<>Charm<> (OOC)

The_Nerdiness's Avatar The_Nerdiness4/22/13 5:54 pm
4/25/2013 8:44 pm
anonpmc195880's Avatar anonpmc195880
What You Need To Know

Charms, they're what remains of a soul that has attached itself to an item. The soul doesn't necessarily have to be human, but a human soul can make a charm somewhat more powerful.

Charms can have certain abilities passed onto it by the owner [e.g]
Lets say there was once a magician, he lived his life putting on some of the most spectacular shows you could imagine. His most famous trick would be jumping into a trap door in the middle of the stage and re-appearing one second later in the audience [This was done of course by using a lookalike] , this magician was killed by a rival actor who despised him for taking attention away from his own shows. This created a charm. Part of the magicians soul attached itself to his cane, this allows the wielder to perform the magicians greatest trick. Teleporting from one place to another in the blink of an eye.

Sadly, only certain people may use a charm without having their own soul replace the one residing within it. These people are known as ''Links'' Called this due to the tremendous strength that holds them and their soul together.

As I said, usually Charms are not harmful to links but there is an exception. Most charms are created in a gruesome manner, yet there are ones that are created in a way so horrific that they are dammed to take life no matter who uses them. These are known as ''Blood Charms.'' They take life in order to give the user abilities.
A Blood Charm is something most links would stay away from, but many gangs, terrorist groups, murderers e.t.c would use these to perform whatever deed they desired.

There are facilities that were created by government agencies to prevent people getting a hold of Blood Charms, ''Containment 0'' A giant warehouse hidden beneath Tokyo, Japan. Each charm is locked up hopefully never to see sunlight.

Most Links work as official collectors, bringing Blood Charms to Containment 0 for pay. It's a dangerous job but it pays well and most link wouldn't miss out on gaining new charms while they go out on jobs.

What To Do.

Your job will be to go out in search of Blood Charms, given information from your advisors you will be sent to different locations around the world.


Age [Must be over 16]:
Backstory [How they found their first charm/how they discovered they were a link]:
Charm [Please have no more than two]:
Creation Of The Charms In Your possession [How they were created]:
Action Music [You guys know I love it.]:
Anything Else?:
Rules Obey Them Or Perish... By Kittens!

1: No Extreme Profanity. Cover Your Swears With Stars ****
2: Romance Is Allowed I guess.
3: No OP Charms. e.g A gun that never runs out of bullets/A Charm that stops you from dying.
4: No Killing Others.
5: Include, ''Hot tamale, hot hot tamale!'' In Anything Else So I Know You Read The Rules.
6: No Trolling, Flaming Or Derailing.
7:Good Grammar And Spelling Please.
8: Backstory Must Be At Least 2 Paragraphs.
9: No Gary/Mary Sue.
10: Constructive Criticism Is Allowed But Dont Be Mean To People.
11: BloodCharms Will Kill You If Used There Isnt A Way Around It.

If You Have Been Accepted, Go Here post2001509.html#p2001509
Posted by The_Nerdiness's Avatar
Level 19 : Journeyman Network

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04/25/2013 11:46 am
Level 26 : Expert Geek
tmplumber's Avatar
I think thunder means the following...

