Ding_Dang_Dong's Avatar
Level 1
New Miner

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    01/23/2015 9:24 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ding_Dang_Dong's Avatar
    Well, just cause I'm young, doesn't mean I'm not mature or responsible. If I can, I would like to change to apply for Admin or Mod!?! I really think I can help this server. Please take this to consideration! Thanks!
    01/23/2015 9:18 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ding_Dang_Dong's Avatar
    Oh ok! Tell me if I'm accepted
    01/21/2015 4:58 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ding_Dang_Dong's Avatar
    *Posted, but no reply :/
    Here's my app if you don't mind!


    Age? 13


    IGN? Ding_Dang_Dong

    Do You Have Skype? Yes facebook.tony.phamtran.5

    Gender? Male

    Why Would You Like To Be Staff And How Can You Contribute?
    I would like to be staff on this server because I like to have fun with other people on this server. I want to help make this server one of the biggest servers there is. I will do my very best and put all of my effort towards helping this server in every way possible. If I get a staff position, I will help anyone and everyone with any problems they have. I will help keep this server safe and to help everyone have a good time. I will learn the servers rules and keep this server going with no trouble. I know basic server commands and I can learn way more if needed. I will have fun on the server and I want to help everyone else enjoy it and have fun too. I will also contribute as much as I can towards this server to help. I want to help make new servers bigger and better. I am on Minecraft basically all day. Whenever you need me, ill be on. But otherwise, ill always on the server. I have been a mod on 1 other server. I watch out for Hackers, Spammers, and anyone who is just a mistake to the minecraft community. I am good with commands and I am great with working out problems with people and I always enjoy helping when I can. You can trust me no matter what. I can see how hard the Staff try to make a new server a great server and I want to be a part! But there are always situations that the best of the best cant handle. I want to help to stop these people (Hackers, etc.) I always record in-game and take screenshots just in case I catch anything that is not allowed on the server (Hackers, Spammers, Rudeness, Excessive Caps, etc.) If a player needs to be banned, I automatically report to higher person (Mod,Admin,Owner) and report to them with what I have. I would not play around with the rank. I work to benefit the servers needs. I am very Loyal, Trustworthy, Honest, and almost everything nice! I am respectful to the minecraft community

    Have You Been Staff On Any Other Servers Before?
    Nebula Prison
    Arkham Prison
    Other smaller servers

    How Often Will You Be On?
    I can be on 1-3 hours a day. It depends if I have homework or not too.

    Have You Ever Been Banned, Temp-Banned Or Muted Before?
    Yes. I have be ban for asking if that was a pre-made map.
    01/21/2015 4:51 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ding_Dang_Dong's Avatar
    Minecraft Staff

    Rank (Mod, Head-Mod, Admin, Head-Admin, Co-Owner): Head-Admin

    Name: Tony

    IGN: Ding_Dang_Dong

    Age: 13

    Timezone: EST

    Skype: facebock:tony.phamtran.5

    Past bans (if any)? Yes. I have be ban ONCE for asking if that was a pre-made map.

    How much time can you contribute per day? I can be on 1-3 hours a day. It depends if I have homework or not too.

    What can you contribute to the Network?I would like to be staff on this server because I like to have fun with other people on this server. I want to help make this server one of the biggest servers there is. I will do my very best and put all of my effort towards helping this server in every way possible. If I get a staff position, I will help anyone and everyone with any problems they have. I will help keep this server safe and to help everyone have a good time. I will learn the servers rules and keep this server going with no trouble. I know basic server commands and I can learn way more if needed. I will have fun on the server and I want to help everyone else enjoy it and have fun too. I will also contribute as much as I can towards this server to help. I want to help make new servers bigger and better. I am on Minecraft basically all day. Whenever you need me, ill be on. But otherwise, ill always on the server. I have been a mod on a few other server but mostly admin. I watch out for Hackers, Spammers, and anyone who is just a mistake to the minecraft community. I am good with commands and I am great with working out problems with people and I always enjoy helping when I can. You can trust me no matter what. I can see how hard the Staff try to make a new server a great server and I want to be a part! But there are always situations that the best of the best cant handle. I want to help to stop these people (Hackers, etc.) I always record in-game and take screenshots just in case I catch anything that is not allowed on the server (Hackers, Spammers, Rudeness, Excessive Caps, etc.) If a player needs to be banned, I automatically report to higher person (Mod,Admin,Owner) and report to them with what I have. I would not play around with the rank. I work to benefit the servers needs. I am very Loyal, Trustworthy, Honest, and almost everything nice! I am respectful to the minecraft community

    Past Experience: I have been admin, mod, helper etc on a lot of servers. I think I have the knowledge to be head-admin to lead the team!

