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Flip4EvR45's Avatar Flip4EvR45
Level 1 : New Explorer
For this contest


What was that?

I jolted upright, head throbbing and heart racing. I was in a place I had never been before…a long corridor, with doors scattered along the sides of it. The lights were flickering, which did nothing more but add to my anxiety. I sat upright, rubbing my head with my good arm. The other sat uselessly in its sling, reminding me how vulnerable I was.

Then I heard the noise again.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

It called out to me, begging to be found. And that was it. I wanted to find out what was making the noise.

I stood up, creeping down the quiet hallway. The lights crackled as I passed each one, making my wince. Every footstep, every noise, was one noise too many. My breathing felt too loud.

Thud. Thud. THUD!

The lights went out.

I stood up straighter, breath coming out in rapid succession. My heart was beating heavily in my chest, I slowly turned towards the direction of the sound. Was it from behind me? No, it was from the front. The hallway made the noise echo eerily, yet it still called my name. I wanted to find the cause of the sound.

And then, I heard it. A scream – female, and very close. The scream was loud and drawn out, I was not even aware a human being could scream like that. The hairs on the back of my neck rose, my heart stopped in my chest.


The scream was cut off.

But as terrified as I was, I wanted to know what was causing the sound. I needed to find what was causing it.

I slowly walked down the hallway. And as I walked, a door slowly creaked open.

The air seemed to become cold. I let out a gasp, and my breath clouded in front of me. My vision began to distort – colors began to seep into one another. And then, I heard a loud moan. It sounded as if a whale was singing, but I knew there were no whales here.

The door beckoned to me, and I answered its call. My vision swirled and blurred, but I would not be stopped. No amount of fear or insanity could stop me from finding the cause of the sound. Nothing- nothing at all! A strange smile split my face, I had finally reached the door.

But what I saw inside of the room was far too much.

A corpse was laying on the ground, just beside the entrance. Its back was a bloody mess, with bits of bone scattered around it. The neck hung askew, and blood was splattered against the wall. Someone – no, something – had thrown this person against the wall so hard it had broken her neck and spine.

I sucked in a terrified breath, clinging to it like a child clings to one’s doll when afraid. I clung to the sensation. I was alive, I was not dead. And this person was.

The lights in the room flickered, revealing a door on the other side. Slowly, I walked past the corpse, being careful not to step on it.

I gripped the knob on the door, and slowly opened it. Another long hallway waited for me, but this one was completely dark. I turned around, tempted to go back. But the door I had come through was not there, as if it had never been. Simply gone.

And even more terrifying was the fact that the corpse - which had been there moments before – was gone as well.

And then, a shrill voice spoke in my mind. It sounded as if three of the same person were talking at once. “Welcome, welcome my friend! This is my cabinet of tricks and surprises! I assume I need no introduction, but I shall introduce myself either way! My name is Kraven Major – and you are going to play with me!”

I knew the voice too well. It was him – the trickster. The puppeteer.

“If you don’t mind, would you please continue? I’d love to see if you can survive this.” Kraven giggled. “And if you do somehow win, I will allow you to leave unharmed! Isn’t that exciting?”

My eyes went all around the hallway. A single door waited for me at the other side.

Slowly, I walked towards it. And all at once, the lights turned on. It was enough to make me jump.

I looked at the door, untrusting. But my curiosity drove me. I walked towards it, and grabbed the knob.

When it swung open, a blast of cool air hit my face. I gasped, backing away from the door to recover. My vision blurred, and I felt cold.

Then, I heard a sound. Something was coming up from behind me.

Slowly, deliberately, I turned around.

The woman I had seen lying dead in the previous room was walking towards me, head hanging limp and arms dangling lifelessly. She dragged herself along, froth at her mouth. And then, with inhuman speed, she charged.

I screamed and ran into the next room, slamming the door shut and desperately looking for something to barricade it with. The door shuddered – she was trying to break it down! My eyes darted around the room, looking for some means of escape. The door’s wood splintered, and the woman- if I could even call her that– grabbed my leg through the hole she created.

Her grip was strong, but her body was weaker than mine. I smashed my hand into her arms several times, shouting for help even though I knew it would not come. I punched two times – three. Four. And then on the fifth strike, her arm split.

Blood splattered in every direction, and the hand went limp. I turned and ran, looking for an escape route. A door to my left swung open, and without thinking I ran straight through it, slamming it shut behind me.

And now the adrenaline began to die down. I sobbed, falling to my knees. My vision continued to distort, and I felt as if bugs were crawling on my skin.

