Mexican Minecrafters's Avatar
¡Feliz 5 de Mayo!
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A group for mexican people, people who likes Mexico or any other people who want to join here

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  • Mexican Minecrafters's Avatar
    Mexican Minecrafters post by Rob333's Avatar Rob333
    October 7, 2023, 2:55 am to Public
    We've got an earthquake in Mexico, fortunately there are no damages nor losses anywhere
  • Mexican Minecrafters's Avatar
    Mexican Minecrafters post by Rob333's Avatar Rob333
    October 5, 2023, 9:01 pm to Public
    How is this lvl 20? O_O Thank you very much for your support, comrades!
    WisteriaGrove said 2023-10-06 18:22:10
    WisteriaGrove's Avatar
    de nada!
  • Mexican Minecrafters's Avatar
    Mexican Minecrafters post by DroidRoar369's Avatar DroidRoar369
    September 26, 2023, 4:24 am to Public
    In a past post, i had an issue with the image. Now it's fixed and I'm writing the posts about 13, 15, 16 and 21th September.

    Random image of an axolotl, an endemic salamander from Xochimilco (place of flowers), Mexico.

    Dónde encontrar ajolotes de Minecraft y cómo domesticarlos
  • Mexican Minecrafters's Avatar
    Mexican Minecrafters post by Rob333's Avatar Rob333
    September 17, 2023, 11:57 pm to Public
    Ah, Mexico, my country <3
  • Mexican Minecrafters's Avatar
    Mexican Minecrafters post by DroidRoar369's Avatar DroidRoar369
    September 14, 2023, 4:12 am to Public
    September: the month in which Mexicans dress up as Mexicans.

    There are 3 important dates in September: on 13th "Día de los niños héroes" (Hero Boys' Day), on 15th and 16th "Grito de Independencia" (Independence Day) and on 21th it's the True Day of Independence, the day on which the declaration of independence was signed up. Ok, really there are 4 days, but we only celebrate on 15th and 16th.

    Yesterday was the Hero Boys' day, a memorial day in honor of young soldiers who died while the Mexica-american war in 1848. This day is not further celebrated currently, but i will share a post of facts about that war. Meanwhile, stay ready for the 15th, i will talk about pozole, our favorite food made of HUMAN MEAT (before conquest in 1521), the Chiles en Nogada and another typical plates eaten during the "Grito". Remember: September is the Mexican Patriotic month, and the earth celebrates too sending earthquakes. Ah, and the Mexican Hat is very common during these dates.

    Mexican Sombrero Hat Adult Costume Spanish Fiesta Cinco De Mayo Festive ...
    Rob333 replied to DroidRoar369's comment below 2023-10-05 16:16:35
    Rob333's Avatar, I know the song because mom once played it after she mentioned it and I didn't know it, she remembers well those times it was at its peak of popularity
    DroidRoar369 replied to Rob333's comment below 2023-10-04 02:38:44
    DroidRoar369's Avatar
    What joke?
    Rob333 replied to DroidRoar369's comment below 2023-09-26 15:45:18
    Rob333's Avatar
    You didn't get his joke
    DroidRoar369 replied to SoapSoapSoap's comment below 2023-09-26 04:26:19
    DroidRoar369's Avatar
    Yes, i'll talk about it, and why it's the actual date of Mexican and Centroamerican independence.
    DroidRoar369 replied to Rob333's comment below 2023-09-26 04:25:26
    DroidRoar369's Avatar
    Yes, now it's fixed.
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  • Mexican Minecrafters's Avatar
    Mexican Minecrafters post by DroidRoar369's Avatar DroidRoar369
    June 15, 2023, 2:00 am to Public
    At beginning of Deadpool 2, in his iconic scene "I don't speak Taka Taka", Deadpool says "Where's the library" in Latin dubbing, but in original version he says "Dónde está la biblioteca?". The context is that Deadpool is in Japan and he doesn't know how speak Japanese, then he says the unique phrase that knows in Spanish to make a joke of languages. The funny thing is that seemly, "Dónde está la biblioteca?" it's a common phrase in Spanish courses (can you confirm this in your country's schools?). That phrase is impractical in real life, a more useful question could be "Cuál es la clave del Wifi?", to ask someone the WiFi key, and then use Google Translate or Deepl to keep the conversation.

    Best Firearms & Shooting Books (That We Love) - Pew Pew Tactical
    Rob333 said 2023-06-15 02:03:32
    Rob333's Avatar
    Even not being a US student in Spanish class, I can say some think that "posterior" and "trasero" are the same thing.
    I'm not gonna mention any names lol
  • Mexican Minecrafters's Avatar
    Mexican Minecrafters post by DarkRoar369's Avatar DarkRoar369
    June 15, 2023, 1:47 am to Public
    I'm back. Put in comments the spanish phrases that teach you in school. The weirdest shall be publicized as meme. My first account DroidRoar369 will teach you some mexican phrases, and orations in basic spanish.

    Donkey: Really? (Idk the exact phrase in english, translation was made fully with mexican slang).