    Have you been staff on multiple servers (if so, which servers)?
    Nebula Prison
    Triton Network
    Other smaller servers
    01/15/2015 7:18 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ding_Dang_Dong's Avatar

    Name: Tony/Ding_Dang_Dong

    Age: 13

    State: NA (Canada)

    Have you ever been Admin before:
    Nebula Prison - Admin
    Galaxy Network - Mod
    Other smaller servers - Admin or higher
    So... yes, I have been admin in a few servers.

    How much time can you be on the server each day:1-3 hours everyday, but it also depends if I have homework or not.

    What do you do if a player has gotten stuck in a 2x2 hole and he cannot get out: Tell them to do /spawn or /home (if they have one) or I will tp them out.

    What do you do if a Moderator is abusing his power and players are complaining:
    Well, I would first ban him for a while or de-op (if have permission as admin). I will then tell the owner or higher rank and post a forum with PROOF from screen shots and/or the community. The decision will be made by you, the owner or us the community if he should be ban.

    If a Moderator asks you a question what do you do?
    I respond to them with a specific answer to help him/her understand. I will never ignore as helping other's is my number one priority.

    Are you supposed to help with building: (yes/no) Yes. I'll be there if there is any need of help in building. I'm really good at building myself, wouldn't say THE BEST of all builders though.

    Others (I added):
    I would like to be staff on this server because I like to have fun with other people on this server. I want to help make this server one of the biggest servers there is. I will do my very best and put all of my effort towards helping this server in every way possible. If I get a staff position, I will help anyone and everyone with any problems they have. I will help keep this server safe and to help everyone have a good time. I will learn the servers rules and keep this server going with no trouble. I know basic server commands and I can learn way more if needed. I will have fun on the server and I want to help everyone else enjoy it and have fun too. I will also contribute as much as I can towards this server to help. I want to help make new servers bigger and better. I am on Minecraft basically all day. Whenever you need me, ill be on. But otherwise, ill always on the server. I have been a mod on 1 other server. I watch out for Hackers, Spammers, and anyone who is just a mistake to the minecraft community. I am good with commands and I am great with working out problems with people and I always enjoy helping when I can. You can trust me no matter what. I can see how hard the Staff try to make a new server a great server and I want to be a part! But there are always situations that the best of the best cant handle. I want to help to stop these people (Hackers, etc.) I always record in-game and take screenshots just in case I catch anything that is not allowed on the server (Hackers, Spammers, Rudeness, Excessive Caps, etc.) If a player needs to be banned, I automatically report to higher person (Mod,Admin,Owner) and report to them with what I have. I would not play around with the rank. I work to benefit the servers needs. I am very Loyal, Trustworthy, Honest, and almost everything nice! I am respectful to the minecraft community.
    01/15/2015 6:44 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ding_Dang_Dong's Avatar
    Here's my app if you don't mind!


    Age? 13


    IGN? Ding_Dang_Dong

    Do You Have Skype? Yes (OH BABY A TRIPLE!)

    Gender? Male

    Why Would You Like To Be Staff And How Can You Contribute?
    I would like to be staff on this server because I like to have fun with other people on this server. I want to help make this server one of the biggest servers there is. I will do my very best and put all of my effort towards helping this server in every way possible. If I get a staff position, I will help anyone and everyone with any problems they have. I will help keep this server safe and to help everyone have a good time. I will learn the servers rules and keep this server going with no trouble. I know basic server commands and I can learn way more if needed. I will have fun on the server and I want to help everyone else enjoy it and have fun too. I will also contribute as much as I can towards this server to help. I want to help make new servers bigger and better. I am on Minecraft basically all day. Whenever you need me, ill be on. But otherwise, ill always on the server. I have been a mod on 1 other server. I watch out for Hackers, Spammers, and anyone who is just a mistake to the minecraft community. I am good with commands and I am great with working out problems with people and I always enjoy helping when I can. You can trust me no matter what. I can see how hard the Staff try to make a new server a great server and I want to be a part! But there are always situations that the best of the best cant handle. I want to help to stop these people (Hackers, etc.) I always record in-game and take screenshots just in case I catch anything that is not allowed on the server (Hackers, Spammers, Rudeness, Excessive Caps, etc.) If a player needs to be banned, I automatically report to higher person (Mod,Admin,Owner) and report to them with what I have. I would not play around with the rank. I work to benefit the servers needs. I am very Loyal, Trustworthy, Honest, and almost everything nice! I am respectful to the minecraft community

    Have You Been Staff On Any Other Servers Before?
    Nebula Prison
    Arkham Prison
    Other smaller servers

    How Often Will You Be On?
    I can be on 1-3 hours a day. It depends if I have homework or not too.

