Contests and Fun Challenges's Avatar
A place to promote and make contests/jams for people to join!


How do I join?
Comment in the guest book what role you want or PM ObsidianFoxPlayz if you prefer.
What roles are there?
Contest Host:
You want to host contests.

Avid Contestant:
You like joining contests.

You just want to be part of the group.
What can each role do?
Contest Host:
You can make wallposts, add content and manage collections.

Avid Contestant:
You can promote contests in wallposts whether it's yours or someones else's (If they are okay with that)

Defalt, doesn't have any permissions.
How do I make or promote contests?
Make your contest by either posting it through the group or on your account.

You can promote your contest through the wallposts by adding the picture of the skin or what would best show what's it about. Add the due date and if there's prizes.
What type of contests can I make?
Make an unshaded skin for others to shade.

A palette of colors to make a skin or whatever shape or theme the host has decided.

Usually has multiple rounds and different contest types in it.

Any contest suggestions to add to this would be great!
I still don't know what all contests are made on here compared to skindex.
Can I suggest stuff for the group?
You can write it in the guestbook or PM ObsidianFoxPlayz

Anything to add to the FAQ, types of contests or to improve the group!
Planet Minecraft


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