Perhaps a crazy cat lady died and her soul went into the cat. Then perhaps that cat turned into a charm and gained the mind of a human.
04/25/2013 12:17 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
The_Nerdiness's Avatar
Hmm... I don't know about that. I don't see how a cat/animal would be useful in this RP...
04/25/2013 8:44 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc195880's Avatar
04/25/2013 7:22 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc195880's Avatar
04/25/2013 11:24 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
The_Nerdiness's Avatar
Can you explain further?
04/24/2013 6:56 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
The_Nerdiness's Avatar
" A magician never reveals, his secrets... "
Name: He has many names... The most commonly used one however is his stage name... Syther: although that is the most common his real name is Timothy Jean
Age [Must be over 16]:19
Appearance: See Above
Personality: Kind, Smart, Mysterious
Backstory [How they found their first charm/how they discovered they were a link]: Timothy was born in Manchester England 19 years ago to his loving mother Caroline Jean and his drunken fool of a father, Lucas Jean. Lucas was an unemployed alcoholic, and would usually abuse Timothy late at night after coming home from the King's Men, which was the local pub near his house.
When Timothy turned 5 years old he began to become interested in magic, first practising in card tricks and then in pulling a stuffed rabbit out of a top hat. When he showed his parents his mother congratulated him, but his father on the other hand said nothing. Until Caroline went to sleep that is, Timothy was reading his children books.
Lucas struck him with his fist. What Caroline did not know is that Lucas was drunk again, but this time it was beyond what he used to drink; his eyes were bloodshot and his speech slurred. Caroline walked downstairs to get some warm milk, when she saw him, Lucas punching Timothy. Enraged Caroline hit Lucas over the head with a glass bottle, knocking him unconscious instantly.
Many years passed. Caroline and Timothy had not seen Lucas in 11 years, apparently he had been sent to a prison. Although one night when Timothy had came back from school he saw the horrible sight of his father Lucas striking his mother with a blunt kitchen knife, he quickly ran out the back door. Timothy knew where he was going, to the pub... to get drunk and forget about what had just happened.
Timothy put the gloves on and called the police, putting on his best impression of his mother; he asked them to help and then threw the phone. Timothy then followed his father, angrily avoiding him until he reached the pub. As Lucas staggered in Timothy went around the back entrance, and waited. After a few hours Lucas was thrown out through the back door, the barman had told him that he was drunk and that he should go home. To which Lucas replied that he had no home anymore, suddenly Timothy struck.
It was quick and clean as Timothy snapped Lucas's neck. Lucas was moaning and whimpering, Timothy quickly kneeled down in front of him,
" You complete ba... " whimpered Lucas as he laid in the mud, hyperventilating and sweating,
" Sshhhh sleep my friend... sleeeep..." hissed Timothy as he pressed his palm and stroked his fathers cheek, when Timothy went to release his palm it was stuck,
" What is goi... " he mumbled before being interrupted by a man in a man in a suit. He was a link...
Charm [Please have less than two]: A special type of linen woven into his gloves. This charm allows an easy way to climb...
Creation Of The Charms In Your possession [How they were created]:
This charm was created by his very own mother. She was sowing gloves for him one day, when she was stabbed by her husband, her soul went straight into the very linen, giving him special powers whenever he wears them. He takes this as a sign of love.
Action Music [You guys know I love it.]:
Click to reveal

04/24/2013 6:51 pm
Level 26 : Expert Geek
tmplumber's Avatar
" A magician never reveals, his secrets... "
Name: He has many names... The most commonly used one however is his stage name... Syther: although that is the most common his real name is Timothy Jean
Age [Must be over 16]:19
Appearance: See Above
Personality: Kind, Smart, Mysterious
Backstory [How they found their first charm/how they discovered they were a link]: Timothy was born in Manchester England 19 years ago to his loving mother Caroline Jean and his drunken fool of a father, Lucas Jean. Lucas was an unemployed alcoholic, and would usually abuse Timothy late at night after coming home from the King's Men, which was the local pub near his house.
When Timothy turned 5 years old he began to become interested in magic, first practising in card tricks and then in pulling a stuffed rabbit out of a top hat. When he showed his parents his mother congratulated him, but his father on the other hand said nothing. Until Caroline went to sleep that is, Timothy was reading his children books.
Lucas struck him with his fist. What Caroline did not know is that Lucas was drunk again, but this time it was beyond what he used to drink; his eyes were bloodshot and his speech slurred. Caroline walked downstairs to get some warm milk, when she saw him, Lucas punching Timothy. Enraged Caroline hit Lucas over the head with a glass bottle, knocking him unconscious instantly.
Many years passed. Caroline and Timothy had not seen Lucas in 11 years, apparently he had been sent to a prison. Although one night when Timothy had came back from school he saw the horrible sight of his father Lucas striking his mother with a blunt kitchen knife, he quickly ran out the back door. Timothy knew where he was going, to the pub... to get drunk and forget about what had just happened.
Timothy put the gloves on and called the police, putting on his best impression of his mother; he asked them to help and then threw the phone. Timothy then followed his father, angrily avoiding him until he reached the pub. As Lucas staggered in Timothy went around the back entrance, and waited. After a few hours Lucas was thrown out through the back door, the barman had told him that he was drunk and that he should go home. To which Lucas replied that he had no home anymore, suddenly Timothy struck.
It was quick and clean as Timothy snapped Lucas's neck. Lucas was moaning and whimpering, Timothy quickly kneeled down in front of him,
" You complete ba... " whimpered Lucas as he laid in the mud, hyperventilating and sweating,
" Sshhhh sleep my friend... sleeeep..." hissed Timothy as he pressed his palm and stroked his fathers cheek, when Timothy went to release his palm it was stuck,
" What is goi... " he mumbled before being interrupted by a man in a man in a suit. He was a link...
Charm [Please have less than two]: A special type of linen woven into his gloves. This charm allows an easy way to climb...
Creation Of The Charms In Your possession [How they were created]:
This charm was created by his very own mother. She was sowing gloves for him one day, when she was stabbed by her husband, her soul went straight into the very linen, giving him special powers whenever he wears them. He takes this as a sign of love.
Action Music [You guys know I love it.]:
Click to reveal
04/24/2013 6:28 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Prince
Shanery's Avatar
Name: Kevin Serenade
Age: 25
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Personality: Kevin doesnt like to waste energy. He doesnt do what he doesnt have to, and what he has to do he does quick. He is smart at solving problems.
Kevin was your average college student, except he wasn't fun loving and having a good time. He made few friends, other than his sister, which lived across the country and sent letters occasionally. He was told by his elder sister to get a part time job as she couldn't pay for the apartment anymore.