    Pin on Art and fun
    Rob333 said 2023-06-15 02:03:58
    Rob333's Avatar
    It really is really XD
  • Mexican Minecrafters's Avatar
    Mexican Minecrafters post by Rob333's Avatar Rob333
    May 21, 2023, 5:21 pm to Public
    Vivimos en un mundo donde no es lo mismo "bienvenido" que "bien venido" XD
  • Mexican Minecrafters's Avatar
    Mexican Minecrafters post by Rob333's Avatar Rob333
    May 14, 2023, 12:26 am to Public
    Hello ppl, just to tell you:
    Don't mention hard situations between the US and Mexico here as our mission in this group is being nice with everyone!

    Hola gente, les comento:
    No hablen de la cosa entre EE.UU. y México u otros problemas entre ellos, acá sólo queremos una comunidad agradable y respetuosa con todos.
  • Mexican Minecrafters's Avatar
    Mexican Minecrafters post by Rob333's Avatar Rob333
    February 24, 2023, 10:21 pm to Public
    Sorry for inactivity, we need ideas for the group
  • Mexican Minecrafters's Avatar
    Mexican Minecrafters post by DroidRoar369's Avatar DroidRoar369
    February 5, 2023, 4:04 am to Public
    More images about Tamales. All these come from Google. Usually, tamales have chicken meat inside, but sometimes they can have pork meat. The most common flavors are:

    · Verde: made with green sauce and meat.

    ·Rajas: with cut chili and sometimes fresh (white) cheese.

    ·Dulce: made from a sweet mass, with sugar instead of salt. Sometimes they can have raisins.

    ·Mole: with mole, a typical like-sauce food, with chicken or sometimes pork.

    They are wrapped in corn leaves or banana leaves, depending on the region of the country.

    What's your favorite?

    Quick and Easy Cheese Tamales Recipe
    Receta de tamales de rajas con queso mejores que los del carrito ...

    Receta: tamales | Periódico Notus

    Authentic Recipes for Tamales - Green Tamale - Cook'n is Fun - Food ...
    user412222 said 2023-02-13 18:03:54
    user412222's Avatar
    how I like tamales xD
    DroidRoar369 replied to Rob333's comment below 2023-02-05 19:35:27
    DroidRoar369's Avatar
    Ah. I understand.
    DroidRoar369 replied to Papa Enny's comment below 2023-02-05 19:34:35
    DroidRoar369's Avatar
    Yes, bananas for the jungle are a good idea, same for cocos in beaches.
    Papa Enny replied to DroidRoar369's comment below 2023-02-05 06:13:13
    Papa Enny's Avatar
    we can also get bananas with the update. Win win
    Papa Enny said 2023-02-05 06:13:00
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  • Mexican Minecrafters's Avatar
    Mexican Minecrafters post by DroidRoar369's Avatar DroidRoar369
    February 5, 2023, 12:33 am to Public
    2 days early (february 2nd) was Candelar Day. In a previous post, i talked about Kings Day, and that Candelar Day (in some countries, Groundhog Day) is a sequel of Kings Day. In Mexico, we eat Tamales, a mexican food made of corn flour and pork butter, with sauce and meat inside. They look like a cake mass filled with meat and sauce, also they are wrapped in corn leaves or banana leaves, depending on the region of country.

    This day was celebrated since prehispanic age by native people, and had an astronomic importance related to aztec/mayan calendars. In Europe, since Roman age, Candelar day was a date to light candles due to the middle of winter. In nordic cultures this celebration also existed, due to middle winter too (it's not a casuality that several cultures, including precolombines at America celebrated at this same date).

    But in the case of Mexico, the prehispanic tradition melted with the romanic-catholic, and then people usually go to churche to enlight candles, and then celebrate at home eating tamales.

    Tamales Raya Irapuato, una rica opción para el Día de la Candelaria ...
    Spectator Mode said 2023-02-05 07:58:15
    Spectator Mode's Avatar
    Small suggestion that might help you in the future:
    Sometimes we don’t use en in front of verbs, but it doesn’t really matter since I understood what you meant.
    Rob333 said 2023-02-05 03:24:17
    Rob333's Avatar
    Never fuse "corn" and "pork" words XD
  • Mexican Minecrafters's Avatar
    Mexican Minecrafters post by Rob333's Avatar Rob333
    January 29, 2023, 6:12 pm to Public
    I discovered Mexicans have SERIOUS problems with drinks...
    There are many cursed drinks in Mexico, all of them can be made from soda or beer, that's all, only soda or beer mixed with weird stuff...
    They add spicy sauce, English sauce, candies, lemon juice, soy sauce, ice and salt to the sodas and beer, but not only that, they put these cursed mixes into weird recipients or places... Just look for "licuachelas" on Google images and you'll see pretty strange stuff...
    And that's not all, because someone made popular another weird drink, it is exactly the same I already said but adding roast chicken and bacon too to this weird mix...
    Also, there are the guachicochelas, it is the same mix (without chicken and bacon) but inside a gasoline can... the name is because in Mexico guachicoleros are peoples who illegally get gasoline to sell it.
    What else? Oh yeah- the transfuchelas... they are exactly the same as the micheladas, licuachelas and guachicochelas but they put it in a blood transfusion bag and they use them to slowly fill a glass with the weird mix, and as the mix is normally red it looks like you're filling the glass with blood from the bag...
    And there are many more cursed versions of these, including 2 specific ones I can't even describe because I would get censored...
    And there's also a drink made from Yakult, it is also cursed, specially because its name which I can't mention either even if it's in Spanish because I don't want to get censored...
    And also, there are some cursed preparations Mexicans do using Maruchan (an instant ramen), these are not so weird as the drinks, but they're still weird... If you want to know about Google "Maruchan preparada", these look weird but some of them actually look delicious, not as the drinks, those look not good, they look kinda bad DX
  • Mexican Minecrafters's Avatar
    Mexican Minecrafters post by Rob333's Avatar Rob333
    January 18, 2023, 8:32 pm to Public

