Minecraft Blogs / Art

SketchUp Art: Xbox One In Minecraft!

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Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
After a long day in the mines, Steves winds down by playing on his Xbox One!

Sorry, no rendering. Kerkythea does not support textures and models outside of Minecraft.

What is SketchUp?
SketchUp is mainly used for making buildings and 3D structures. However, it can be used for this purpose. Did you know that Google used to own this program? It was then sold to Trimble, who are a leading brand of GPS products.

Sounds marvelous! Where do I get it?
If you want the Pro version of SketchUp, you need a very big wallet! Currently, the pro version is (wait for it) $590! If you can't really afford that, you can use SketchUp Make. Both can be downloaded on this sentence. Note: I recommend SketchUp 8 to produce the art above.

Note: You will need more things to produce the art above. For more information, see this and this.

Keep calm and carry on!


P.S. What shall I do next? Please put ideas in the comments.

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02/23/2014 2:52 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman System
If you make a mod for this, add in a 360 and make it have a red ring and make the one catch on fire, then add a Mac that works without any problems.
02/24/2014 10:48 am
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
Err. I don't get it.

Keep calm and carry on!

