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Steve's Adventure: Chapter 1, KillaAzian

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MineCraftatron85's Avatar MineCraftatron85
Level 42 : Master Droid
Once there was a man named Steve. He had just logged on a new server he found. He then wandered throughout the most beautiful of all trees.

"Hmmm, this survival server is pretty awesome," he said. "I guess I'm the only one here in this server, well I should gather some wooden logs."

Then he walked up to a few trees of all types. He ran into birch, redwood, and oak trees. Then after he collected 23 wooden logs, he spots a creeper coming from a small cave.

"Uh oh, that's not a good sign," he proclaimed as the creeper runs after him.

He was sprinting away from the monster. He tried to jump over a 4 block wide and 4 block deep crater but then fell in. CRUNCH! He fell with a painful landing. Then he saw the creeper closing in, with every step a loud STOMP!
He closed his eyes, raised his arms over his face, and prepared for an explosion.

Then, out of the blue, a mysterious player spawned into the world, ran up to the monster, and slayed the beast with his bare hands.

I opened my eyes, and there was a path dug out for me to escape the hole I just fallen into. And there he was, a player with almost nothing but an amazing party skin.

"Are you okay?" he asked. "My name's KillaAzian, I lived far, far, far way from spawn. I've just got killed by a griefer. I was going for revenge but you looked like you need help."

"Um okay..." I replied, "I'm Steve, I'm new here, and was just about to build my house."

"Great! I need a place to stay so if you don't mind, can I stay with you for a while?"

"Sure thing KillaAzian!"

So they built the house and gathered 16 cobblestone and made a door. Then night started to fall.

"Hey man, we don't have enough for a roof, the sun is setting, and look up ahead!" Steve said.

"Uh oh, mobs. Here take these swords I've just made conveniently this second." He said. "Let's roll!"


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04/20/2012 8:25 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
AAl's Avatar
Here take these swords I've just made conveniently made just this second LOL
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