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Level 20
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Welcome to this weeks episode of Weird Creatures on AnimalPwanet.
Today we're investigating this mythical creature called ''Eloyhus''. I have never heard of it before, so this will be interesting. Prepare your notebooks kids! Because I have found some footage of the lord and savior, the Eloyhus.

*insert picture of Eloyhus here*
What you see here, is a fifteen year old Eloyhus in it's natural habitat. An Eloyhus can become over eighty years old!
*take notes*

Eloyhus prefer small spaces such as closets, cabinets, cages and beds. They also hate it when there's a lot of humans in one room. If you were to place down an Eloyhus in a crowded mansion, the Eloyhus would most likely flip a table and escape. And you do not want an Eloyhus to run away, since the Eloyhus is the leader of a mythical army. Respect the Eloyhus if you don't want to lose your kitchen.
*take even more notes*
If you were to happen to find one, throw some money and pet the Eloyhus. The Eloyhus is a very loyal and loving creature, and will love you as long as you provide them with food, money, music, attention and love. An Eloyhus is very jealous, and want to be your favorite. If you own other pets, make sure to give Eloyhus even more attention.
*eats pencil*
Eloyhus tries really hard, and when they find something they like.. They get obsessed. You can see an Eloyhus wave their Horror flag one day, and find it the next day reading hot stuff.
And as you can see, the Eloyhus really wants to be creative. They struggle really hard to find inspiration, and they throw away most of their drawings. The picture you see to your left is something extremely rare. A finished drawing from our lord and savior themself, Eloyhus.
*throws paper*
Want to approach the Eloyhus? Before you do, there's some things you need to know. Eloyhus is a socially awkward creature, they don't know to talk to humans. Try your best to not make them nervous, a nervous Eloyhus is the last thing on your wishlist. And if you happen to make an Eloyhus nervous, apologize and throw some cash.

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