    Today it's Wednesday, my dudes
    Rob333 replied to A Lost Boy's comment below 2023-01-29 17:52:08
    Rob333's Avatar
    A Lost Boy said 2023-01-18 21:39:01
    A Lost Boy's Avatar
    love it. today we went to a restaurant and the server asked if there was any special occasion. my dad said, "Yes, it's Wednesday."
  • Mexican Minecrafters's Avatar
    Mexican Minecrafters post by DroidRoar369's Avatar DroidRoar369
    January 6, 2023, 2:22 am to Public
    Hello everyone!!! Today January 6th is Magic Kings' day in Mexico, Spain and Latin America. On this day we celebrate the Magic Kings, legendary kings of Middle Orient who have given gifts to Baby Jesus at his birth. However, in declension of catholic religion, this date has become into a festivity to give and receive gifts.

    Do you imagine to have 2 Christmas' dates and receive gifts 2 times? In Latin America it is possible!!! Children receive gifts at Christmas and Magic Kings' day!!! The best part: at Magic Kings' day, we eat Kings' cake, a doughnut-shaped cake with sweets and sugar on, and with plastic Jesus children in its interior.

    In Mexico (idk in rest of Latin America) if you get a children (it's a random fact obtaining one) then you have to pay the Tamales at Groundhog day (in Spanish, "día de la candelaria", related to candles, not to groundhogs). Tamales are a Mexican typical food made of corn flour, pig's butter and meat inside, wrapped with corn husks. But the important fact about Magic Kings is obtaining gifts again after Christmas day!!! Talk about this day with your parents, it could be a funny day to celebrate!!!

    Rosca de Reyes esponjosa y deliciosa paso a paso - YouTube
  • Mexican Minecrafters's Avatar
    Mexican Minecrafters post by Rob333's Avatar Rob333
    January 1, 2023, 1:28 am to Public
    ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
  • Mexican Minecrafters's Avatar
    Mexican Minecrafters post by DarkRob333's Avatar DarkRob333
    December 29, 2022, 8:25 pm to Public
    Emminlk12 said 2022-12-29 21:15:50
    Emminlk12's Avatar
    *shoots you in the visor with a shotgun*
  • Mexican Minecrafters's Avatar
    Mexican Minecrafters post by Rob333's Avatar Rob333
    December 26, 2022, 4:31 pm to Public
    I'm making a Horst Wessel Lied (N4z1 Germany National Anthem) parody to slander President of Mexico...
    Idk why I just woke up with wish to make this ._.
  • Mexican Minecrafters's Avatar
    Mexican Minecrafters post by WisteriaGrove's Avatar WisteriaGrove
    December 25, 2022, 7:35 pm to Public
    ¡Feliz Navidad!
    GracieMockingjay said 2022-12-25 20:23:36
    GracieMockingjay's Avatar
    ¡Hola feliz Navidad!
    Rob333 said 2022-12-25 19:36:10
    Rob333's Avatar
    ¡Feliz Navidad!
  • Mexican Minecrafters's Avatar
    Mexican Minecrafters post by DroidRoar369's Avatar DroidRoar369
    December 18, 2022, 1:39 am to Public
    The language family tree: like in biology, most of languages come from common ancestries, and like in biology, the difference between languages come from errors or mutations in their structures. Then, evolutive tools can be used to study the changes and relation between languages through the history. The mythical Babel legend is true in sense of a mother language being spread in multiple languages, but in this case due to the passage of time.

    In the image, we see the tree of indoeuropean family, a big family that includes some subfamilies like romance languages, slavic languages and germanic languages. Also, the indoeuropean tree includes hindi, sanskrit and persian (farsi) between a lot of more languages.

    This tree is not unique, exist a tree of afro-asiatic languages that includes semitic languages (hebrew, arabic, arameic, etc.), the tree of turquic languages (turk, türkmen, kirguiz, qazaqh, etc.), sino-tibetan languages (chine, burmese, cantones, etc.) and MUCH MUCH more trees of languages not related to indoeuropean.

    A language family tree - in pictures | Education | The Guardian
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