Run to the hills! Run for your lives!
Completed Unranked Jam for Maps, Skins, Mob Skins, Texture Packs and Blogs
Level 8
Welcome to the world of Iron Maiden ~ are you prepared for the task ahead?

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  • Vastro's Avatar
    Vastro posted to guest book of Into the Iron Maiden's Avatar Into the Iron Maiden
    December 23, 2022, 1:13 pm to Public
    Just wanted to post some screen shots of the pack that I will be posting soon. I couldn't narrow down a fav album or even song. I love them all for different reasons. So instead of focusing on one album I decided to go with the idea of a Maiden live show. They've always been known for the epic shows, theatrics and arena rumbling live performances. So with a lot of work, i've changed a bunch of textures and blocks into items to create an Iron Maiden concert experience. The GUI has been changed, certain in game items have been changed such as music disc changed to maiden album covers with each music disc song changed to a song from that album cover/single. I have also changed some of the cooked food items to fit the theme of a concert food vendor. Other items have been changed to concert t shirts, composter has been changed to a garbage barrel. The sky has been made and themed to the Brave New World album art that features Eddie in the clouds. When it is posted I will have a full list of all of the changes that i implemented to make this a thing.

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