This Blog is an entry in the completed Minedeas : Minecraft Idea Contest.

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The Ghost Mod

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creepychair's Avatar creepychair
Level 24 : Expert Network

In this mod, it all takes place after you die, and is completely unnoticeable beforehand. Anyway, after you die, you have a 10% chance of there being the choices of either <Respawn>, <Title screen>, or, the main event, <Ghost>. When you press the ghost option, your spawned at your spawn point, except when you press F5, your body is translucent. You can fly, but can't break or place blocks. You find you can move blocks with your mind, like telekinesis. Steves start to spawn and try and shoot you with bows (Your only weakness). You can't punch the Steves, but you can move them slightly with your mind, disorienting them. It's also like noclip; you can move through blocks and things. Another way to attack would be sending objects and blocks at the Steves. You also don't have a hunger, drown, or armor bar.

Abilities in a nutshell

1. Telekinesis with blocks and entities

2. Possessing other mobs for 4 minutes, when you are vulnerable to normal attacks (Puching, drowning, etc...)

3. Passing through blocks

4. Flying

5. Becoming temporarily invisible for 4 minutes, in which mobs can't see you

6. Hostile enemies can now be tamed

Hostile enemies

Hostile enemies now kill Steves and ignore you when your a ghost, but ONLY when you're a ghost. To get them to fight for you, you right click them with raw food (Raw Beef, Raw Porckchop, Raw Chicken)


When you kill a Steve, there's a 5% chance they'll drop a Life Star, which allows you to exit the afterlife by right with it. Once you do this, all Steves will have been despawned and you will back to normal. When you kill an undead mob (Zombie, Skeleton, Wither Skeleton) they will have a 1% chance to drop a Ghost Star, and when combined with an emerald gem and flint and steel in any fasion becomes an Ignited Ghost Star. When you are holding in your hand and right click with it, you become a sort of half ghost half human, in which you can manipulate blocks and entities, but can't fly, go through blocks, become translucent or invisible, or any of the other powers.

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12/25/2012 10:14 am
Level 42 : Master Dolphin
PhantomButtClap's Avatar
Looks good, I'll try it out! :D
12/22/2012 6:25 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Unicorn
RedCelcius's Avatar
When I first saw the idea it looked cool, but when I read the description it ruined it.
12/22/2012 8:06 pm
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12/23/2012 12:24 am
Level 31 : Artisan Unicorn
RedCelcius's Avatar
12/23/2012 12:29 am
Level 24 : Expert Network
creepychair's Avatar
I know right.
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