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Level 4 Apprentice Explorer

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    06/04/2012 4:18 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    Badboy200's Avatar
    06/04/2012 4:06 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    Badboy200's Avatar
    06/04/2012 4:06 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    Badboy200's Avatar
    IGN: Neil_123
    Age: 14
    I know a lot about myths and i cn act really well
    06/01/2012 2:18 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    Badboy200's Avatar
    Zmckay u gt skype?
    06/01/2012 1:47 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    Badboy200's Avatar
    oh free
    05/29/2012 2:17 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    05/27/2012 1:34 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    Badboy200's Avatar
    did i get in?
    05/27/2012 1:09 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    Badboy200's Avatar
    theLONEDIAMOND ip?
    05/27/2012 1:08 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    Badboy200's Avatar
    05/27/2012 1:07 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    Badboy200's Avatar
    Minecraft IGN: neil_123
    Nickname: Neil
    Are you over 14? (Yes/No Question): Yes
    Do you have skype? (Yes/No Question): Yes
    How much time can you dedicate to this server: I live in UK and i can be on probably 4:00 til 8:00 pm for both weekdays and 9am til 6pm
    What position are you applying for: I am applying for admin rank
    What race do you want to be when the server starts: I am not really choosing but I dont really care which one u can put me in
    What are you good at: (MAKE THIS VERY DETAILED) THe question where is says anything else tells u in full detail what i am good at with other details as well
    Maturity Scale: (Out of 10) 8.9 out of 10 not going to lie
    Anything else you want to tell us: I would be an amazing Admin and will always help out in any situations for example If some one had been pvped and lost there items and started complaining i would be fair and say Im sorry but this is a pvp server why dont you make a faction and make a chest that way no one apart from people in you faction can join. As you can see i judge fairly. I have been playing minecraft since beta 1.1 so i am used to all commands and items. I have been on many server and i have been admin on 5 servers so i am very skilled and i will always know the right thing to say and do. Aciton's have consequences as i like to say so if you do something nice you will get recognised but if you do things bad you may get punished. I have played on many hungergames servers so i have the skills to work well with others. I like so make everyone happy but as we all know thats impossible so i make more than 90% of people happy on your server. I wil never break the rules so you can trust me and i will always obey ranks higher than me. I know that a lot off other apps have said the same thing as me but my star quality is that i never leave anyone out and never mess with there rights even if i am admin. I respect all player and always will but if they grief or break any rules i will get serious and take the right punishment. I try to reduce the amount of times i ban players because whats the fun on coming on a server and getting banned there is no fun. I want the server reputation to bee well know and respectful. I respect ur choice wether i should be admin or not but i am 1 in a million so please pick me but what can i say YOU SERvER ROCKS NO MATTER WHAT
    05/27/2012 12:59 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    Badboy200's Avatar
    IGN: neil_123
    gender: male
    age: 14
    can you host:YES
    can you record:YES
    do you have a mic:YES
    why should you be picked: because i love survival and i cn host and record and have a mic
    are you funny: Yh a bit
    05/27/2012 5:19 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    Badboy200's Avatar
    I would be an amazing Admin and will always help out in any situations for example If some one had been pvped and lost there items and started complaining i would be fair and say Im sorry but this is a pvp server why dont you make a faction and make a chest that way no one apart from people in you faction can join. As you can see i judge fairly. I have been playing minecraft since beta 1.1 so i am used to all commands and items. I have been on many server and i have been admin on 5 servers so i am very skilled and i will always know the right thing to say and do. Aciton's have consequences as i like to say so if you do something nice you will get recognised but if you do things bad you may get punished. I have played on many hungergames servers so i have the skills to work well with others. I like so make everyone happy but as we all know thats impossible so i make more than 90% of people happy on your server. I wil never break the rules so you can trust me and i will always obey ranks higher than me. I know that a lot off other apps have said the same thing as me but my star quality is that i never leave anyone out and never mess with there rights even if i am admin. I respect all player and always will but if they grief or break any rules i will get serious and take the right punishment. I try to reduce the amount of times i ban players because whats the fun on coming on a server and getting banned there is no fun. I want the server reputation to bee well know and respectful. I respect ur choice wether i should be admin or not but i am 1 in a million so please pick me but what can i say YOU SERvER ROCKS NO MATTER WHAT
    05/26/2012 9:12 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    Badboy200's Avatar
    I would be an amazing Admin and will always help out in any situations for example If some one had been pvped and lost there items and started complaining i would be fair and say Im sorry but this is a pvp server why dont you make a faction and make a chest that way no one apart from people in you faction can join. As you can see i judge fairly. I have been playing minecraft since beta 1.1 so i am used to all commands and items. I have been on many server and i have been admin on 5 servers so i am very skilled and i will always know the right thing to say and do. Aciton's have consequences as i like to say so if you do something nice you will get recognised but if you do things bad you may get punished. I have played on many hungergames servers so i have the skills to work well with others. I like so make everyone happy but as we all know thats impossible so i make more than 90% of people happy on your server. I wil never break the rules so you can trust me and i will always obey ranks higher than me. I know that a lot off other apps have said the same thing as me but my star quality is that i never leave anyone out and never mess with there rights even if i am admin. I respect all player and always will but if they grief or break any rules i will get serious and take the right punishment. I try to reduce the amount of times i ban players because whats the fun on coming on a server and getting banned there is no fun. I want the server reputation to bee well know and respectful. I respect ur choice wether i should be admin or not but i am 1 in a million so please pick me
    05/26/2012 6:33 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    Badboy200's Avatar
    05/26/2012 6:19 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    Badboy200's Avatar

    Can you record: Yes
    Do you have a youtube channel: yes steeltoxic
    Are u good at survival 1/10: 9
    Can u host: yes
    Do u have Skype: yes
    Do you talk on skype: yes
    05/23/2012 4:13 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    Badboy200's Avatar

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