Keystone [Freebuild creative] - [24/7] - [No whitelist]

Nistune's Avatar Nistune3/17/12 10:02 am
1 emeralds 93

Join: s.keymc.me

Please take a few minutes to read the post and our signs at spawn!

Website: www.keymc.me/

Basic rules

No griefing is allowed whatsoever, will result in a ban.
Absolutely no hacked clients, this includes fly mods and x-ray texturepacks
Please no excessive swearing/caps/spamming in chat
Be respectful of other peoples area (No building on their doorstep)


/kit - shows the kits available to you
/call name - Sends a Teleport request to a player
/bring name - Sends a Teleport request to a player for them to come to you
/warp name - teleports you to a specified warp
/sethome - sets your home
/home - takes you to your home after setting it
/spawn - takes you to spawn
/clear -a - clears your whole inventory


[Member] - You have this when first joining, you can build and have limited kits
[Trusuted] - After 20 hours playtime, you gain Trusted, you will be able to create warps, and have access to more kits.
[Mod] - They give players items and do placements while making sure you're all following the rules
[Admin] - Protect your land, and ward of griefers

(Do not ask for a promotion, ranks above mod are not handed out like candy)


For just $5 a month, yep Just $5! You can have a bunch of new commands and features such as:

/jumpto (compass)
/i ID (spawn anything you want)
/spa (one hit destroy)
You can also use your flymod (such as zombe) or use the feather to fly

And a bunch of new kits, for a full list, check out the Donator Tab at the top.

Owner: 8bitben
Posted by Nistune's Avatar
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist

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