Craftbukkit Custom plugins

teozfrank's Avatar teozfrank4/22/13 1:41 pm
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4/26/2013 7:47 pm
Nebula111's Avatar Nebula111
Would you like a custom craftbukkit plugin for your server?

Tell me what you would like it to do and ill tell you if i can do it or not.

A small donation would be nice if you do get a custom plugin off me.

what custom plugins i've done so far for myself:

Fly plugin - charges users money to fly, and recharges them a certain price after a certain interval

Dualing plugin - players can dual each other in a controlled environment, suitable for non pvp servers to give the players an option to pvp only if they accept the request.

each i can customize to your own liking, other plugin suggestions are open just ask

Posted by teozfrank's Avatar
Level 49 : Master Modder

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04/26/2013 7:47 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Nebula111's Avatar
Im wondering if you would like to partner up with me to create a decent sized bukkit plugin. I would give you a hand with it; im thinking two to three of us total. It will need some commitment and all, im assuming you are fairly familiar with the bukkit API. If your interested pm me and ill give you some more details.

04/22/2013 6:00 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Nerd
j_boy1234's Avatar
Hey! could you make me a death match plugin with:

1: it auto tps all players to a arena evry like 10 mins
2: The winner of it gets like 25 in game $
3: and it says like:
Match will begin in 10 mins
Match will begin in 9 mins
Match will begin in 8 mins

if you can thanks
04/22/2013 2:53 pm
Level 21 : Expert Network
AaronL98's Avatar
Hey, I've been looking for a developer for some time now who doesn't charge a tonne of money for some plugins. I'd also be willing to spare you a small donation, around £5 seems okay? Anyway. Here is a nice plugin i have thought of for my server (UnionRealms, which also desperately needs more players and advertising on every server site doesn't seem to work) This plugin also has multiple parts to it and also uses the colour / hex codes which are used in-game, and in the bukkit api are used as ChatColor.GOLD etc.

Description: Let other players sit on top of the other players’ head, and if there is already a player on the players’ head why you try to ride him, sit on the current rider’s head, and allow up to 16 people to sit on each other to create a player tower. When the player at the bottom moves, the players riding him will move along with him
Text: Say when you type /rideplayer on a player: &6Now riding &4<playername>
Say when you type /rideplayer on a player and there is already a play riding him: &6There was already a player riding &4<playername that you tried to ride>&6, you were placed on top of &4<playername of the player at the top of the playertower> Also, the player cannot sit on players which are not in a 20 block radius around the command sender.
Commands: /rideplayer <playername> [permission node: uniontools.rideplayer.ride]
Extras: if the sender attempts to ride a player that is already riding another player, sit on top of the player specified, which will create a tower of players

Description: give a certain chance as a percentage (configurable) to a group if these players die, their items COULD be still in their inventory depending on their luck (including the armour they are wearing too!)
Text: when you get your inventory refunded (by luck) say: &3You got lucky and have kept your inventory!
Commands: /sic setchance <groupname> <percentage(1-100)> [Permission node: uniontools.safeinvchance.setchance] (Say: &6You have successfully changed the group &4<groupname>’s &6chance of keeping inventories to &4<configuredchance>%

Description: Simple command (/vote) which will display a .txt file named voteLinks.txt configured to my liking. This would be really nice if it supports colour codes (again, the &6 sorta stuff) This is basically the same as the motd.txt in the essentials config, where if you use enter key and skip to new line, the text in-game will too.
Commands: /vote
Node: uniontools.votelist

Description: Again, like the /vote plugin, it will display a .txt file, but this is different, inside the folder: UnionTools which houses the other parts of the plugin, generate a new folder named DonationInfo and in that will have a txt file for every package which is on the buycraft website we use (unionrealms.buycraft.net) These txt files will generate in the config which i enter the name of the packages in a list which i can keep adding to, every time the server is reloaded these txt files with the name of the package will generate the file, and i can put whatever i want in there like the voting links file. But i'd also like the command to view the file and display it on the screen would be /ur donate <package name which is in the config>

That's it, sorry for making you sit and read that lengthy story, if this isn't possible, don't worry, its okay. I do enjoy programming myself in school too, but just haven't learned the java language and bukkit api and hope to in the future, thanks.

- AaronL98 (Owner of UnionRealms)
04/22/2013 5:41 pm
Level 49 : Master Modder
teozfrank's Avatar
that's very doable indeed, pm your details and i can organise something!
04/22/2013 2:36 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Narwhal
Nfell2009's Avatar
Could you make me one:

The Arena plugin, where I can make custom classes then when someone clicks the sign they get TPed to a waiting room. The person with correct perms can then force a game but when it reachs 6 players the game will begin countdown then they all get TPed to a set locations in the map but random ordered. With permissions etc. Thanks!

My Server IP: TCGames.gs-mc.net
04/22/2013 5:42 pm
Level 49 : Master Modder
teozfrank's Avatar
ever thought of using pvp arena? you can do free for all games, and customize the classes too, all you basically said:

04/22/2013 2:08 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Blockhead
sawbuk2's Avatar
Okay! I will look for it!
04/22/2013 1:53 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Blockhead
sawbuk2's Avatar
Hey! I was wondering, if i could get a Custom Plugin!? What i would need is a Survival Games plugin. But i want it so if there is 2 people left, or if it reaches a certain time limit, it teleports them to a deathmatch/arena type thing! And i would also like it so they have to click on a sign to join, and if its full, obviously they cant join! Thankyou! That would be so sweet if you did this for me!

Sawyer Nelson (Owner of PangeaCraft)
Skype: sawyerk.nelson
04/22/2013 2:01 pm
Level 49 : Master Modder
teozfrank's Avatar
re-writing a survival games plugin would take alot of time, also the source code of the survival games plugin doesn't seem to be online unless you could link me to it?

Also it will probobly be possible to link in with the event api that they have added to the 0.5.0 version of the plugin but they have not put up any documentation yet about it so we will have to wait
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