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    09/17/2014 7:56 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
    beastslayer55's Avatar
    Nope, sorry, very firm, skype is a must, and Voltz is a modpack, not a person.
    09/17/2014 7:51 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
    beastslayer55's Avatar
    Yup, I'm starting a movement to never again update, as bukkit has quit, and also the developers of many of the best mods.
    05/22/2014 12:34 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
    beastslayer55's Avatar
    Age: 15
    IGN: eddyhamilton
    Why You?: I'm pretty good as staff in general.
    How Can You Help?: I can do, pretty much anything but build. i can do permissions, handle plugins, handle players, ect.
    Why Do You Want To Help?: I don't know, why does anyone ever want to help? Because a position of power on a server is fun.
    How Much Can You Donate?: None. I don't think you will find anyone who is willing to donate. Its extremely rare to find a steady player that is willing to donate, much less staff.
    When Can You Start?: As so as you contact me on skype, or here.
    What Is Your Maturity Level?: Well, 8 out of 10, for sure.
    Can You Build?; Yes, im not the greatest, but im fairly good at tactical minigame terrain. I have to have WE ot voxel sniper though.
    How Good Are Your People Skills (1-10): Oh, probably 9
    Tell Me About Your Self: I'm Attemping modding, but i can't find anyone to help me, and there is something wrong with my setup, so im having difficulties there. i have been playing MC for probably 2 1/2 years now. i have owned several servers. and staff a couple as well.
    05/22/2014 12:27 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
    beastslayer55's Avatar
    Anyone? I'm desperate!
    05/21/2014 10:41 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
    beastslayer55's Avatar
    Welcome to PMC Diva!
    05/21/2014 10:39 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
    beastslayer55's Avatar
    Errm, i meant coding, i think you are confused with installing mods?
    05/21/2014 10:38 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
    beastslayer55's Avatar
    Hey miami, remember me? I was thinking i might be in the market foir a new skin, but im not sure what.... Mebbe something awesome from LOTR, or just something that looks cool?
    05/21/2014 10:36 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
    beastslayer55's Avatar
    And by kickbacks, i mean a percentage of what my Adfly account makes
    05/21/2014 10:34 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
    beastslayer55's Avatar
    Can you help?
    05/21/2014 10:33 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
    beastslayer55's Avatar
    05/21/2014 10:25 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
    beastslayer55's Avatar
    predaking_rulezI want to make a mod but I do not know how. It would also be really cool if my idea could become an update for Mine craft PC. The mod name it should have is Hospital Mod. I chose this name because of what it should have with it. Here is a list of what should be in the mod or update:
    •sickness. It would be fun if you can get sick and get diseases and viruses that last a long time, you could also just get the common cold.
    •shots. You should be able to get a shot from another player or just from yourself. The character will right click someone and a screen pops up that shows the character zoomed in. Then you right click the spot the shot will go in at. Then that screen goes away and your character walks over to the other character and sticks the needle in. There could also be vaccines. The shots should take a little while to heal the character.
    •hospital beds. In multiplayer mode only a character besides yourself can put someone in and out of a hospital bed by right clicking the bed and right clicking the bed. The bed will have wheels to move around the bed.
    •medicines. A player should be able to take a pill or drink some liquid medicine. (Not potions)

    It would be awesome if someone made it a mod and every minecrafter got it or if it became part of a mine craft update, both for PC versions of mine craft. Thanks for reading. I hope this ideabecomes part of an update more than anything.

    Get Eclipse, learn Java, make the mod.

    Yup That is How I learned. Now it is time for you to do the same thing. I am sorry but someone is not just going to do this out of the Kindness of there hearts, your probably are going to have to pay them,

    Errm. dude? i just offered..
    05/21/2014 10:23 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
    beastslayer55's Avatar
    Anyone?! PLEASE? its urgent!
    05/21/2014 6:59 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
    beastslayer55's Avatar
    Im Replying. im not gonna promise anything, and im not the best, but i will try.
    05/21/2014 6:59 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
    beastslayer55's Avatar
    Contact me on skype, i would be willing to try. my skype name is minecraftwormeater
    05/11/2014 2:10 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
    beastslayer55's Avatar
    Ahhh..... minecraft wasn't out in 2000? Maybe you meant the Email?
    05/11/2014 10:42 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
    beastslayer55's Avatar
    Staff Application:
    Role (Staff Rank): Admin/Headmod?
    IGN/Name:eddyhamilton/Eddy Hamilton
    Skype (Required):minecraftwormeater
    What can you offer us?: I'm Fairly good at pretty much anything as far as servers go, i have owned several.
    Past Experience (provide pictures if you are applying for a builder): Owned several servers, admin a couple, modded a couple.
    Why do you want to join our server?: cause, it SOUNDS AWESOME!!!
    Maturity (1-10): A solid 8, I will be realistic, I'm Not perfect XD.
    05/11/2014 10:19 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
    beastslayer55's Avatar
    Any others?
    05/07/2014 11:00 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
    beastslayer55's Avatar
    These guys need to be sued for: #1 Impersonating Xbox Employees. #2 Cyber Bullying. and #3 Being A' Holes.
    05/07/2014 10:50 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
    beastslayer55's Avatar
    ^^ Dis guys got sense.

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