Kevin stumbled upon his charm whilst on a part time job as an excavator. Whilst digging he stopped for a moment to wipe the sweat from his forehead. In the sun which roasted him, he noticed a glimmer in the hole. He looked around and nobody seemed to be watching, so he picked it up to inspect it further. Lieing in the dirt there was a shotgun shell. Kevin shoved it in his pocket, and upon getting home, tied a string around it and hung it around his neck.
Charm::Shotgun Shell
Makes him faster than your average Olympic runner.
Creation Of The Charms In Your possession:The shotgun shell was the remnant of a commanders soul. As he was commanding his squadron to go forward, they were ambushed. A stray shotgun shell from an enemy went straight through him after he had watched his squadron die.
Action Music:
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Anything Else?: Hot tamale, hot hot tamale! xD
04/24/2013 6:32 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
The_Nerdiness's Avatar
04/24/2013 4:57 pm
Level 27 : Expert Network
Korigon's Avatar

How many times should I repeat this?

I'm not going to waste my time putting something about a traditional Mesoamerican dish. >_<
04/24/2013 4:58 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
The_Nerdiness's Avatar
Fine then, get in mah thread!
04/24/2013 4:43 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
The_Nerdiness's Avatar
A little link for my links. :3

Thread: charm-thread-t246716.html
04/24/2013 4:18 pm
Level 27 : Expert Network
Korigon's Avatar
Name: Elizabeth Blackclaw, but she usually goes by Raven.
Age [Must be over 16]: Twenty-four
Click to reveal
Just imagine a ninja outfit. Ok? Ok.

Personality: Calm and cool, and works well in tough situations. Friendly with some, but you don't want to get on her bad side.
Click to reveal
Elizabeth Blackclaw was born to Jackson Blackclaw and Adeline Blackclaw, both of which were military. This resulted in Elizabeth staying with her grandfather, since she had no next of kin other than other than him. When she was first staying with him while she was around seven, she found her passion for karate. See, her grandfather was a karate master, and not one of those fake types who wear colorful American flag uniforms. He was Japanese and went by the name of Old Master. And indeed, he did teach a school of highly trained ninjas! But it was kept secret, and Elizabeth felt it was a great honor to become a student. In truth, she never was a real student in the beginning years, no, more like a watcher. But the lightning fast attacks intrigued her. She wanted to learn karate, so she asked Old Master eventually if she could. He replied with a solemn nod, and the next time she was with him the training started....But there was always something different about the way he trained her. Was it that he was harder on her? Possibly so. But she always knew there was something different...

