

The Elves
The Elves are an almost mythical race. They are legendary in the eyes of men, yet not trusted for their secrecy. Few have wandered into their kingdoms and were seen again. Those who had been seen afterwards had sworn not to divulge their secrets. Elves are the most beautiful and elegant of the races. They are most advanced in architecture and art. They are the forefathers of the Okoshan, elves who had mixed their pure blood with those of the humans for generations and were no longer allowed to dwell with the Elves. Elves tend to have long hair, but cannot grow facial hair. Their locks are most often blond, but in some cases brown or black. An elf's hair is the hallmark of his or her purity, the finest of which is almost enchanting. The Elves live for near three centuries, and have seen much bloodshed. The elves are the only ones who have access to magic. Their constitution is frail, making them not as fine warriors as the rest of the races.

Mission Statement:
To provide a fun survival Minecraft roleplay experience for all levels of players, from the most advanced builder and roleplay veteran, to the beginner seeking a good server. The server has a plot that is commanded by the players, and history writes itself. MysticQuest has a major focus on player-driven gameplay, meaning that players are free to create settlements and fight for power, as well as develop inner faction political systems and economic/trading systems.

Will you be a rich noble with intense political power, a skilled hunter, a fierce warlord seeking to colonize new lands as a powerful king, or a pensive monk? The choice is yours on MysticQuest. We hope to see you soon, traveler.

MysticQuest has a growing community, so if you join now please note that there may not be very many large kingdoms at this point. But, grab your friends and hop on in order to start your own little community! All willing to follow the rules are welcome.

Please note that players cannot change their race after selection.

Feel free to view the Dynmap by clicking the link here:

And join our Discord to learn more about our server or to get build inspiration:

Give some support to the creators of the map we used!

What Do I Do When I join?

Upon entering, please do /rules to become unfrozen and do /warp tutorial in order to learn more about all our plugins!

After doing /rules, thus allowing yourself to move around and interact with the world, go to the exit that says 'Wilderness" following your race. This will take you to your race's spawn. Do not go to other race spawns when starting out. If at any point you need help, ask in chat. I can see what you say on Discord and can help.

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Loriac 01/08/2021 1:04:52 amJan 8th, 2021

Added Merfolk Race. Added back Character Cards. Added /Local and /Global chats. Tutorial Hall is a WIP.

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01/16/2021 2:09 am
Level 1 : New Miner
jb123bj's Avatar
very promising server, join to be a part of the beginnings of kingdom building and other awesome stuff. great community
12/19/2020 1:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Flopper's Avatar
really fun server to play on!
Planet Minecraft


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