garnets's Avatar
Level 1
New Explorer



eef | 13 | bi | he/she

only updating the part above this line, i havent been on planet minecraft in abt 2 years

[​info below is hilariously outdated and edgy, tread lightly]

hello! i'm tokoyami, or better known as fork

my actual minecraft username is forkku, a mix between fork and deku (uwu)

no, i'm not looking for a minecraft gf and if you ask me i'm going to kill you

my aesthetic is webcore, so that's epic

i'm in two fandoms right now, my hero academia and homestuck
i'm vriska/present mic kin, come at me hs and bnha hardcore fans

crows and cockatiels are my favorite animals, they're epic

i have three cats and i love them all because one died last year :[

i have mild dyslexia.. if i misinterpret what you're saying i probably read it wrong

i'm trans, and if you're transphobic i'd like you to please leave my page

when you get to know me, i'm an asshole, so don't expect a long relationship
that's why i'm vriska kin. but on the surface i'm kind of nice so enjoy it while it lasts

i'm an aries yet i'm more of a scorpio. you get what i'm saying? i'm literally vriska

my skin is usually present mic (uwu)

my discord is ae#9136... add me as a friend (uwu)

ok. buy.

Member Statistics

464Profile views
15Experience points
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Feb 20, 2019Joined PMC
6arnetMinecraft Name
Planet Minecraft


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