“Haha, very good! You passed the first section! Unfortunately for you, there’s still two more.” Kraven interrupted my sobbing, “Now then, let’s continue!”

Another door appeared in front of me, opening itself.

I looked forwards, tears blurring my view. Slowly I crawled towards the open door, too weak to rise. The next room was just as dark as the previous, with no clear exit in sight. I continued to sob, dragging myself along, trying to find a way out of this living hell.

And that was when I heard the scuttling.

My eyes widened, and somehow I found it in myself to stand. I looked around, but could not see anything in the darkness. The door I had come through shut.

The scuttling seemed to grow louder. My head spun, and I stumbled. A single light turned on. It was a lamp in the corner of the room. It barely penetrated the darkness, but it was the only form of comfort I could find. And so, I made my way to it.

I huddled beside it, staring at the comforting light. I felt empty inside, all emotion had drained out of me.

And then the scuttling started again. This time, it came from above me.

I looked up, and screamed.

A large black-and-red spider was hanging from the wall above me, liquid seeping from its mouth. Its eyes seemed alien, and its web was thick.

I desperately crawled away from it, the monster hissed and gave chase. I managed to get to my feet and run, fear beginning to grab at me yet again. My heart – pounding. My breath – short. A thousand drums pounded in my ears, and I screamed so loud I scared myself.

The spider scuttled along behind me, hissing and snapping. I tripped, and it caught up to me. It rolled me over with two of its legs, and stared directly into my eyes. Then, it reared up. That was it, I was done for. But just before it bit down on me, my hand found something on the ground. A broomstick! I grabbed it and bashed the monster on the side of the head, sending it flying across the room. I started to crawl away, I saw a door open to the left of me. But the spider had already recovered, strands of web were beginning to wrap around my legs. But I kept crawling, desperate to reach the door.

The spider began to run towards me, but it was too late. I somehow lunged through the door, and slammed it shut behind me. The webbing on my leg started to melt, and the door disappeared.

Kraven’s voice spoke in my mind. “Fun, isn’t it? When the terror takes hold of you? Fear is such a strange thing, isn’t it? The roar of a thousand drums in your ears, every noise seeming too loud, the darkness closing in from all sides…truly magnificent, is it not? Go now, Akaya. Your last challenge awaits.”

A new door appeared for me to enter.

Then, I heard the sound again. The sound that had started all of this.


I stood up, and walked through the door.

The next room was lit by several candles. A desk stood to the left of me, and a closet to the right. The door shut behind me.

I walked over to the desk, and looked at the piece of paper on it. Completely blank.

And then I heard a loud moan. I whipped around eyes wide. A new door had appeared, but this one was barricaded. It shuddered, something was trying to break it down. Something was trying to get in! I looked around, there were no other doors. Nowhere to hide except…

The closet! I ran to the closet and threw it open, moving aside a few boxes so I could fit inside. Then, I closed the closet door, and sat alone in the darkness. I heard the door break, it was so loud it made me flinch.

Then, I heard heavy footsteps, and the sound of a chain.

Slowly, I opened the closet door so I could peek at what was outside.

The creature was huge – at least a head taller than me. It had a chain wrapped around its foot, and one arm was longer than the other. Said arm was a spiked blade, which the creature dragged along behind it. Its head was hideously deformed, the bottom half appeared to be split open and lined with teeth. Spines grew out of its shoulders and legs. It let out another whale-like moan, looking around the room. It smashed the desk aside before turning towards the closet.

My heartbeat accelerated. My breathing became labored, I shook. The monster stopped in front of the closet, and then turned in a different direction, growling irritable. I had to calm down. If I kept making this much noise, it would find me.

I managed to steal a glance at the door it had come through. It was completely broken. If I made a run for it, I could probably make it…

Taking two deep breaths to steady myself, I started counting to thirty.

The monster looked around the room, before walking back towards the now destroyed desk. I took one last deep breath – and ran like hell towards the broken door. The monster immediately whipped in my direction, and let out a bellowing roar. The hairs on my neck stood on end, I sprinted down the new hallway. There was a door at the end of it, all I had to do was make it to the door! I could do it!

I grabbed the doorknob and pulled…

And the door wouldn’t move.

The reality hit me hard. My vision blurred, my fear reached its climax. I turned to face the incoming monster. It was mere feet from me, raising its blade arm to deliver the finishing blow…

And then it disappeared in a puff of black smoke.

I stood there, eyes wide and heart racing.

Somehow, I was alive.

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08/23/2014 12:41 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Flip4EvR45's Avatar
Done! For my other story, visit http://www.wattpad.com/story/17254861-pentagram
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