Minecraft Blogs / Art

Zelda Sound pack

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TrentonYo's Avatar TrentonYo
Level 49 : Master Ninja
I am making a Legend of Zelda sound pack at the moment and it will definitely include music from LoZ: Wind Waker and LoZ: Ocarina of Time (forum on the pack hyea) and what to know if anyone has any suggestions on what sounds should go where, and if a modder would like to help me out and maybe make a cutscene mod for chests, do a different thing, do something else. I don't know, just fun. Seriously for serious Zeldacraft. I'm tired.

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02/09/2012 12:52 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Dragon
Vortexy's Avatar
i like trains and when will you make it?
10/28/2011 5:19 am
Level 30 : Artisan Toast
Conquer's Avatar
1 UP!
