ArkhiTekton1's Avatar
Level 1
New Crafter

Who am I?

My name is AkrhiTekton1, and I am a long time member of Minecraft! I've been playing it since February of 2014. After 2015 I slowly fell off of Minecraft due to College, Relationship, and Work.. oh and I suppose I should mention that I had a lot of other personal problems going on as well. I haven't completely wasted my time though- You see I have been improving my writing skills, music production skills, and I am way more creative than I ever have been (more so my creativity has a bit more realism to it). Albeit, translating that into the game will be very difficult. I hope to meet great and talented people that would like to help me out with a dream of mine! :D

More Info Coming Soon...

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3Experience points
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May 9, 2019Joined PMC
ArchiTekton1Minecraft Name

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