Fan_Service's Avatar
Level 8
Apprentice Architect


"Just by leaving I'm helping them another day" - Hatsune Miku, Self-Inflicted Achromatic (Cover: JubyPhonic)

Hello, I am known as Shii but my username tends to be Fan_Service on any platform I use (Minecraft username is Fireflyli). I am a non-binary wolf who likes playing games. I am a pan-romantic (asexual+pan-sexual) but I am taken by my adorable bottom of a soulmate king.

I'm a mess, I hate nearly everything (except my cute soulmate) and I'm quite timid so I'm sorry if any conversations I partake in ends with either me apologizing to no ends, me self-doubting a whole lot, or me being a crackhead.

I tend to be on SkyBlock or Murder Mystery on the Hypixel multiplayer server a lot when I'm on, so you can talk to me if you wish. I'll usually be role-playing as someone though, usually Shirogane from Ice Scream, Ivlis or Licorice from Gray Garden, or Samekichi from Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea (Everyone of those are from the Okegom fandom). I am into other fandoms though, I just relate to them the most so I tend to be them the most, especially Shirogane.

I'm sorry if my skins are trash, but feel free to use them (when I upload them). And if they are named {TEST}, that means it's a work-in-progress, and that I'll be editing that over and over until the words are no more, so please don't use those until they no longer are being tested.

Thank you
Shirogane(right) and Ivlis(left). I am them both

Member Statistics

1,537Profile views
2,068Experience points
1,918Submission views
2Discussion posts
1Wall posts
Dec 12, 2019Joined PMC
FireflyliMinecraft Name
Planet Minecraft


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