By the time she had grown to be sixteen, Elizabeth was called “Young master.” Of course, she wasn't a master really, but she was such a good fighter that the other students dubbed her the nickname. It stuck for awhile, until the Old Master put a stop to it. Winning nearly all the battles with the students, she was the champion fighter, until the fateful day.

It was a regular day when Elizabeth walked into her parents house and was fixing to go training. But before she could start, her parents came up behind her and interrupted. After a awkward talk about each others life, Elizabeth asked why they looked so gloomy. The replied, a tad bit tearfully, that the Old Master had died. Elizabeth was shocked. It had been only a day since she had seen him, but it was true. The old master was dead. With a rare curse, she stormed out of the house angrily..

Then Elizabeth Blackclaw just vanished. No one knew where she went, and the only ones who truly cared were her parents, and perhaps a few students. Secretly, however, Elizabeth was living in Japan, honing her skills with the blade and sai. She wasn't sure why she was training, but everyday she got better. Living ontop of a mountain, which she did, changed Elizabeth. She was always silent, and always watching. Her black ninja outfit was always on her, and her katana and sai strapped onto her back...

Eventually she returned to the US, Her original land of birth. But she could never shake the feeling of home – the USA wasn't her home anymore. Japan, the birthplace of karate, was. When she got back to her parents house, she found it sold out and empty – Save a lone box. Opening it up, she found a note and a neck circlet. She read the note once, then twice, then a third time, not believing what it said.

“Dear Elizabeth, if you are reading this, you must be careful. My name was Logan Blackclaw, but I am dead now. I must apologize about what you are about to read, but I can assure it is true. You see, I am a magician. I specialize in sword acts, such as stabbing a box through with a sword whilst someone is it in, and the target coming out unscathed. Now, once again, if you are reading this, your very life is in danger. A rival magician is after my secrets, and I write quickly. You must go to the karate training area and take your grandfathers sword – It is yours now. Use it wisely, and be care--”
Elizabeth looked slowly at the splotch of blood on the end of the note. “I had an uncle?” She said, and heard the question ring through the house. Suddenly without warning, a spray of bullets went through the wall, nearly hitting her. She heard a yell outside and the door breaking down. Whoever killed her Uncle was possibly after her. Running quickly, she was able to reach the balcony of the house while the men rushed up stairs. Without thinking, she jumped down, and landed safely on the ground. The men weren't finished, though, and they began to open fire from the balcony. Using some of her almost endless supply of strength, she dashed to their car, which they had foolishly not turned off, and sped away toward her grandfathers dojo.

When she reached the place, she darted in and, after locating the sword on a placeholder, she took it.
After a small affair about transporting a katana on a plane, she finally was able to escape to clear tranquility in the house she lived in at Japan.

Or so she thought.

Without warning, a team of soldiers surrounded her house and ordered her to surrender. Elizabeth, thinking that they were the soldiers from before, denied. It wasn't until they threw in their badges that she realized they were agents. After coming out of the house in the ninja garb she was all to fond of wearing, the lead agent told her one thing.

“You're a link now. Come with us.”

Charm: A katana.
Creation Of The Charms In Your possession: The katana from her grandfather came to be charmed when he died and his soul went into the sword.
Action Music :
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04/24/2013 4:40 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
The_Nerdiness's Avatar
ACCEPTED If you read the rules again very carefully....
04/24/2013 3:43 pm
Level 42 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
planetblox2000's Avatar

"My mask.... No you may not have it. Now leave before I kill you."

Name: Edward Geon
Age [Must be over 16]: 36
Seeeee pic.
Without mask:
Brown hair, blue eyes. All you need to know....
Personality: Cold, ruthless, brave.
Backstory [How they found their first charm/how they discovered they were a link]:
Edward Geon was always a bit of a shady character. At nursery he refused to play with the other children, and the other children refused to play with Edward. The other children were genuinly afraid of Edward, but noone really knew why.

At primary school the children all played together, except Edward, who walked around, giving people creepy stares. When someone got scared of him, he muttered "Fools" Under his breath and walked away. Despite this, Edward did quite well in class. He was a smart child. This added the fear he put on the other children. Because someone who is creepy and smart is quite a bit scarier than someone who is not so bright and is scary.

