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Will the World End in 2012? What will happen? Better Version

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16charme's Avatar 16charme
Level 31 : Artisan Pony
Alot of complaints on my other version of the 2012 thing. So now I have to rewrite it because apperantly people are like Muslims now.

So there was A LOT I didn't mention in my other 2012 blog but I will retouch that in this. Now please watch this video, this will explain a lot and cause less confusion


So now people somehow predicted what was gonna happen in our society. Most of it was in the Great Temple, it has like a timeline that goes from the beginning to 2012 to wayyy after but will the world end in 2012, NO. The mayan calender does end in 2012 then resets to just 0, starting a new age of time, to us its still 2012 and upcoming 2013. Now all the people saying "OH THE SUN WILL BURN US" or "A PLANET WILL CRASH INTO US". That's a bunch of BS. The solar system has been changing for some time now like planets like mars getting storms of even small air. There has been so many signs saying that something will happen in 2012 but nothing like doomsday but something do with the solar system changing in maybe a better way. This has all be predicted by scientest discovering that the temple is a time line. Showing where our downfall like 9/11 or the iraq war which is in the temple as a room known as "The unfinished room" as it is bumpy. If you want a better explanation see the video.

Now that is probably the most logical explanation that I think will happen but not something stupid like doomsday.

If you want my personal belief how the world will end either nuclear war or the sun burning out.

Short Recap
There is NO doomsday but something will PROBABLY happen changing the way we think or the way we are in a good way, maybe it will cause world peace caused by solar waves that can actually rewrite your DNA. Or maybe we will be contacted by lifeforms that we were not ready to see yet. Or nothing will happen.

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12/18/2012 2:02 am
Level 20 : Expert Mage
timo555's Avatar
P.S. the Mayans were a civilization only for about a 1000 years, maybe they never were able to finish the calender or something prevented them to finish, but anyways i don't think they could have finished the calender in just 1000 years even though it is a long time
12/18/2012 1:59 am
Level 20 : Expert Mage
timo555's Avatar
I don't think the world will end with nuclear war, because the only countries that really have nukes are America and Russia and
1. America is to scared to use them

2. Russia wont use them because they are right now trying to get rich.
any other countries like North Korea don't really have them and if they do they cant really use them. I think that the sun exploding is how the world will end.
12/17/2012 9:27 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Mage
Pmat's Avatar
Few Other reasons that the world won't end:
1. It says in Revelations (Bible :D) that doomsday will concur on no predetermined time, date, or year
2. The Mayan Calendar forgot LEAP YEARS
I wrote these down here so I didn't copy you :O
12/17/2012 3:15 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Pony
16charme's Avatar
Thanks, that's useful info.
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