    Have You Ever Been Banned, Temp-Banned Or Muted Before?
    Yes. I have be ban for asking if that was a pre-made map.
    01/06/2015 4:23 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ding_Dang_Dong's Avatar
    In-Game-Name: Ding_Dang_Dong

    Age: 13

    Skype (Not Required, but highly recommended): Will send if accepted!

    How long have you been playing Minecraft: I started in 2013

    Are you currently staff on any other servers: No

    Have you been staff on servers in the past (please specify):
    Nebula Prison
    Arkham Prison
    Other smaller servers

    How much time per day can you dedicate to Vortex United:
    I can be on 1-3 hours a day. It depends if I have homework or not too.

    Why do you want to be staff (3 sentences at the least):I would like to be staff on this server because I like to have fun with other people on this server. I want to help make this server one of the biggest servers there is. I will do my very best and put all of my effort towards helping this server in every way possible. If I get a staff position, I will help anyone and everyone with any problems they have. I will help keep this server safe and to help everyone have a good time. I will learn the servers rules and keep this server going with no trouble. I know basic server commands and I can learn way more if needed. I will have fun on the server and I want to help everyone else enjoy it and have fun too. I will also contribute as much as I can towards this server to help. I want to help make new servers bigger and better. I am on Minecraft basically all day. Whenever you need me, ill be on. But otherwise, ill always on the server. I have been a mod on 1 other server. I watch out for Hackers, Spammers, and anyone who is just a mistake to the minecraft community. I am good with commands and I am great with working out problems with people and I always enjoy helping when I can. You can trust me no matter what. I can see how hard the Staff try to make a new server a great server and I want to be a part! But there are always situations that the best of the best cant handle. I want to help to stop these people (Hackers, etc.) I always record in-game and take screenshots just in case I catch anything that is not allowed on the server (Hackers, Spammers, Rudeness, Excessive Caps, etc.) If a player needs to be banned, I automatically report to higher person (Mod,Admin,Owner) and report to them with what I have. I would not play around with the rank. I work to benefit the servers needs. I am very Loyal, Trustworthy, Honest, and almost everything nice! I am respectful to the minecraft community

    What can you bring to the team(2 sentences at the least):
    You should hire me cause I'll put 100% of my effort to organize and help the server to be one of the best. I'll do anything to help!

    Maturity (1-10 scale): Scale of 1-10, 9/10 when I'm serious. 5/10 when I joke around.

    Building (1-10 scale): 7

    Plugins (1-10 scale): I know simple plugins and will be willing to learn more if needed!
    I would say 5.

    Anything Else:
    01/06/2015 4:07 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ding_Dang_Dong's Avatar
    Can you please white list me?
    12/28/2014 3:23 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ding_Dang_Dong's Avatar
    Manager/Admin App-First Name: Tony

    IGN: Ding_Dang_Dong

    Age(Must be 14 and up): 14

    Skype Name:OH BABY A TRIPLE!

    Which server would you like to apply for?(Creative, Factions, Skyblock, or Prison)
    I was wishing for Prison, but I applied to late. What ever is left over would be great!

    What rank would you like to apply for? Admin

    How long have you played Minecraft?: Since 1.6 minecraft update.

