alanw249's Avatar
Level 39 Artisan Giraffe

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    08/30/2012 8:06 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Giraffe
    alanw249's Avatar
    That awkward moment when your phone backflips outta your hand, high fives your face , falls out the window, kills three people and to top it all off the screen breaks -_-
    08/24/2012 11:40 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Giraffe
    alanw249's Avatar
    Just came back to check this thread IM STILL THE CHAMP xD whoot whoot !!
    08/23/2012 9:11 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Giraffe
    alanw249's Avatar
    Ign: Raw900

    Age: 16 (17 in september)

    Maturity: id say around 8 out of 10

    Previous Experience: Well I usually earn my positions as staff from my building skills as im a very experienced builder but I have experience on around 7 Servers as a full time staff member and 2 as a co-owner

    Why do you want this position?: well one of the servers I was admin on shut down because the owner couldnt pay the rent ! (hosting company ) So i want to focus my energy into a new server

    Would you abuse your powers?: I have a small tendency to troll people with the vanish command but we all have our faults !!!!

    Why do you stand out as the best admin?: well Im irish .... Nahh besides that Im a friendly guy and i believe in giving people a second chance when they make a mistake on a server ! also Im very fair but If they do something bad i wont be nice >:D

    Do you deal with people well?:) I personally think I do, I'm a friendly player who even as staff likes to embrace the survival aspect of the game and play survival with ordinary members of the server

    Would you consider yourself able to handle situations better than most players?: yeah I think I'm as good as any other person that has to handle sticky situations but when a situation comes up it could be anything so my attitude is just jump in feet first and resolve the problem as it comes at me !

    Pm me if Im considered I might lose track of thread !
    08/01/2012 7:17 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Giraffe
    alanw249's Avatar
    mc is meant to be simple ... %50 of these are really bad , MINECRAFT VEHICLES !!!!! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING !!!!! xD
    07/29/2012 8:36 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Giraffe
    alanw249's Avatar
    Are you hosting the server off your system ?? if you are ive seen the problem

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