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  • Memes_for_Days's Avatar
    Memes_for_Days post by Stormy's Avatar Stormy
    August 31, 2023, 1:49 pm to Public
    So I um- I asked ChatGPT to write a poem about I heart Butterfly-

    In a world of vibrant hues, a girl named fair,
    I Heart Butterfly, her name a breath of air.
    Her spirit painted dreams with strokes so light,
    Yet fate dealt a blow, shrouding her in night.

    She danced through fields, chasing butterflies,
    Her laughter a melody that touched the skies.
    But shadows crept in, dimming her grace,
    As cancer's cruel claws left their lasting trace.

    Symptoms emerged like storm clouds on the rise,
    A chilling grip that hope couldn't disguise.
    I Heart Butterfly, her courage held tight,
    Facing the storm, though day turned into night.

    Days became moments, slipping through like sand,
    Friends and family could only stand,
    Watching as petals fell from the life so young,
    Her battle now over, her song left unsung.

    With fragile wings, she took her final flight,
    Leaving behind a world cloaked in night.
    A heart so pure, now at eternal rest,
    A space in our lives where she was once the best.

    The world wept for the girl with the unique name,
    I Heart Butterfly, forever changed by pain.
    Through tears and sorrow, her memory holds,
    A butterfly forever, the story unfolds.

    In the flutter of wings and a whispered sigh,
    Her essence lives on, though she had to say goodbye.
    Though grief might remain, her spirit still gleams,
    I Heart Butterfly, forever in our dreams.
    content_inc said 2023-10-29 23:04:26
    content_inc's Avatar
    that actually was really good
    KitTheSkinDesigner said 2023-08-31 20:14:21
    KitTheSkinDesigner's Avatar
    it made me cry
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