    Why do you want to be staff?:I would like to be staff on this server because I like to have fun with other people on this server. I want to help make this server one of the biggest servers there is. I will do my very best and put all of my effort towards helping this server in every way possible. If I get a staff position, I will help anyone and everyone with any problems they have. I will help keep this server safe and to help everyone have a good time. I will learn the servers rules and keep this server going with no trouble. I know basic server commands and I can learn way more if needed. I will have fun on the server and I want to help everyone else enjoy it and have fun too. I will also contribute as much as I can towards this server to help. I want to help make new servers bigger and better. I am on Minecraft basically all day. Whenever you need me, ill be on. But otherwise, ill always on the server. I have been a mod on 1 other server. I watch out for Hackers, Spammers, and anyone who is just a mistake to the minecraft community. I am good with commands and I am great with working out problems with people and I always enjoy helping when I can. You can trust me no matter what. I can see how hard the Staff try to make a new server a great server and I want to be a part! But there are always situations that the best of the best cant handle. I want to help to stop these people (Hackers, etc.) I always record in-game and take screenshots just in case I catch anything that is not allowed on the server (Hackers, Spammers, Rudeness, Excessive Caps, etc.) If a player needs to be banned, I automatically report to higher person (Mod,Admin,Owner) and report to them with what I have. I would not play around with the rank. I work to benefit the servers needs. I am very Loyal, Trustworthy, Honest, and almost everything nice! I am respectful to the minecraft community.

    Why should we choose you to become staff? You should hire me cause I'll put 100%
    of my effort to organize and help the server to be one of the best. I'll do anything to help!

    Are you experienced with plugins? Yes. I have experience with simple plugins and willing to learn more if needed!

    What plugins are you most familiar with? Pex and (world edit if you consider as plugin)

    How active will you be?: I can be on 1-3 hours a day. It depends if I have homework or not too.

    Past Staff Experience?:
    Nebula Prison
    Arkham Prison
    Other smaller servers

    Top 3 MC Skills: Mining, Communication with others and building!

    Top 3 Staff Skills(Can copy from MC Skills): Problem Solving, Building, Organization.

    Anything Else? Thanks For Your Time!
    12/27/2014 6:13 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ding_Dang_Dong's Avatar
    IGN: Ding_Dang_Dong

    Age: 13

    Yes. I have be ban ONCE for asking if that was a pre-made map.

    Experience being Staff:
    Nebula Prison
    Arkham Prison
    Other smaller servers

    How mature are you:
    Scale of 1-10, 9/10 when I'm serious. 5/10 when I joke around.

    Why should I hire you?:
    You should hire me cause I'll put 100% of my effort to organize and help the server to be one of the best. I'll do anything to help!

    How can you Help:
    I can vote towards the server, but my paypal is currently down and I can't donate as of now.

    Do you have Good Grammar: Yes I do.

    Skype: OH BABY A TRIPLE!

    Time Zone: EST

    Plugins/Building experience:
    I had experience with building and know a bit of plugins.

    How much time will you dedicate to the Server daily:
    I can be on 1-3 hours a day. It depends if I have homework or not too.

    How Long have you been Playing Minecraft:
    Since 1.6 minecraft update.

    Why we should Pick You (5 sent. min.):
    I would like to be staff on this server because I like to have fun with other people on this server. I want to help make this server one of the biggest servers there is. I will do my very best and put all of my effort towards helping this server in every way possible. If I get a staff position, I will help anyone and everyone with any problems they have. I will help keep this server safe and to help everyone have a good time. I will learn the servers rules and keep this server going with no trouble. I know basic server commands and I can learn way more if needed. I will have fun on the server and I want to help everyone else enjoy it and have fun too. I will also contribute as much as I can towards this server to help. I want to help make new servers bigger and better. I am on Minecraft basically all day. Whenever you need me, ill be on. But otherwise, ill always on the server. I have been a mod on 1 other server. I watch out for Hackers, Spammers, and anyone who is just a mistake to the minecraft community. I am good with commands and I am great with working out problems with people and I always enjoy helping when I can. You can trust me no matter what. I can see how hard the Staff try to make a new server a great server and I want to be a part! But there are always situations that the best of the best cant handle. I want to help to stop these people (Hackers, etc.) I always record in-game and take screenshots just in case I catch anything that is not allowed on the server (Hackers, Spammers, Rudeness, Excessive Caps, etc.) If a player needs to be banned, I automatically report to higher person (Mod,Admin,Owner) and report to them with what I have. I would not play around with the rank. I work to benefit the servers needs. I am very Loyal, Trustworthy, Honest, and almost everything nice! I am respectful to the minecraft community

    Anything Else:
    Well Thanks For Your Time!
    12/22/2014 8:34 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ding_Dang_Dong's Avatar
    How active can you be: I can be active most times, but I have to consider homework too. D

    Whats your favorite minigame: Prisons. (Is it op)

    How can you help the server:
    I can build things. Ex: Hubs, new game mode, etc. I can bring new people/friends to this server! When ever people spam or swear, I'll usually give them warnings and then I'll mute or temp ban them. Polite is the key point!!! I can come on 1-3 hours on weekdays. Sometimes I can't come on because of school. I never will slack off my job. I would advertise this server to increase popularity and players to this server. I want to be apart of this server because I am 100% sure that I can increase the numbers of player and create a good community. Once I put 100% of my effort, I will not stop until this server succeeds! I should be staff because I am really good at helping people out at the right time. I am honest and trust worthy. I think I have what it takes to bee a staff on this server! I am also a great leader to other's and I cooperate well with others.