At secondary school it continued like this. Edward scared people, muttered fools. One day, at the age of 15, it all changed. He was walking to school one day, and a dying old man wearing a mask of a plague doctor came stumbling to Edward, coughing and spluttering. He handed Edward the mask, and then died. Edward put the mask on. He felt, different. He walked to school with the mask on, and everyone was terrified. Even the teachers were scared. One fainted.

Edward went to university and studied history. Because of his plague doctor mask, he was offered a job working at a museum, advising people on the great plague.

One night, Edward was walking home, when he felt drousy and fainted, and fell on the floor. He woke up with a man standing over him. "Your mask has powers." The man said. Edward became a link.
Charm [Please have no more than two]: Edward's mask gives him the power to give a heat stare: If he stares at something for 10 seconds or more wearing the mask, it begins to flame.
Creation Of The Charms In Your possession [How they were created]:
The man who gave Edward the mask was Inferno the fire breather. Inferno was famous worldwide, and was a rich man. A very rich man. He could put fire in his mouth then burst it out, without being burnt. Another trick was a magic trick. He looked at a piece of paper for example, then under the stage would light a match, and hold it to the paper, which would be laying on the stage. Inferno was killed by his performing rival, Magmaman. Magmaman stabbed inferno in the back with a knife, then came stumbling to Edward.

Action Music [You guys know I love it.]:
[yt]hAAlDoAtV7Y[/yt] yes it's the x-files. I don't know why I chose it, Don't ask me.
Anything Else?:
I read da rules
04/24/2013 4:39 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
The_Nerdiness's Avatar
ACCEPTED! I would rather you wrote what I asked instead of saying you read the rules
04/24/2013 3:18 pm
Level 26 : Expert Geek
tmplumber's Avatar
Yes lol...

Im finishing the backstory now...
04/24/2013 3:07 pm
Level 42 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
planetblox2000's Avatar
I accidentally clicked submit......
04/24/2013 3:08 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
The_Nerdiness's Avatar
Oh, lol
04/24/2013 3:04 pm
Level 42 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
planetblox2000's Avatar

"I know this mask is creepy, but hey, it gives me powers!"

Name: Edward Geon. (pronounced G
Age: 18
(see picture)

Without mask:

Coudn't find a decent picture, so I will just describe:

