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With this Data pack it is possible to create a Block that can craft Items for you. The Autocrafter. Current Version: 1.16.2/1.16.3/1.16.4 For other Version go to the Curseforge Page |
UPDATE: When you update from one Version to the other please type /reload in chat and if some autocrafters should stop working just break and replace them Usage: To create the Block, use the Crafting recipe in the in the picture above. Then place the block somewhere and throw the item/block you want to craft on the Autocrafter. To pump the needed item into the block, simply use a hopper. When you break the block you will get every item that you pumped into it and the block back. Note: - Hopper minecart can't suck items out of the autocrafter - The crafter is able to craft every item/block that has a crafting recipe in the normal game - It works with tags. That means you can craft, for example a chest, with different kinds of planks. - Items that are not used in the specified recipe will simply go through the Autocrafter. |
Compatibility | Minecraft 1.16 |
Tags |
4 Update Logs
Update #4 : by Hasenzahn1 08/22/2020 3:18:02 pmAug 22nd, 2020
- Fixed a little bug where the recipe of the autocrafter could be changed after setting
- Fixed a little bug where the recipe of the autocrafter could be changed after setting
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i have a problem in my singleplayer World i build it for my iron farm and it wont work instead it crafts iron helmets.... but my melon farm just work fine, it keeps crafting melon blocks...
in my creative test world i tried it and it works the autocrafter makes iron blocks....
And i have no idea why it works in my test world ....
maybe you can help or so