conure's Avatar
  • A B O U T M E
    call me suzi
    ♥ 7.09.20 ♥
    violinist & trumpeter
    i love art & makeup.
    music enthusiast :))

    R E Q U E S T S & T R A D E S
    yes, i take requests and do trades!
    if you'd like one, message me!
    requester: none // trades: open

  • Content Gallery

  • You were at the beginning of the maze.
    Whole. Complete.
    You began your way,

    but you became lost, corrupted, on your journey.
    You’re struggling to get to the end,
    but once you do,
    you’ll be reunited.
    And together you shall stay.

    I know you’re having a hard time.
    Everyone goes through hell.

    Most break under the experience,
    but real ones get through it.
    Treasure who you are and who you have,
    because today may be your last day.
    And you don't know it.

    Selfishness drives us to do crazy things.
    People need it to thrive.
    Others think it as a game.
    Most depend on it..
  • ~<3

  • ~<3

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