Short brown hair with blue eyes. Mouth and nose and ears are normal size.
04/24/2013 3:06 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
The_Nerdiness's Avatar
Please finish the app.... =w=
Also, you are using my app layout correct?
04/24/2013 11:58 am
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
BrookeG2106's Avatar
Name: Leia (Lay-ah) Ashworth
Age [Must be over 16]: 21
(Short lavender hair, usually wears a plain black beanie *not necessarily the panda one*, lavender eyes, pale-ish skin, usually wears a jumper and jeans or something of the sort.)
Personality: Sarcastic, humourous, light hearted, serious in important situations, likes the company of others though she can rely on herself.
Backstory [How they found their first charm/how they discovered they were a link]:
Click to reveal
Leia grew up a rather normal life; though her parents were hardly around. She often found herself alone at home, blasting music throughout the house and playing video games after homework; of course, until her parents finished work for the day. But after continuous days like this, she grew tired and bored, craving love and attention from her parents that she knew she couldn't get. So, at school she began to every now and then make jokes and comments, earning laughs from some of her friends, sometimes other kids in her class that she hardly knew. Soon, she was rather popular; and not like those 'popular girl' stereotypes, but she knew a lot of people and had a larger friend group. Going through school as the 'class clown', her near perfect grades dropped slightly, and she was pretty much a 'B average' girl, from mostly A's. This disappointed her parents a bit, due to their successful occupations and expectations of her, but she hadn't set her goals that high. By the time she graduated, Leia didn't really have a clue on what she was going to do, staying home pretty much every day that she didn't work at her part-time job in a retail store. She knew that she wanted her life to be more exciting, but didn't know where to even start. Going job to job, Leia often found herself strolling down streets and looking at shop windows to see if there were any open spots, hoping to work her way up until she had a decent enough job to do something with her life. Though, her ideals changed one day as she wondered down a busy street, seeing an old, run down shop with boards across the door and the window smashed in. Hurried workers and civilians payed no heed to this, and continued on their way, while she was rather intrigued by this. Leia found herself sneaking through the broken window when no one was looking and investigating the shop. It looked to be an old gothic shop of some sort, small string voodoo dolls hanging on display behind the counter and other miscellaneous things lying on the dusty ground. Clearly someone had broken in here and cleaned out the remains of the store of all valuable items. She came across an old dusty bookshelf filled with novels and stories on witch-craft and other occult, make-believe things; running her fingers along the spines of the books as she walked along. Suddenly, her finger caught on something and she stopped, looking to the side to see an old looking book jutting out of the line. Attempting to simply push it back in, she found that something was behind the book, stopping it from hitting the wall. Pulling out the book, Leia peeked in to find something catching the light. Reaching in and retrieving the object, she found that it was a miniature jar-type thing, filled halfway with water. Inside was a... contact lens? It was the most beautiful shade of gold though, and she was so interested by it; holding the jar up to the light that streamed into the dusty old room and holding it above her, looking at the lense from different angles. Admiring how the lens sparkled so magnificently in the mid-afternoon light, she slipped it into her pocket, deciding to keep it. Continuing to glance around the shop, she found nothing of interest and quickly fled the scene, pretending she was never there. You never know; it could be a crime scene... And she left fingerprints on those books... Damnit! Quickly hurrying home, she went straight into the bathroom and got out the lens, examining it in the bright white light that reflected off of the white, tiled walls before taking it out. Rinsing it under the tap water to be safe, Leia lifted up her bangs and put in the contact lens, looking up and blinking a few times before feeling it irritate her eye slightly. With a frown, Leia lightly tried to take the lens out of her eye, before glancing in the mirror and gasping. In shimmering golden writing it said on the mirror Property of 'Containment 0'. Return at once. Confused, she suddenly felt a burning sensation in her eye and tried desperately to take the lens out, but it was like the object had stuck to her eye. Splashing water on her eye, she saw slight veins appear on the edges of her eye, the irritation settling slightly. Washing out her eye and trying to remove the lens, she found that it was impossible, and began to get frantic. What if those 'Containment 0' people came to get the lens? What the hell is Containment 0?! Looking around the room, her eyes glancing across the message once more before she left the room, Leia suddenly heard the front door open. Quietly moving to the hall, she saw both her parents walk in and dropped her bangs to hide her eyes. 'I wont bother them with this matter, they'll just think I'm high or something...' she thought with a sigh.
A few days passed and she found that in the right lighting at a certain angle, you could see the 'lump' on her eye from the lens, but it otherwise looked like her actual eye colour, which was pretty cool. The irritation had left too, and so it was like her normal eye or something. She had hidden it from her parents so far, which was good, though every now and again she's see strange things; little golden objects, just in the corner of her eye. It happened while she was in public, completely at random. She'd see, say, a shady looking guy pass, and a small golden object shaped as a strange object would light up in his pocket, or bag, anywhere really. It was rather strange, these objects, some people would have them, some wouldn't. Though Leia distinctively remembered seeing a man with a deep, red coloured object with him; not light gold like the others. Curious, she followed the man casually, her eye looking through her bangs and inspecting him, intrigued. Suddenly, as he went down a much less crowded street, a couple of men came around and arrested him? She saw one of the men restrain him while another dove into his pockets and pulled out the blood-coloured object; which, now that she could see, was shaped as a knife. As the man restraining him walked away, the other that held the object suddenly turned around and looked at her, making Leia suddenly feel frightened. Looking around, he walked across the straight directly to her, and she had no choice but to stay. What was she supposed to do, run? Look like a criminal or something? She'd done nothing wrong! The man, who was rather tall, leant down to her level, an expression of seriousness on his face. "Show me your eye." he stated directly, making Leia's breath catch in her throat. Gulping and nodding, she lifted her bangs and showed him her golden eye, seeing a look of annoyance cross the mans features as he stood tall once again. Holding a hand up and speaking into an earpiece, he said "I found the golden eye, yes. A girl has it in her possession. Yes. Affirmative." before he turned to her. Asking for her name, she replied unsurely "Leia Ashworth...". The man turned back down the street where the other two had headed, before looking back at her. "Leia Ashworth, you need to come with me."

