Snow Tubing! (School Story 2-6-23)

IGEBM's Avatar IGEBM2/6/23 10:01 pm history
1 emeralds 80

Before Classes:
Well, I arrived at school with 4 bags: my school backpack (which, in hindsight, I didn’t need to bring), my old backpack from last year which now has my snow stuff in it (scarf, pants, long johns), a small Minecraft lunch bag containing 3 clementines, a green apple, yogurt, and a bag of pita chips, and (finally), a newspaper bag with my snow boots in it, After repacking some stuff, I managed to cut it down to one bag (my old backpack). I pulled out my phone and decided to read about the R101 crash, since I’ve been listening to “Empire of the Clouds” all weekend. When Bria got here, I told her something I had learned about Noah in a call with him in Saturday: he had a crush on Zoey. Now, I can expect a lot of jokes from Bria about how me and Noah are similar in that we both like white girls. Then, when it was time, I went to PE.

PE: We did some drills and 3-on-3s in basketball today. The girls that had swim didn’t have it because they spend longer time getting changed and we have buses to board in a few hours and stuff to go through after PE, so they all did stuff in the gym where volleyball is supposed to be.

Agora Meeting: The dean went over what was about to happen: we were going to be separated into groups of 3 advisories and sent to a room to prepare for the bus rides, and then we were going to board the buses in those groups and depart for Campgaw Mountain to go snow tubing.

Bus Groups: I was with the other English teacher (I’m gonna give these teachers pseudonyms tonight because I can’t say this stuff every time) and the other Math teacher’s advisories, (I say “other” because they’re not my teacher for either of those subjects, and also, the other Math teacher was out today.) I went to get ready for the snow after attendance, and in the bathroom, I was about to close the stall even though I realized in that moment I didn’t have to, and Krish said, “Why are you closing the stall? Are you afraid you’re gonna get r—ed* by Gigi?” (Krish isn’t a very “ok” kid.) I shrugged him off and put on my snow pants and boots, but not the long johns because I hate wearing them. They feel weird. Anyways, I then went back to the classroom (which, by the way, was the other English room) and waited for the trip to begin. The teacher then made an announcement that they were trying to minimize bags since there was little space under the bus seats for bags, so I decided to leave my backpack. “That was stupid.” I thought as the bus left. “My lunch was in there, in a smaller bag!

Bus Ride: It was a very boring bus ride. I sat in a seat alone, but on the left side pair of seats sat Kaylah (aisle) and Yaoyi (window)l with Zoey (aisle) and Maddy (window) sitting behind them, and behind me sat Mishka (aisle) and Ess (window). Maddy snuck her phone onto the bus (she also sneakily uses it behind her locker door sometimes) and used it during the ride. Kaylah and Yaoyi drew a (SCHOOL NAME REDACTED) Cursed Food Web, showing who liked who, who was friends with who, and who was dating who. I passed the time by quietly singing Iron Maiden songs like, “The Parchment” and “Hell on Earth.” Mishka also tried to steal my hat a few times.

Lunch: Well, for one, I didn’t eat lunch because I left my food at school in my backpack. However, the others at my table (Bria, Yaoyi, Kaylah, Leela, ZJ, Tamir, Layeth, and Gabriel), had pizza and played Spin the Bottle where, if it lands on you, you have to do a truth or dare. A lot of the truths were, “Do you have a crush?” (Thank God it didn’t land in me.)

Snow Tubing: So, when we went tubing, we had to first get these tags on ourselves so we would be registered or something. Then, we all talked in our friend groups for about 20 minutes before we finally headed to the slopes. On the way up, we grabbed our tubes and began to make our way up the hill. Thankfully, they had a conveyor belt-like thing to ride on so you didn’t have to walk all the way. Me and Bria went down together every time, racing people like everyone else did. One time, we walked up in front of Zoey and she talked about the fact that she was thirsty because she left her water bottle at school. Another time we walked up with Sabrina. Towards the end, Jarius said he’d go down with us (because Nicky, Haile, and Alex F. “abandoned him”) but he was behind a bunch of people and we had to go so me and Bria went down with Jarius the time after that. Then, we added Gabriel to our trio, but as we went down, I lost my grip on the strap I had to hold to keep Bria’s tube connected to the rest of ours, and my tube got stuck, so Bria went down alone and me, Jarius, and Gabriel went down as a trio. After that, the people working at the top of the slope told us we weren’t allowed to go down in groups anymore, so after me and Gabriel walked up together, I went down alone and then stopped tubing since we had 5 minutes left and it takes 5 minutes to go up the hill. After that, I walked back to the cafeteria-like area with Kaylah and Bria. Some other things that happened on the slopes was my boots coming untied because I didn’t tie them properly since I rarely wear snow boots, Finley’s hood fell off when she went down, so Alex (the girl) had to get it on her way down, and Alex F also lost his gloves on the way down, but someone got them for him. Also, my English teacher, one of the History teachers that replaced the one that quit (I’m making those pseudonyms when I finish this), Bria’s History teacher, my Science teacher, and the principal all did tubing as well.

Before We Left: We sat down at the same table, in the same group of people, and we used Esmé’s deck of Puerto Rican Uno cards, and we played Uno until it was time to leave.

Bus Ride:
The ride back was much more fun. We sat in the same seats and in the same spots (aisle and window), except Zoey and Maddy now sat behind me and Ess and Mishka now sat behind Kaylah and Yaoyi. (They had switched seats so Ess now sat in the aisle seat.) During the ride, the back of the bus was crazy since it was all the annoying, troublemaking boys like Ayaan and Gigi. Gigi put Takis in his water and passed it around so the boys drank some of it. Then, the other English teacher got up and stopped them. Kaylah and Yaoyi worked on their food web, adding everyone they could think of. They even asked me if I had a crush, but I said no and Kaylah quietly said, “Well, it’s someone who knows him.” Meanwhile, Maddy was throwing her two hot hands (hand warmers) at me over the seat, and also trying to steal my hat. She did steal it once and then also stole my coat later on. She also held her water bottle over my head and got 3 pictures of me looking around the corner of the seat to see the two of them when they had called my name. In all seriousness, Zoey was hungry, so I told her I’d give her some of my pita chips once we got to school. Before the bus stopped and we disembarked, Maddy stole my hat a second time, but I got it back. My gloves (which I had put in the hat since they fit) had fallen in the floor under Maddy and Zoey’s seats, as had one of the former’s hot hands, so I picked them all up and gave Maddy the hot hand once I got off the bus. Also, apparently Pablo said the N-word to Jai and ZJ on the bus, and they told the principal about it.

Waiting for School to End: We met in our bus group spaces, but most of us stayed in the Agora or, in me, Bria, Solzy, Tamir, Mira (briefly) Kaylah, Leela, Aliza, and Alex’s case, stayed in the hallway sitting against Leela, Kaylah, and Zoey’s lockers on our phones. I continued reading about the R101 and started to read about the Hindenburg as well. Eventually, we left and I went home in my grandma’s car. (Oh, and yes, I gave Zoey some chips, and Jarius took some too.)
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Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster

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