Recruiting players for Staff and Builders!

iTurquoise's Avatar iTurquoise5/7/14 6:57 pm
5/7/2014 7:33 pm
DonnellTheGamer's Avatar DonnellTheGamer
Hi, I'm iTurquoise. I am looking for any players that would be interested in becoming Staff or Builders for a new server I am making!

- Mod
- Admin
- Builder
- Developer

If you're interested you can apply below. Apply for yourself or even apply for your friends too! All you have to do is copy, paste, and fill out the following questions!

What is your Minecraft Username?

Do you have Skype? (Optional)

Do you have past experiences?

What position are you interested in and why?

Anything else?

The server is play.Turquoisecraft.com. The server is in early stages of development and is white-listed for Staff only. I will privately message you on Planet Minecraft if I liked your app. Good luck!
Posted by iTurquoise's Avatar
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer

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05/07/2014 7:33 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
DonnellTheGamer's Avatar
Minecraft Username: DonnellTheGamer

Skype: DonnellTheGamer

Past Experiences: I am staff on a server called Apox. If you would like to check it out the ip is play.apoxmc.com I have be staff on many other servers, but many of them have shut down.

What position are you applying for? Why?: I am applying for admin or mod. I would love to help this server grow and stay online. I have seen so many servers with potential come and go and I don't want this server to be one off this. If you, the owner, did not know my age you would think I was a adult because of my maturity level. I love to help out in every way I can, and thats what I plan to do for this server.

Anything else?: No, not much other than I will be on the server 4 hours a day and I also want to thank you for thanking you time to read this app.
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