Charm [Please have less than two]: Golden eye: Enables user to see charms and blood charms.
Click to reveal

Creation Of The Charms In Your possession [How they were created]: A man working at an optometrists was involved with, let's just say, a bad crowd. Trading and dealing, he found that his troubles came to work with him, and soon found himself shot by a member of some gang after work hours on his way home. There, was created a golden, sparkling charm, and a passing man saw this lying on the ground. Taking it with him, the man put it in a jar filled with water to preserve it. He put it on display at the shop he owned, many people admiring it and asking to buy it. Though, he got a message from some men in suits wanting to take the object from him. And due to the man not wanting to get involved, he closed down his shop, poorly hiding the charm in his shop and fleeing in hopes that he wouldn't get caught by these people. And so it sat behind that same book for 4 years, untouched, until Leia came along...
Action Music [You guys know I love it.]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMmQSEaS-w0
Anything Else (You forgot this one ): Hot tamale, hot hot tamale~?
04/24/2013 12:17 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
The_Nerdiness's Avatar
Looks good to me ACCEPTED! :3
04/24/2013 11:25 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
The_Nerdiness's Avatar
BTW I realised a mistake I made and changed
Charm [Please have less than two]:
Charm [Please have no more than two]:
04/24/2013 11:23 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
The_Nerdiness's Avatar
" A magician never reveals, his secrets... "
Name: He has many names... The most commonly used one however is his stage name... Syther: although that is the most common his real name is Timothy Jean
Age [Must be over 16]:19
Appearance: See Above
Personality: Kind, Smart, Mysterious
Backstory [How they found their first charm/how they discovered they were a link]:
Charm [Please have less than two]:
Creation Of The Charms In Your possession [How they were created]: A special type of linen woven into his gloves. This charm allows an easy way to climb...
This charm was created by his very own mother. She was sowing gloves for him one day, when she was poisoned by her husband, her soul went straight into the very linen, giving him special powers whenever he wears them. He takes this as a sign of love.
Action Music [You guys know I love it.]:
Click to reveal

I like it but it's missing a backstory and the list of charms.
04/23/2013 6:48 pm
Level 26 : Expert Geek
tmplumber's Avatar

" A magician never reveals, his secrets... "
Name: He has many names... The most commonly used one however is his stage name... Syther: although that is the most common his real name is Timothy Jean
Age [Must be over 16]:19
Appearance: See Above
Personality: Kind, Smart, Mysterious
Backstory [How they found their first charm/how they discovered they were a link]:
Charm [Please have less than two]: A special type of linen woven into his gloves. This charm allows an easy way to climb...
Creation Of The Charms In Your possession [How they were created]:
This charm was created by his very own mother. She was sowing gloves for him one day, when she was poisoned by her husband, her soul went straight into the very linen, giving him special powers whenever he wears them. He takes this as a sign of love.
Action Music [You guys know I love it.]:
Click to reveal
04/23/2013 5:41 pm
Level 26 : Expert Geek
tmplumber's Avatar

Thank god for the new feature Im getting this message if I click on roleplay applications...

Please be patient while we perform a bit of maintenance. PMC will be back!
04/23/2013 5:00 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Turtle
Deth_Glitch's Avatar
That's one thing I have against Anime... There ageing system is f***ed
04/23/2013 5:57 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
The_Nerdiness's Avatar
Sometimes it just makes it more fun! XD
04/23/2013 3:58 pm
Level 27 : Expert Network
Korigon's Avatar
LOL He doesn't look Twenty-four. Ah well, you never know with those animes.

Placeholder, by the way. I'll start on my backstory now.
04/23/2013 4:56 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
The_Nerdiness's Avatar
If you've watched Lucky Star you know not to judge someone by how old they look XD
04/23/2013 2:48 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
The_Nerdiness's Avatar
Name: Renn Blackrock

Age : 24

Click to reveal

Personality: Cheerful, Reliable, Kind.

