Entity builds welcomes you to the world of construction. We build with both equity and delicacy as we carefully place each individual block with respect, ensuring that every corner of your build is handled with uttermost priority. Our team consists of overly experienced builders that specialize in many forms of builds.
...That's what we posted two years ago when we first opened
But honestly, we're just a bunch of lunatics being paid to exercise our craze
Join us :)
Member Statistics
116 | Subscribers |
11,018 | Profile views |
42,405 | Experience points |
18 | Submissions |
39,544 | Submission views |
424 | Diamonds |
275 | Downloads |
149 | Favorites |
94 | Comments |
1 | Forum threads |
33 | Discussion posts |
Sep 1, 2016 | Joined PMC |
The13Ninjas | Minecraft Name |
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