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New Miner

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    09/02/2012 3:25 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dcook95's Avatar
    in interested in helping.
    ign : dcook95
    09/02/2012 10:53 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dcook95's Avatar
    i'll help. ign : dcook95
    whats the IP?
    07/09/2012 9:27 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dcook95's Avatar
    IGN: dcook95
    Skype: N/A but can make one. lol.
    Age: 17
    Position Wanted: admin preferably. but anything would be nice.
    Strengths: im good at building, i like to help people, i can be serious when needed but i can also joke around and goof off.
    How often would you be on the server: daily.
    Would you donate: possibly, when i could.
    06/28/2012 6:40 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dcook95's Avatar
    IGN dcook95
    Age 17
    what can you do/build? dude, to be honest, im just AWESOME! xD
    02/05/2012 7:08 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dcook95's Avatar
    1: Ingame name : dcook95
    2: Age : 16
    3: Admin experience? : I am an admin on my Neighbors server, and on my own.
    4: Why do you wish to become administrator on our server? : i want to get rid of greifers, and help the server in anyway i can.
    5: For how long have you been playing on our server? 5 min. LOL
    6: Are you willing to talk on skype with other administrators (Meetings etc) : Absolutely
    7: What could you bring to the server? : Any help possible
    8: Why should we pick you as an admin? : I think i have experience and i will be a good asset for your server to have.
    9: Could you donate some euros every month to the server? : Unfortunately, Probably not. My Family and I are not that wealthy to just throw it around....
    10: How many hours a day will you be able to handle conflict? from 3PM to 10PM (eastern time)
    13 What is your motivation of being an administrator? : to rid the minecraft world of griefers and people who blatantly disregard server rules.
    12: Tell us some information about you! (The more you write, the better it is) : I am 16, a junior in high school. i have my comptia A+ Computer Certification and i will be taking my Progamming and Network+ Exams soon. I play guitar, i listen to grunge music. my 3 all time favorite bands are 1. Nirvana 2. Alice In Chains and 3. The Doors. Thank You for reading this and hopefully considering me as an admin.
    02/05/2012 6:40 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dcook95's Avatar
    Characters age:16
    Characters name:Kurt
    Characters power:Lightning
    Student or other?:Student
    Backstory and bio: I was born and had a good life until 7 yrs. old. then my mother died so i had to steal to survive, i had no home. during a lightning storm i was struck, and gained my powers. (i know i went overboard on the bio, but i enjoy rp servers)

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