Backstory: Renn grew up with his mother and father in a large house. They were a wealthy family, as Renn's father was the owner of a banking company called ''TheBlackRock''. Renn went to a very high class school, bullying was kept at minimum and children weren't very street smart as of which.
Renn's grandfather and grandmother were not as upper class as himself and his parents. They lived a quiet life on a farm quite far from his house, they did not earn much money from selling their good yet they were still happy.

One day, Renn's mother and father decided to bring him out on a trip. They thought Renn would get lonely while his they would be going to a conference, so they brought him along. The conference was long and Renn spent a while in the hotel room awaiting his mother and father.
He kept himself awake so he could greet them when they came in. After a while of waiting, Renn's parents got back. After scolding him for staying awake, they sent him to bed and told him to be ready to go home the next morning. Renn was woken early and he was very tired. The car journey seemed longer this time than it was the first time. Renn fell asleep...

A loud crash woke Renn from his slumber, the scene around him was gory and broken. His mother lay limply over the driver's seat and his father had his head partly jammed thru the car window. Blood trickled onto the ceiling, Renn realized that the car was upside down. While he was asleep, Renn's mother had been fighting with his father. An insult led her to take her eyes off the road as a turn was coming up, they she crashed into a forest. The front of the car was smashed in by the impact of the tree hitting it...

Both Renn's mother and father were dead.

Renn's grandparents began raising him from then, at the funeral his grandfather gave him a rabbits foot. "Son, this will keep you from getting into a situation like this ever again." His grandfather told him.
Renn tied a leather strap to the stump of the foot and kept it close to his heart at all times. Doctors thought Renn was terminally ill when they found two large swollen bumps on his head and around his ears. These stumps soon sprouted into long grey ears that resembled those of a rabbit. This was reported soon after. A man came to the farm one day, he wore a grey suit and a black pair of glasses. This man explained what had happened and why Renn had grown these ears.
He was a link. And these ears were a result of him using a charm, this charm unknowingly was the lucky rabbit's foot given to him by his grandfather.

The Rabbits Foot: A charm that allows the user to gain the abilities of a rabbit, giving them high amounts of stamina leg strength agility and... Rabbit ears.
The Engineer's Gloves: A pair of boxing gloves. They tie themselves around the user's arms and cover them in mechanical armor.
Creation Of The Charms In Your possession:
The Rabbits Foot was an old charm created when Renn's Grandfather was gutting the rabbits from a previous hunt. He cut off one rabbits foot as a good luck charm for Renn.
The Engineer's Gloves were once the boxing gloves belonging to a once famous engineer. He was the captain of his local boxing club. The day he was preparing for his big match was the same day a combustion engine blew up in his old shop. A pipe was sent through his heart, his soul took the form of his gloves which were hanging off one of the pipes that were connected to the engine. [This was found during a mission given to him by containment 0]

Action Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMfe306QFr4
04/23/2013 12:53 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Turtle
Deth_Glitch's Avatar
So, you trust the Japanese with all that... Mmk. Anywho I still really like the IDEA so expect an APP soon
04/23/2013 12:56 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
The_Nerdiness's Avatar
Yey :3
04/23/2013 12:35 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Turtle
Deth_Glitch's Avatar
ironically, the earthquake proofing means there are lots of earthquakes... XD so it that really safe? XD If you want safe go to Antarctica XD
04/23/2013 12:51 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
The_Nerdiness's Avatar
Hmm... I just feel that Antarctica is less advanced. It could be taken over easier.
04/23/2013 12:15 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Turtle
Deth_Glitch's Avatar
Sounds good. So a petty trick gets turned into a powerful ability.. mmk. Also I will guess you got this from an anime because it's set in Japan. I may be wrong but that's the bridge my mind made.
This is also a place holder
04/23/2013 12:29 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
The_Nerdiness's Avatar
Actually no, I have Containment 0 set in japan because in my opinion japan seems like a secure location. They have earthquake proof buildings and a load of high tech machinery so it looked like a good location :3
I plan on characters actually starting off in America.
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