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Things that should be removed and added to Minecraft

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CEF15's Avatar CEF15
Level 37 : Artisan Archer
Let's get this thing started. First things first, what to remove.

1. Witches. Not Mojangs best idea. It's just a retextured villager. Also, their "huts" are buggy and they clog up the world. Minecraft needs to be 95% natural. Right now it's about 70%.

2. Jungles. I hate 'em because they are so ugly and right next to all the other good biomes. They don't fit in with the layout of the world. If they do keep them, please make them spawn where they look more natural.

3. Temples. They are really poorly made, and not much use. There is red-stone sticking out everywhere, and you get like 3 iron. They should have hired Disco to make something because these temples are useless.

4. HUD is getting a little crammed. With a new experience bar, and food bars, life bars, and hotkeys, the screen is looking crowded down there.

Now, onto what needs to be added.

1. Better terrain generation. The world can be a bit ugly every now and then, with random floating blocks, ugly pools of water and sand, and tons of other random bugs in the code. Mojang needs to focus on these things before adding random crud.

2. Shields. How cool would it be to march into a group of skeletons with a shield raised? It would look amazing and give the character a much cooler look.

3. Better combat. Combat right now is just who can click the fastest. That's it. Maybe if Mojang added a stab attack and a dodge move combat would take off and some skill would actually be present. This way you would be able to take down a unexperienced tank in just leather armor through technique and skill.

4. Better animations. The bow animation, sword animation, and eating animation are all very primitive. They could be so much cooler, yet Mojang keeps coming up with other random ideas to focus on.

So Mojang, if you ever read this, I have one thing to say to you. Finish what you start, and there's always room for improvement. Thanks.

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by CEF15 12/20/2012 10:50:38 pmDec 20th, 2012


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01/11/2013 4:11 pm
Level 29 : Expert Taco
VthX_Zenith's Avatar
Dude, for the temples, it's SUPPOSED to look shabby and with redstone sticking out.
12/23/2012 6:11 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Narwhal
Funboyfun23's Avatar
I can agree with a couple things but temples can bring valubals like redstone and iron and mossy cobble, and are usually rare to find in jungles. Witch Huts kind of suck but Witches can bring some valubals as in some basic stuff for potions. I do agree that the HUDS is looking a bit crappy I don't think they need to add anymore stuff to the HUD. Better animations would be awesome. Oh yea and skills and shields would be amazing, I mean sometimes I can't even leave spawn when I join a server because some dick tank is sitting there with his diamond enchanted sword, so a shield and some dodge options would make PvP'ing more of a guessing game then just clicking really fast or who has better stuff.
12/22/2012 9:02 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc404337's Avatar
12/21/2012 7:30 pm
Level 38 : Artisan uwu
ItsJustVanilla's Avatar
Better World Generation needs to exist!

EVERY time I spawn, I spawn in either a Swamp, Extreme Hills, Snow or Ocean biome.

And guess what? 99% of the time, I spawn in freakin' water!
12/20/2012 11:06 pm
Level 40 : Master Musician
SpartanSkeleton's Avatar
temples have moss stone, dispensers, and a lot of valubles, I can agree on a few things but there is nothing wrong with temples, at least the jungle ones, there are usually two chests in each desert temple and 99% of the time the hidden chest has diamonds so, I really dont understand whats wrong with them
10/26/2012 12:29 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Explorer
CJM_cola_cole's Avatar
i like the witches and temples. and i see nothing wrong with the HUD. and witches do do something. they attack you. yet their huts are useless so i agree with you there. but temples are cool to discover for me though. plus i always seem amazeds when i see something thats not natural like temples, villages, witch huts, strongholds, or dungeons. idk. its your opinion.
10/25/2012 11:34 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Modder
duke_Frans's Avatar
This is exactly what I want!
New sub and diamonds
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