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    01/22/2013 8:24 pm
    Level 24 : Expert Dolphin
    Amaze's Avatar
    Just be patient Miner, unlike you, he (Duck) has multiple wallpapers and other arts to work on, and he would always want to satisfy the customer in any way he can with the pieces. :D
    01/21/2013 5:12 pm
    Level 24 : Expert Dolphin
    Amaze's Avatar

    (Riot would kind of mean Anarchy)
    (Zone taken from DangerZone)
    (Riot taken from your MC Username. )
    01/19/2013 1:08 am
    Level 24 : Expert Dolphin
    Amaze's Avatar
    Name of "art": Spirited
    Why you need it: Just a new custom wallpaper. :D
    Text (optional): SPIRITED
    Size (NEEDED): 1440x900
    Pictures: None.
    Font ( Harker. /
    Font color: Red
    3D Text (Yes or no): Kind of...
    Background: Sky full of clouds...
    Want your skin on: No.
    How long you can wait: A bit. :D
    Anything else: Can you try to make it look like this? (Just with a dark cloud like the second link and a text like the first link with flames cracking through it. :D

    01/11/2013 12:54 am
    Level 24 : Expert Dolphin
    Amaze's Avatar
    I am so entering, unless I can create a skin with the homework on my hands as of now, but if I can successfully do it, I will create a manga skin. :P
    01/03/2013 9:43 pm
    Level 24 : Expert Dolphin
    Amaze's Avatar
    What knives are so noble enough to make you get the name?

    (In a less silly way:
    How did you get the name, KnobleKnives?)
    12/29/2012 5:22 am
    Level 24 : Expert Dolphin
    Amaze's Avatar
    COOPERx223xWhat is this for? Schoolwork or just because you like to write?

    My dream is to become a best seller but I want to start with writing nice books for ages 8-adult/senior :)

    I actually dream almost the same thing, my brother inspired me to become an author as a hobby, I'd like to be writing for pre-teens to teenagers, but I want that as a hobby as for my real career I'd like to become a game artist (as programming is proved to difficult for me. :P)
    12/29/2012 12:26 am
    Level 24 : Expert Dolphin
    Amaze's Avatar
    Here is my new version of Toro, here's a preview. :D
    12/27/2012 6:20 am
    Level 24 : Expert Dolphin
    Amaze's Avatar
    Man, the only way to try and defeat at least the mid-class skinners (compared to the high, like Reni and Jyles) is to go Danori style (if I even can.) :P

    Now what to skin...

    EDIT: I have it, now all I need to do is try and work all the features and make the palette work into it. :P
    12/20/2012 7:00 pm
    Level 24 : Expert Dolphin
    Amaze's Avatar
    I agree with you, usually the people that post on these scattered forums, I admire that you see the same way I see the forums, there are the posts that people put hard work into and they'd be buried by posts that beg for you of anything and are annoying as hell.

    12/20/2012 5:51 am
    Level 24 : Expert Dolphin
    Amaze's Avatar
    Great Writer Application!

    Title: Thunderbird, Subjects Series

    Summary: Kai is a thirteen-year old who wants nothing but to become a group leader and become a new level of friend with Emily, but his life changes when he discovers a special bird roaming around the City of Liberta, he researches it and discovers it's a Thunderbird, the next time he sees it, he runs after it with Emily, together, they find a gazebo with a portal in it, they enter and are amazed to see a whole guild of warriors known as the Spirit Guild there, thus begins the journey of the group, known as the Spiritas.

    Click to reveal
    Chapter 1
    I feel heat gliding over my eyes, it seems that some heater is shining on my face too, I look around and see the shining sun through the open window, I hear Emily and Nelly giggling as they run down the stairs, I look out and the city is bright and beautiful like always, I lay back down and roll over on my bed, but instead I drop heavily on the wooden floor, my face aching now, I see myself in the mirror, multiple bandages course through my arms, torso and neck, 'he' sure got me good.
    I pick out my favorite outfit, a red shirt with a black overshirt, black jeans and white vans to finish it off, smoothing down my brown mid-long hair, I hear chatter in the wonder what's going on, my feet creates a low sounding wood creak, which usually does as always, my dorm was small but good enough to fit about another bed in, or at least a better bed, I arrive at the main hall, where many other kids my age are talking and eating, seems like breakfast started, I scan the hall and see the table I usually go to, there they sat, my seven group members, but most importantly, my friends.
    "Kai, what took you so long?" says Jakk, he was the leader of our group, "Well I don't know, I got beat up by a gang member, couldn't I have my beauty sleep."
    "You don't look beautiful to me." says Nelly, she was the joker of the group.
    "Ha-ha, very funny." I say sarcastically, "So where are we going today?" asks Emily.
    "We can go to the new store not too far from here." says Marco, he was the fighter of the group.
    "Nah, too much people will be there." I say.
    "We can go down to the Arcade, I heard there is a new game." says Paula, she was the creative one.
    "Nah, too loud." says Nelly.
    "Why not to Organ?" says Jackal, he was the arrogant one, "That's a great idea!" says Nelly, "Let's go!" says Emily, we begin to set out, before another group leader comes to us, "Where are you pip squeaks going?" says the leader, his name was Justen, "None of your business, that's what." says Jakk, "Oh heck no, you aren't going anywhere until you tell us." says Justen, "Choose the right words or your dignity and leadership will be crushed by a girl.", as soon as Jakk said that, Emily takes out a bat from her case of weapons, did I mention she was the armory girl of the group?
    Justen backs away, and we head out, I look back at him with a glare, he can't even mess with us, no matter how hard he tried, with himself and a weapon or a whole group, we stopped it all.
    * * *

