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    05/08/2013 8:16 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    Chadmoe53's Avatar
    Hey Knightscraft, happy to have ya onboard! I got your Skype as well as me's info, hoping we can set something up for this weekend. (5/11/13)
    05/05/2013 8:05 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    Chadmoe53's Avatar
    That was a good server. Do you like Roleplaying? I could have you for a player once we whitelist it if you don't pass as a builder.
    05/05/2013 7:58 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    Chadmoe53's Avatar
    What RP servers have you two played on before?
    05/05/2013 7:50 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    Chadmoe53's Avatar
    Sounds Good Guys! Since there wasn't a large outcome of Builders, looks like you two can maybe try it out! Are you both good with world Edit?
    05/05/2013 7:39 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    Chadmoe53's Avatar
    DJ Carnage
    Steve Aoki
    Knife Party
    *And So On*
    05/05/2013 7:27 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
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    05/05/2013 7:20 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    Chadmoe53's Avatar
    When I was younger, I used to listen to a lot of Led Zeppelin & AC/DC. I still like them but when I became a DJ I started listening to a lot Trap and Club Music
    10/17/2012 10:19 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    Chadmoe53's Avatar
    Character name: (Lord) Sir_Morthalo
    Age: 16
    Why you wish to join us: Just wanted to see what you guys were made of
    Character background:

    Back on the Provinece of Heronitas, sat a grand city named Renos. It was a sharp, civilized city that contained many merchants and craftsmen being an economical stable one also. The mighty king King Morthalo sat upon his throne tasting new Fruits that have just been discovered on a small island named Moridia. He liked these fruits as well as the kind lady who brought them to him. Morthalo had it all planned out in his head, having a sort of dark side to himself; "I shall use the power of the Dark Arcane to...hrmmmm...well...Mindwarp this fine woman into becoming my queen."

    Although it was a great plan, he did yet not know that he was not the only one being able to hold this Dark Arcane Power...the brother of this woman was with her and from the time of living on Moridia, (The Land of the creation of Dark Arcane) he knows his things about the power that he, as a Moridian, can Harness easily.
    After hearing the Kings thoughts, the brother outbursted, "You are a fraud! This man is holding you all to his will with the Dark Arcane power he holds!!!" Right after he said this, a beam of dark red light shot from the Moridian's Eyes and it was said that Morthalo was drained of power. The Moridian then threw Morthalo down to the commons area where the citizens, known of being betrayed, beat and burned Morthalo till he begged for mercy. After being locked away for some time, he was taken onto a ship and later dropped off on an unknown island just south of the Drakeheart Continent. This island was just the beginning for Morthalo's new life; he founds something grand. While searching the island, he found a sign saying: "The Treasure of Urthralios." and what came with it was a boat, 5 Rubies a map, and 4 apples. His journey was set now to the new land of Drakeheart...
    What is your Character's mindset?: Find out what happened to Renos. And to also lead a 'gang' or in better saying 'clan' into Drakeheart to create a new kingdom to compete with the uprising of Moridia @ Renos
    10/17/2012 10:09 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    Chadmoe53's Avatar
    Server Looks Pretty Good! In my opinion it needs more plugins. Maybe add some heroes plugin of some sort, Like Gazamo's or Heroes of Galderons 2 Great RP Servers. Although I didnt see most of what you guys got, I could help building Dungeons, Castles, Worldguarded Area's, Or whatever you need. Im here to help whenever yall need it, . I also do some stories as well and once I read the lore to your server I shall see what I can do to spice it up either entering with my 2 Famous Characters: Moridians/Urthralians. Message me back if you need any help: building/Lore/Moderating/Etc. Ive helped build on many great servers including Paramount PVP & Fantasywar RP server.
    10/17/2012 8:04 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    Chadmoe53's Avatar
    ....Dude I know who you are Mayor
    10/17/2012 7:45 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    Chadmoe53's Avatar
    Hey! Im Chadmoe53, I was wondering if you could make some skins for my clan on this Roleplaying server named Galderon. I was looking for some Knight or warrior skins for like Dwarfs/Elfs/Humans whatever you can think of. Also if you could maybe create them to be similar to my skins as well. Lastly I was looking for a skin close to Corvo from Dishonored the game, but mixed with some of my skins. (when I mean my skins, I mean the Urthralios people please.) Thanks for all of your help!

    (this is not Lord Morthalo *laughs*)
    07/19/2012 5:33 am
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    Chadmoe53's Avatar
    Ighty Im Off Boys and Gurls
    07/19/2012 5:30 am
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    Chadmoe53's Avatar
    Alrighty Sounds Legit...I cant wait for AMRA III though...looks sooooo realistic!!! & Nuts!
    07/19/2012 5:26 am
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    Chadmoe53's Avatar
    ....Who would you write it to??? Zombies?!?!?
    07/19/2012 5:21 am
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    Chadmoe53's Avatar
    BTW you make some sick ass Anime skins
    07/19/2012 5:18 am
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    Chadmoe53's Avatar
    :O is that a gamemode or a different Game?
    07/19/2012 5:12 am
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    Chadmoe53's Avatar
    Btw I would also get like 100 pairs of Glasses so i can frickin see!
    07/19/2012 5:09 am
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    Chadmoe53's Avatar
    Desu Motoko...I know Buddy....ARMA was and still is Fantastic...Boss, Play some AWP Warfare, you will be on it for hours
    07/19/2012 5:07 am
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    Chadmoe53's Avatar
    Damn....Ok Bullet Proof Plan:



    Find out by the news what DAFUQ is going on....then you would need to get a sibling, parent to hurry and make it to a grocery store to get all non-perishable items. All meet up back at hom, pull up GOOGLE find an area that has a low Population, on the way there get some things or people that will help you, create a small refugee town and live your life till an Anti-Virus is made....also defend off them damn Bandits


    Hmm Ive always wondered what would happen after a zombie apocolypse....
    07/19/2012 4:57 am
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    Chadmoe53's Avatar
    :O it did it 2 Times.....Whoops....

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