    Former positions on servers (server name & link appreciated):
    Nebula Prison ~ Shutdown ~ Admin
    Position wanted (Mod/Admin/Builder/Dev): Admin

    Building experience: (Staff need to know how to build XD)
    Yes. I'll send you a pic over skype.

    Can you set up permissions: I can set up simple ones, but it would probably fail.

    IGN: Ding_Dang_Dong

    IRL Name: Tony

    Skype: OH BABY A TRIPLE!

    Your Age: (11-15 plz) 13

    12/10/2014 4:34 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ding_Dang_Dong's Avatar
    Um.. are you ignoring my app?
    12/07/2014 2:22 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ding_Dang_Dong's Avatar
    Name – ? Tony

    Skype Name - ? OH BABY IT'S A TRIPLE!

    In Game Name – ? Ding_Dang_Dong

    Position – ? Admin (preferred) ,Mod or helper!

    How old are you – ?14

    Why should you be a part of the team. – ? I can build things. Ex: Hubs, new game mode, etc. I can bring new people/friends to this server! When ever people spam or swear, I'll usually give them warnings and then I'll mute or temp ban them. Polite is the key point!!! I can come on 1-3 hours on weekdays. Sometimes I can't come on because of school. I never will slack off my job. I would advertise this server to increase popularity and players to this server. I want to be apart of this server because I am 100% sure that I can increase the numbers of player and create a good community. Once I put 100% of my effort, I will not stop until this server succeeds! I should be staff because I am really good at helping people out at the right time. I am honest and trust worthy. I think I have what it takes to bee a staff on this server! I am also a great leader to other's and I cooperate well with others. I was also staff on some servers but been kick for inactive. or shutdown due to eula. Nebula prison Mod, Arkham Network Admin, (Forgot Name) changes.

    Thanks For Your Time!

    * I am re posting my app.
    12/06/2014 12:22 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ding_Dang_Dong's Avatar
    You skipped my app..?!
    12/02/2014 5:10 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ding_Dang_Dong's Avatar
    Name – ? Tony

    Skype Name - ? OH BABY IT'S A TRIPLE!

    In Game Name – ? Ding_Dang_Dong

    Position – ? Admin (preferred) ,Mod or helper!

    How old are you – ?14

    Why should you be a part of the team. – ? I can build things. Ex: Hubs, new game mode, etc. I can bring new people/friends to this server! When ever people spam or swear, I'll usually give them warnings and then I'll mute or temp ban them. Polite is the key point!!! I can come on 1-3 hours on weekdays. Sometimes I can't come on because of school. I never will slack off my job. I would advertise this server to increase popularity and players to this server. I want to be apart of this server because I am 100% sure that I can increase the numbers of player and create a good community. Once I put 100% of my effort, I will not stop until this server succeeds! I should be staff because I am really good at helping people out at the right time. I am honest and trust worthy. I think I have what it takes to bee a staff on this server! I am also a great leader to other's and I cooperate well with others. I was also staff on some servers but been kick for inactive. or shutdown due to eula. Nebula prison Mod, Arkham Network Admin, (Forgot Name) changes.

    Thanks For Your Time!
    11/18/2014 4:08 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ding_Dang_Dong's Avatar
    Age: 13
    IGN: Ding_Dang_Dong
    Position: Admin
    Are you familiar with using GroupManager, Essentials, and worldedit?:
    Skype? (name/no) █▓▒░ (Did Not Copy) Slap That Ham
    Servers you were banned from: NO!
    - server IP + Server name + reason
    Have you ever been mod/admin on a server?: I was on some servers but been kick for inactive. or shutdown due to eula changes.
    Please list the servers:
    - nebula prison Mod
    - Arkham Network Admin
    -(Forgot Name)
    Have you ever had a conflict with a user on the server where you were apart of the staff? How did you handle it? What was the end result?:
    Have you ever owned a server? For how long?: I attempt to make one, but it was grief by friends twice and I stop from then.
    What type of people don't you get along with?: I don't like who are rude and are selfish. I was in Nebula Prison and this guy was thinking being liked by the owner would get him to Co- Owner and he decided to ban me and the owner did nothing. Very sad!
    What type of people do you get along with?: I get along with those who share ideas and help others.
    Use three words to describe yourself: Smart, Fun, Team leader.
    How long do you intend being moderator on the server?: I'll be on as long as you want me unless I've been left out.
    How do you handle stress?: Close my eyes, breath in and relax my brain!
    Have you ever griefed a server or person's creation: Nope. Never will.

