Cosmikyu's Avatar
Level 1
New Miner

This is Cosmikyu

Why hello there, it seems that you have found me in the lowest parts of Planet Minecraft.

If you did find me because of anything else then I'm surprised.

It would be nice if you just call me Cosmo or Cosmik, really rolls off the tongue doesn't it?

Anyway, here's some info about me

I am a part of a very small SMP that is.... interesting to say the least.

Cosmikyu is fan art from a person named Sarah V on Pinterest

I run a Discord server full of friends (Some from other places on the planet)

And that's all for now...

Member Statistics

364Profile views
54Experience points
1Forum threads
8Discussion posts
2Wall posts
Mar 13, 2021Joined PMC
Cosmikyu_Minecraft Name

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