    The City of Liberta is a great city, it was always bright and beautiful, no rain or snow, just wind if rare enough, we turn and head to our group dorm where we keep all of our special stuff, Jakk unlocks it with his key and we enter, the bikes we had bought a few months ago still look like new bikes only bought two days ago, "Alright, groups, we need groups." says Jakk, "I go with Jakk." says Paula with a smile, they didn't want to admit it, but we all knew they were dating, "Nelly, you can go with-" "Jackal." Marco interrupts Jackal so quickly, I wouldn't even react so fast, Jackal grits his teeth in anger but accepts it, it's all up to me, Emily, Marco and Kathy, "I'll go with Kai." says Emily, I can feel my face turning red but I accept it, I board my bike and Emily sits behind me, winding her arms smoothly around my waist, we the guys all get ready and open the door, Me and Emily go out third, meaning Jakk closes the door, there we set off to a long bike-ride to the City known as Organ.

    Chapter 2
    Sweat courses down my face, Emily for some reason starts giggling and leaning her head on my back, I don't mind, but my crush with her makes it hard to try and blow my cool, I see that Jakk somehow came to the front of the group, and Jackal with Nelly are in the back, I keep going, not stopping until I bring Emily safely to and from City of Organ, even if it means having to fight someone, "Hey, I see the entry not too far from here." announces Jakk, and it's true, it's not too far, "Kai, I just want to ask you, do you like me?" asks Emily, butterflies in my stomach begin tickling me vigorously, I have never heard Emily talk like this, "Hypothetically, what if I said yes?" I say, "I'd think that's cute." says Emily, she giggles after that line, I let one hand go off the handlebars, one specialty I have with bikes is riding interacting with someone and riding, Jackal's is fighting with a bike, Jakk's is climbing walls and Marco's is able to ride in the narrowest spaces, I let my hand fall on her back, she giggles happily and I smile, I look at her, she is too beautiful fora school like ours, but she goes there.
    Suddenly, we all here the noise that no one wants to hear, a noise of a gang turf being crossed, we crossed it, it's.. "Los Arrogantes." says Emily, "Turn and go!" yells Jakk, he turns with one wheel up high in the air and another skidding on the ground, we other three repeat and we ride as fast as we can, Emily grips on my waist as hard as she can, it hurts but I don't care, my goal matters most than my health at this moment, but my strength is more important that my goal, I hear spanish speaking from afar and see a few members of the gang, Los Arrogantes, chasing after us, I had recently fought their leader, which was how I got my bandages, I had hit him multiple times and even had a good back-and-forth fight against him, but in the end, he beat me down good.
    "Turn right!" yells Marco, he rides oh so amazingly through the thin line between two buildings, two bikes go after him, eight continue chasing us, we keep riding through the odd-turning streets of another part of the City of Liberta, but we may know all of it, it's just hard to guide through it, Jakk and Paula split from us and a bike chases after them, another was going to turn and chase them, but wipes out instead, four are still chasing us, Me, Jackal, Nelly and Emily all look at anywhere where can split from the four, but I can tell now that this is the street of no flaws, so there is no alleys, no shortcuts, nothing, all we can do is continue to ride and hope they get tired before we do, "Kai, I need you and Emily to drop from your bikes, Me and Nelly just thought of a plan." says Jackal, I don't trust him usually, but at times like these, I'll do anything to live, I let the bike go with no handlebars and I hug Emily, and I lead our drop to grass, we fall hard but luckily we didn't land near anywhere on concrete, Jackal jumps from his bike and onto mine, Nelly rides Jackal's bike away and there he stands, Jackal against four others, he grabs my bike and swings it at the closest member, hitting them at the left shoulder and causing him to fly away from his bike, three left, he lifts the bike of the Arrogante boy just knocked out and kicks it toward the next closest one, he falls from his bike, knocked out, two left.
    I run towards the one closest to me and Emily, I run, jump, and kick the kid on the head, he had a helmet but my kick was hard enough to crack it, last one, I see Nelly returning , she must've rode in a circle, and go full speed at the last member, she rides slightly at his side, grabs his helmet and lunges at him, he flies off his bike to soft grass, but knocked out, we got them all, now all we need to do is find the others before Los Arrogantes do.