    Any other info, pm me.

    Thanks For Your Time!
    11/17/2014 4:47 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ding_Dang_Dong's Avatar
    Name: Tony
    IGN: Ding_Dang_Dong
    Age: (13+) 14
    Experience: I've been mod and admin, but shutdown due to the new eula!
    Skype: (Required) █▓▒░ (Did Not Copy) Slap That Ham
    How can you contribute to the server: I want to be staff on this server is because I am trust worthy and I believe that the server can grow in a few months if I am in/on your staff team. I just wanna have fun and create new ideas !!!!!!!!
    How active can you be on the server daily: 1-3 hr?
    What will you do if someone greifed?: Ban, then report to owner for consquence.
    What would you do if someone was hacking?: Ban and then report to owner for consquence.
    What would you do if you saw abuse from a Administrator?: Ip ban/perma ban him, and report to the owner as soon as possible!
    Extra Info: (Not Required) I can build things. Ex: Hubs, new game mode, etc. I can bring new people/friends to this server! When ever people spam or swear, I'll usually give them warnings and then I'll mute or temp ban them. Polite is the key point!!! I can come on 1-3 hours on weekdays. Sometimes I can't come on because of school. I never will slack off my job. I would advertise this server to increase popularity and players to this server. I want to be apart of this server because I am 100% sure that I can increase the numbers of player and create a good community. Once I put 100% of my effort, I will not stop until this server succeeds! I should be staff because I am really good at helping people out at the right time. I am honest and trust worthy. I think I have what it takes to bee a staff on this server! I am also a great leader to other's and I cooperate well with others.
    11/06/2014 6:55 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ding_Dang_Dong's Avatar
    Name: Tony

    IGN: Ding_Dang_Dong

    Age: 14

    Timezone: ETZ


    Rank applying for: MOD or Administrator(perf Administrator )

    Why you want to get approved: I want to get approved because I believe that I have what it takes to create a better community even though it's already good. Also, I am really good at helping people out at the right time. When I was little, I had a dream of becoming a CEO and it's the same responsibility as being an Owner, but I'm going for Mod, Helper or Admin. I think I have what it takes to be staff on your server.

    How will you contribute to the server: I can build things. Ex: Hubs, new game mode, etc. I can bring other friends to this server. :sick:! When ever people spam or swear, I'll usually give them warnings and then I'll mute or temp ban them. Polite is the key point!!! I can come on 1-3 hours on weekdays. Sometimes I can't come on because of school. I never will slack off my job. I would advertise this server to increase popularity and players to this server. I want to be apart of this server because I am 100% sure that I can increase the numbers of player and create a good community. Once I put 100% of my effort, I will not stop until this server succeeds! I should be staff because I am really good at helping people out at the right time. I am honest and trust worthy. I think I have what it takes to bee a staff on this server!

    11/06/2014 5:04 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ding_Dang_Dong's Avatar
    Rank: Admin
    Age: 14
    Name: Tony
    IGN: Ding_Dang_Dong
    Plugins Skills (Optional)
    Building Pictures (Optional)
    Why do you want this job:
    I can build things. Ex: Hubs, new game mode, etc. I can bring other friends to this server. ! When ever people spam or swear, I'll usually give them warnings and then I'll mute or temp ban them. Polite is the key point!!! I can come on 1-3 hours on weekdays. Sometimes I can't come on because of school. I never will slack off my job. I would advertise this server to increase popularity and players to this server. I want to be apart of this server because I am 100% sure that I can increase the numbers of player and create a good community. Once I put 100% of my effort, I will not stop until this server succeeds! I should be staff because I am really good at helping people out at the right time. I am honest and trust worthy. I think I have what it takes to be a staff on this server! Also, I was Mod on a few server that has been shutdown due to the new EULA rule!
    11/06/2014 4:59 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ding_Dang_Dong's Avatar
    I didn't get request. I forgot to tell you I change my skype. It is now "Slap That Ham"

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