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Level 10
Journeyman Ranger

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    01/17/2014 5:08 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Ranger
    chakarocksMC's Avatar
    good Zimdooza sounds a little cheesy to me i don't know why but its still good 8 down but there is still more to go.
    01/17/2014 5:00 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Ranger
    chakarocksMC's Avatar
    Stevian 3
    and Sector G1-32B-S
    are all good keep em coming and please be original.
    01/17/2014 4:49 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Ranger
    chakarocksMC's Avatar
    Thanks but i still need some more i have quite a few planets. I really just have trouble with names.
    01/17/2014 4:42 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Ranger
    chakarocksMC's Avatar
    Redstoner Application:

    IGN: chakarocksMC

    Name: Will

    Age: 14

    How mature would you say that you are?: I'd say im around a 8. I don't swear or post stpid comments and I don't grief or troll or any of that other stuff that i despise.

    Skype/and or any other ways to contact you?: chaka.rocksmc1 (no webcam only microphones)

    Redstone Experience: I am good with redstone and out of my community of friends I'm the best at redstone and probably the only one who understands redstone logic.

    Proof of your work: I had a few designs on my old computer that broke but i have built the battleship game in MC, again i don't have the world or pics cause the computer got destroyed.

    Any additional info?: I am willing to work hard and spend a lot of time building and working, i understand comparators and any other redstone device and have been playing Minecraft for a while now. I am happy to work with you guys and have some fun.

    01/17/2014 4:28 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Ranger
    chakarocksMC's Avatar
    There should be xp for posting if your post is seen as helpful or well lliked. perhaps something similar to the diaamond option but on a smaller scale.
    01/03/2014 10:00 am
    Level 10 : Journeyman Ranger
    chakarocksMC's Avatar
    Why do you want to join?
    I am searching for a community server that is fine with pranking and doesn't just stick to building there own house but instead builds there own house and does big group projects also.
    How old are you? im fourteen
    Can you act maturely? I am more mature than the older guys in my area and i fell like I can take and handle everything and not be like i didn't do it if i griefed or something (i wouldn't grief)
    How long have you played MineCraft? for about a year and a galf i think i played on my friends for a bit before i got my own
    What other games do you enjoy playing? Factorio and pretty much any other console game
    Country you currently live in? U.S.A.
    IGN: chakarocksMC
    looking forward to playing with you guys if i get accepted.
    01/03/2014 9:49 am
    Level 10 : Journeyman Ranger
    chakarocksMC's Avatar
    i have the recording equipment and everything and have been playing MC for like two years and am good with building and redstone.
    01/01/2014 4:15 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Ranger
    chakarocksMC's Avatar
    thanks for the help ill try it again once i get on my faster computer.
    01/01/2014 1:42 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Ranger
    chakarocksMC's Avatar
    hey id help out to and i have been building hotels and other buildings for a while now and they are some fancy hotels looking forward to building if you accept me.
    12/31/2013 11:11 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Ranger
    chakarocksMC's Avatar
    1: Ign so I can whitelist you: chakarocksMC
    2: What is mindcrack? a group of minecraft youtubers who build and prank together
    3: Who is your favorite mindcracker? Vintagebeef
    4: Who created mindcrack? Guude
    5: Why do you want to join? I would like to join a good community that is more trusted and who don't freak out at a little non destructive prank
    6: Youtube (Optional) still setting up my new one
    7: Age: 14 almost 15
    8: Say you are stupid if you understand the rules:i is so stupid stupid is an extreme understatement
    12/31/2013 5:16 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Ranger
    chakarocksMC's Avatar
    I am a lone builder so you could add me to your crew i don't need pay though. i haven't seen walking dead though but im good with custom terrain. unfortunately my sister broke the computer im normally on so i don't have snapshots to show you.
    12/31/2013 4:19 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Ranger
    chakarocksMC's Avatar
    IGN: chakarocksMC
    Age: 14 almost 15
    Experience: lots of my own little projects and my one big project is a map with multiple cities with different themes one is sort of post apocalyptic ish but their big and im good at designing
    What do you want to help build?(Terraform, Wastelands, Metro (Subway) stations inhabited, cities , Spawn, Other):i don't want to terraform or do the wastelands spawn is out too, but i would like to do the subways and would help with the cities to. actually im fine with terraforming if its in confined areas and not the whole map.
    Why should I accept you as a builder?: I have too much time on my hands that i spend on minecraft i have been looking for a good server and will work hard for it. (also the free donator rank looks shiny)
    Screenshots (Optional): sorry can't upload my stuff it was on a computer that my sister broke and it is at the shop right now.
    Other Info: I come to build and play looking forward to it and readying my right click and left click.
    12/31/2013 2:30 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Ranger
    chakarocksMC's Avatar
    I would love to join and i spend way to much time on minecraft and im almost always available. i love building and doing redstone and have been looking for somewhere with bigger projects not everyone builds there own house then it gets boring. if i get in im looking forward to group projects and the community me IGN is chakarocksMC
    12/31/2013 2:17 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Ranger
    chakarocksMC's Avatar
    I would like a youtube banner.
    details in it: me "chakarocksMC" and a few melon warriros (two melons then a pumpkin and levers for arms) probably 2-3 and have it say chakarocksMC also if you could have me in front of a lake that would be awesome.
    note if im gandalf don't use that one and contact me pls.
    12/31/2013 2:05 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Ranger
    chakarocksMC's Avatar
    hey man I have a server with a bunch of random guys it has creative and survival capabilities im pretty much the co-owner and im recruiting as there is currently only three in our group on this server. I don't know if it could be immediately ready but in a week the server will be fully functional. my recording equipment isn't the best either but it works for me. I'll send you some stuff later got to go.
    12/31/2013 3:52 am
    Level 10 : Journeyman Ranger
    chakarocksMC's Avatar
    1. Why should I interview you? because i am freaking awesome and have lots of crazy experiences
    2. How often do you come on? every day for about 18 hours
    3. How enthusiastic are you about interviews? enthusiastic doesn't even describe it
    12/31/2013 3:04 am
    Level 10 : Journeyman Ranger
    chakarocksMC's Avatar
    1. In game name: chakarocksMC
    2. Skype Name? (Not needed, but recommended): sorry don't have a skype
    3. How long have you been playing: one and a half years ish
    4. Age: 14
    5. What do you excel most in (Building, PvP, Redstone, etc.): i enjoy building though my architecture isn't the best for fantasy buildings. i build more modern stuff. i understand redstone and enjoy using it.
    6: Why do you wish to join the server: because i have been looking for a community based server for a while now. and any other ones seem to be a hoax. I would like to have something like mindcrack with my friends but there not willing to support the serever so i wanted to find one that had a good community.
    7. Any previous builds?: i am currently building a modern city and some futuristic and fantasy buildings. i can show pics if necessary i also have built many mob traps auto farms and other resource gathering things.
    8. How often/how many hours per day will you be able to play: how many hours should i be playing or do i play, well i should be playing 1 to 2 hours but in reality i play 12-18 hours
    9. Who is your favourite Mindcracker: VintageBeef
    10. I would feel honored to be allowed onto your server and I would play on it whenever possible. A good community is what i am looking for, and i hope it's what i get from here. also it says you'll cantact us by the minecraft forums do you mean the minecraft forums or planet minecraft

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