    I am a 13-year old who wants to become an author, and this is the story I want to publish. :D
    11/27/2012 1:33 am
    Level 24 : Expert Dolphin
    Amaze's Avatar
    No need for the signature now, sorry if you made it, I will use it if you made it and I'll use the one that I created, turns out I just needed to do it like I did with the original, copy and paste the Penguin Face in one layer, add text in the next layer, add background color on the last layer, plus I made a black and red avatar with it, but with the penguin you made, thanks for the previous awesome penguin though.

    11/25/2012 1:46 pm
    Level 24 : Expert Dolphin
    Amaze's Avatar
    Text: Penguin Books
    Sub-Text: Subjects™ 2013
    Size: *tumbleweed*
    How long you can wait: I can wait as long as it takes, but before my birthday would be alright, which is tomorrow. (11/26)
    Background: Dark Gray Bold Lines and Darker Gray (or Black) Bold Lines OR Just a Black or White Solid Background.
    Pictures: Mr. Reading Penguin himself (the new mascot name for the penguin. )
    Font ( Tower Print by Franco Galizia
    Font color: Black
    Any shine: Just that Awesome Beveled look you gave it last time.
    Where is the shine: The Font.
    Anything else: Can you make the Subjects™ 2013 in a tiny text size under the Penguin Books text, and maybe just put the penguin face in itself, or you can make it in your custom ways
    Here's my example:
    Click to reveal

    Sorry im having touble with the background :/
    IF you find one i will make it

    Hey will all it was really is just lines, but I found one that looks nice for now, here it is:
    Click to reveal

    Still though, no rush.
    11/25/2012 3:50 am
    Level 24 : Expert Dolphin
    Amaze's Avatar
    Text: Penguin Books
    Sub-Text: Subjects™ 2013
    Size: *tumbleweed*
    How long you can wait: I can wait as long as it takes, but before my birthday would be alright, which is tomorrow. :D (11/26)
    Background: Dark Gray Bold Lines and Darker Gray (or Black) Bold Lines OR Just a Black or White Solid Background.
    Pictures: Mr. Reading Penguin himself (the new mascot name for the penguin. :D)
    Font ( Tower Print by Franco Galizia
    Font color: Black
    Any shine: Just that Awesome Beveled look you gave it last time. :D
    Where is the shine: The Font.
    Anything else: Can you make the Subjects™ 2013 in a tiny text size under the Penguin Books text, and maybe just put the penguin face in itself, or you can make it in your custom ways
    Here's my example:
    Click to reveal
    11/24/2012 3:51 am
    Level 24 : Expert Dolphin
    Amaze's Avatar
    Name of "art": Penguin Books
    Why you need it: As an advertisement for my stories. :D
    Text: Penguin Books
    Sub-Text: Subjects™ 2013
    Size: 1440x900 Please.
    Pictures: A blac silhouette penguin in the center.
    Font ( Tower Print by Franco Galizia
    Font color: Black
    Background: Just blank white for now, I'll come back with an updated background version.
    How long you can wait: I can wait plenty of time, no rush. :D
    Any shine: Nope.
    Anything else: Can you maybe add the Subjects 2013 in small text under the Penguin Books text (with the Penguin Books being in large text), and can you add a little back shadow to the penguin and text.

    Please use this penguin, as I am using it myself for my self-made ones:
    Click to reveal
    10/21/2012 12:28 am
    Level 24 : Expert Dolphin
    Amaze's Avatar
    Here's an awesome Slender skin I made:

    Check my profile for my Flash and Batman skins, which are also nice.
    08/18/2012 2:54 pm
    Level 24 : Expert Dolphin
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    08/02/2012 1:43 pm
    Level 24 : Expert Dolphin
    Amaze's Avatar
    Nope, it was done 4 months ago. :P
    04/16/2012 11:54 am
    Level 24 : Expert Dolphin
    Amaze's Avatar
    daniel382I've still not recieved the IP. Help?
    I know it's too late, though, isn't it?

    Of course it's too late, the Hunger Games was
    NO ONE came except District 1 (Me and SuperCrafter)
    and Beastlyblu...

    -_- Why would you leave us waiting for an hour? -_-
    04/15/2012 5:56 pm
    Level 24 : Expert Dolphin
    Amaze's Avatar
    Is everybody ready for Hunger Games?

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