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  • Circle of Caring Souls's Avatar
    Circle of Caring Souls post by OrderOutOfChaos's Avatar OrderOutOfChaos
    April 27, 2023, 9:16 pm to Public
    I need your prayers.

    I have a bi friend at my school that got kicked out of their Catholic Church for that. They have some mental health issues as well. For the past month, I’ve tried to be as kind as possible, to show them some positive Christian influence. I finally got the chance to invite them to my church today, which they accepted.

    They’re interested in the faith, but scared of it as well.
    OrderOutOfChaos replied to A Lost Boy's comment below 2023-04-28 07:36:40
    OrderOutOfChaos's Avatar
    Also, about the first stone, we shouldn’t judge them to mark them feel bad. We should judge their sin to bring them out of it, and do it with love. Because the thing is, not many sins are called good. We have a moral law written on our hearts, but that doesn’t mean we always follow it.
    OrderOutOfChaos replied to A Lost Boy's comment below 2023-04-28 07:26:41
    OrderOutOfChaos's Avatar
    Also true. Just thinking about cheating on your spouse doesn’t make you an adulterer.
    IGEBM replied to A Lost Boy's comment below 2023-04-27 22:50:19
    IGEBM's Avatar
    Got it
    A Lost Boy replied to IGEBM's comment below 2023-04-27 22:29:32
    A Lost Boy's Avatar
    Actually, I believe it only says that homosexual ACTS are sinful. Being gay/bi does not necessarily mean you have to act on your desires. Even so, the Church is NOT supposed to discriminate, even if you're seen as a "sinner" because everyone sins. I remember that part (forgot the exact passage) where Jesus says, "Let the one who is without sin be the first to throw a stone..."
    OrderOutOfChaos replied to RockinReptite's comment below 2023-04-27 22:18:59
    OrderOutOfChaos's Avatar
    Yeah, I agree. The purpose of the church is to accept sinners, since we are all sinners. This also goes for people that say gay people go to hell cause a lot of problems. If we die outside of Christ, we go to hell. If we die inside him, we go to heaven. While it is a sin, it is a sin like any other.
    RockinReptite said 2023-04-27 22:12:16
    RockinReptite's Avatar
    I'm not a Christian so I probably shouldn't be allowed to say anything here, but it honestly always bothers me when I see something like this happen because the only reason for it is blatant discrimination, which is very wrong, and the people responsible always end up giving Christians everywhere a very bad reputation by lying about accepting and loving everyone. I don't even understand why the problematic ones always think these things are so wrong because there's nothing harmful about any of it and I'd argue that their antics are more harmful than a person being bi or gay or anything else like that ever could be.

    Since your friend is interested in it, I do hope that everything goes well for them at your church. I'm sure we can all agree that the world needs more good Christians in it so that there will be a lot less hate on all sides.

    I'm not really sure if I've worded this very well, but I think we can all get what I'm saying. Probably. Maybe.
    OrderOutOfChaos replied to SouthDakotaGirl's comment below 2023-04-27 22:06:00
    OrderOutOfChaos's Avatar
    I'm Baptist myself. But I agree, that's not the purpose of the church.
    SouthDakotaGirl said 2023-04-27 21:50:57
    SouthDakotaGirl's Avatar
    As a Catholic, I'm so disappointed in the Catholic Church. Just like all other churches the Catholic Church has it's faults. We need to lead with love to bring people to our Lord and if we just kick people out, we aren't being loving like Christ. Either way we are called to love sinners and as sinners ourselves who are we to judge. I'm not saying being bi is right or wrong just that it was handled in the worst way. I'm incredibly sad to hear that your friend is scared of the faith. I'll be praying! <3
    OrderOutOfChaos replied to IGEBM's comment below 2023-04-27 21:32:13
    OrderOutOfChaos's Avatar
    Yup. They're definitely my friend.
    IGEBM said 2023-04-27 21:27:02
    IGEBM's Avatar
    I’ll be praying

    That’s pretty messed up

    I mean, I get that the Bible says that homosexuality (I know he’s bi, but that still means he likes the same gender) is a sin, but still, that’s discrimination

    glad they accepted the invite to your church

    one of my friends is bi
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