Who's interested on a Minecraft Beta server in 1.3.2?

nightaye's Avatar nightaye10/20/12 6:49 pm
1 emeralds 37
Hey everyone!

Have you ever missed Minecraft Beta? Or having Minecraft being simple? Well here's the server! I'm releasing a server called SimplyBetaServer which has features which were only in Minecraft Beta! Here are the ideas in depth:

Basically the server, I'm about to release, is revolving around minecraft beta, keeping the server simpler than the current versions of minecraft and to also add fun aspects of minecraft which are lacked in most/all minecraft servers. The server will be launched in beta stages (so not the full release) and will have new updates which will be announced on our website!

What is the current features of closed beta? Or almost beta stage 1.0?
- Hunger bar is disabled however you can still sprint! (Possible change for the sprint)
- Food does not stack! Just like in beta! Also helps to make it less OP!
- Food gives hearts!
- Logs will be easily rotated! Just by shifting and left clicking the log!
- Certain mobs are disabled in these stages however new updates will actually release them! (Plugin being a bit buddy at the moment)
- Bows shoot arrows instantaneously! Meaning you can spam arrows!
- Iconomy! No more potions or enchantments! <-- This will be further explained below.

Later to come?
- Punch TNT!
- Punch Sheep for wool!
- New mobs!
- Nether portal!
- New towns!
- Other features! (So our ideas are original!)

Other features?
- Factions!
- PvP!
- Custom uncapturable towns which will have loot! Such as many health potions however will be very limited! Or maybe an enchantment table!
- Custom capturable towns!

What can you do to help as the community?
- We need builds for custom towns! So you can put a build submission in our build app!
- Suggest features! Such as features you missed in Minecraft Beta! Or something you want disabled!
- Daily votes on plans!
- Donate to keep the server running or upgrades!

Additions to further clear your minds up.
Enchantment tables and brewing stands found in those towns will not be breakable and so in order to enchant or make certain potions, you must visit the towns so more adventure and no camping!

Also! There will be other ways to engage pvp through plugins such as mobarena and pvparena. Server will be public but firstly exclusively to donnors only to get funds.

Server trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vkx0gV-KOqc

If people become interested I shall give out the IP. Tell me what you think

Note: We need advertiser to bump up the server! People will be rewarded
Posted by nightaye's Avatar
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner

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