DSkullsMC's Avatar
Level 1
New Miner

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    05/13/2017 12:07 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    DSkullsMC's Avatar
    Position (Admin or Mod): Mod or Admin it doesnt matter to me whatever you see fit



    Timezone:Sudbury ON

    How experienced do you think you are? /10: 7/10

    Are you comfortable installing and setting up plugins?: yes

    If someone was hacking what would you do?: I would watch them then ban them

    If there was an argument in chat what would you do?: I would listen in then mute the player causing the trouble

    If someone threatened to DDOS what would you do?: I would ban their IP

    Previous experience: Moderating and Managing my own previous servers all bye myself so i have experience in almost every field

    How long would you be online per week?: 18h per 7 days a week 18/7

    If another mod/admin was being rude to players what would you do?:
    Ask them to explain why and if he/she is doing it for no reason i would kick them or report it to someone of higher stature

    Any other information you think I should know to help make my decision: I am hard working care about the safe being of other players and just love the game so much that i would hate to see things like this happen I do have

    skype :dieter123lp

    PS. Thank you for reading this if i was accepted it would be an honour

    Email: msszwaer@gmail.com

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