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Minecraft Unexplained mysteries

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Level 28 : Expert Warrior
This is my blog I am going to start doing every 3 days out the week,this is about true un explained storys in minecraft and leave comment section below to help figure out an answer to this. PM me if you want me to post a un explainable story. It is your job to figure out if its real or fake,why it happen or why not. I and the person who sent me it will know if it is fake or not and Later after a week has gone by,I will tell you if it was fake or not and what is probably the best answer or so on . This is is only going to be one and its going to be this one that happen to me the other day on minecraft

I was on minecraft the other day ,fighting off mobs using bows an arrows,my house had two lvlvs,everything except for the basement was made of wood,my basement made of iron and a fireplace covered with iron. So anyways i had accidentally fell out of my house into a creeper and it had exploded, blew half of my house apart. So I spent the rest of my minecraft night patching it up. So the next day(minecraft wise) I had left my house for a 3 day exploration trip because i had found a really awesome place in my seed. I finally came back(at night) to my house only to discover more then half my house destroyed. Worse then the creeper explosion. I had to abandon my house and make a new,lesser great,house.

Tell me in the comment section if this is true or false,and what could have possible happen in comment section. Don't forget to support minecraft mysteries and mabye,someday,it will go youtube to making it even more exciting with camera angles,commentary and so on.

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12/28/2011 10:16 am
Level 26 : Expert Dragon
you house got hit by lightning then a lot of it burnt down
10/03/2011 1:19 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Caveman
Uh... imo peacful would be a good soultion. even though a lot of people dont like peacful, it makes a creeper and a enderman uniting and killing and destroying everything impossible since every hostile and nuetrle mob cannot spawn. :P yes you can call me scaredey cat.
09/19/2011 3:53 pm
Level 28 : Expert Warrior
K guys,heres a hint,i was in 1.5,and i had mo creatures mod on, and more creeps and weirdos on
09/19/2011 6:04 am
Level 36 : Artisan Musician
Endermen enjoy to take parts of my house, perhaps this happened to you? Its unlikely though
09/18/2011 8:10 pm
Level 47 : Master Architect
Your house burn down, probably a fire on netherrack (fireplace) or a lava pool (item destructer).

It spread and then... the end.
09/18/2011 8:21 pm
Level 28 : Expert Warrior
on a usualy basis i wont contridic what others say till afterwards. The thing is,in minecraft usually things would burn quickly and spread noticably,but,in this case I didnt leave right away,

So I spent the rest of my minecraft night patching it up. So the next day(minecraft wise) I had left my house for a 3 day exploration

It was an entire day later so even if it were the fireplace,it would have been noticable before i even left,infact,when building it back into place.
09/18/2011 8:44 pm
Level 47 : Master Architect
If you are close enough, or in the same chunk, those items can react on their own, and do what they are programed to do.

But yah, I might be wrong, if you were far away enough, no fire would have append without you realizing it.
