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    12/24/2015 9:14 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    HealthCareUSA's Avatar
    By "still" I assume you mean steal?
    12/24/2015 9:14 am
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    Name: Real name: Mason IGN: FirstOfficer

    Age: 15

    Experience: I may look like just an ordinary teen looking for a job. But I assure you. That is not true. I am a very dedicated and committed person who is willing to put their heart and soul into this server to make sure that it becomes the very best server it can possibly be. I am willing to spend hours making sure that the server has good builds, a great community, and many players.

    Reason for Applying: Well I enjoy helping people a lot, you know making sure they have a very fun and enjoyable time all while making sure the rules are being followed. I am very determined and if I set my sights on something I wont stop until its been achieved. I believe I can handle people very well and like to make sure that no matter who it is, I remain unbiased. I don't like doing things for myself I do it for the community and the people who make the server possible. Everything I do is to make sure the server becomes the best possible server it could possibly be. I try very hard to make sure everyone is having fun and that everyone is being treated with respect and that no one is unfairly treated. I am very willing to put a lot of effort in to make sure that the server is the very best for everyone. I make sure to put the players needs before mine and make sure that whatever problem they have is dealt with immediately.

    Skype: luna.ponyalicorn
    Position: Admin
    12/21/2015 4:29 pm
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    HealthCareUSA's Avatar
    My username is FirstOfficer
    12/21/2015 3:53 pm
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    xXMcBesmerXxApplying for: Co-Owner or Admin

    Age: 14

    IGN: FirstOfficer

    Real name: Alex

    Experience: I've owned a coupple of servers in the past, all of them successful shut down due to my dad. I've been co-owner on a few, Admin on a few others and moderator on more.

    What would you do if a player was abusing?: If a player is abusing I'll give them a verbal warning and then a mute. If they continute I'll kick then temp ban. Banning is an option if it gets to that extent.

    What would you do if a staff member was abusing?: If a staff member was abusing and I was a higher rank, I'd kick then tempban and demote if it gets to that extent.

    Time Zone: AWST (Western Australia standard time)

    Anything else: I'll just... write more...

    I am a very dedicated and committed person who is willing to put their heart and soul into this server to make sure that it becomes the very best server it can possibly be. I am willing to spend hours making sure that the server has good builds, a great community, and many players. Also I know what I am doing, for example I know how to;
    * Stay positive and focused to make sure people have a good time
    * Deal with rule breakers and people in general
    * How to run a server
    * How to make sure that the right people are chosen to also become a Staff member.

    You should choose me because I enjoy helping people a lot, you know making sure they have a very fun and enjoyable time all while making sure the rules are being followed. I am very determined and if I set my sights on something I wont stop until its been achieved. I believe I can handle people very well and like to make sure that no matter who it is, I remain unbiased. I don't like doing things for myself I do it for the community and the people who make the server possible. Everything I do is to make sure the server becomes the best possible server it could possibly be. I try very hard to make sure everyone is having fun and that everyone is being treated with respect and that no one is unfairly treated. I am very willing to put a lot of effort in to make sure that the server is the very best for everyone. I make sure to put the players needs before mine and make sure that whatever problem they have is dealt with immediately. Unlike other people, I hold true to my word and don't abuse powers. If I am told to do something I will make sure to get it done as fast as possible, yet still upholding a high degree of care and quality. I have been an Owner, Co-Owner, Moderator, Head-Mod, Helper, Chatmod, Admin, Head-Admin and all other kinds of staff ranks.
    oops, forgot, skype?

    My skype is luna.ponyalicorn
    12/21/2015 3:53 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    HealthCareUSA's Avatar
    Australia Sydney isn't a timezone... LOL AEDT is though...
    12/21/2015 3:46 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    HealthCareUSA's Avatar
    Applying for: Co-Owner or Admin

    Age: 13

    IGN: FirstOfficer

    Real name: Alex

    Experience: I've owned a coupple of servers in the past, all of them successful shut down due to my dad. I've been co-owner on a few, Admin on a few others and moderator on more.

    What would you do if a player was abusing?: If a player is abusing I'll give them a verbal warning and then a mute. If they continute I'll kick then temp ban. Banning is an option if it gets to that extent.

    What would you do if a staff member was abusing?: If a staff member was abusing and I was a higher rank, I'd kick then tempban and demote if it gets to that extent.

    Time Zone: AWST (Western Australia standard time)

    Anything else: I'll just... write more...

    I am a very dedicated and committed person who is willing to put their heart and soul into this server to make sure that it becomes the very best server it can possibly be. I am willing to spend hours making sure that the server has good builds, a great community, and many players. Also I know what I am doing, for example I know how to;
    * Stay positive and focused to make sure people have a good time
    * Deal with rule breakers and people in general
    * How to run a server
    * How to make sure that the right people are chosen to also become a Staff member.

    You should choose me because I enjoy helping people a lot, you know making sure they have a very fun and enjoyable time all while making sure the rules are being followed. I am very determined and if I set my sights on something I wont stop until its been achieved. I believe I can handle people very well and like to make sure that no matter who it is, I remain unbiased. I don't like doing things for myself I do it for the community and the people who make the server possible. Everything I do is to make sure the server becomes the best possible server it could possibly be. I try very hard to make sure everyone is having fun and that everyone is being treated with respect and that no one is unfairly treated. I am very willing to put a lot of effort in to make sure that the server is the very best for everyone. I make sure to put the players needs before mine and make sure that whatever problem they have is dealt with immediately. Unlike other people, I hold true to my word and don't abuse powers. If I am told to do something I will make sure to get it done as fast as possible, yet still upholding a high degree of care and quality. I have been an Owner, Co-Owner, Moderator, Head-Mod, Helper, Chatmod, Admin, Head-Admin and all other kinds of staff ranks.
    12/21/2015 3:17 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    HealthCareUSA's Avatar
    Like Yandere highschool simulator?
    12/20/2015 12:00 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    HealthCareUSA's Avatar
    Ingame name?

    I'm Australian so.. Australia

    What can you do?
    * Stay positive and focused to make sure people have a good time
    * Deal with rule breakers and people in general
    * How to run a server
    * How to make sure that the right people are chosen to also become a Staff

    What do you apply for?
    Admin or co-owner

    Have you been banned before?
    Yes, on Mr. Minecraft but it was because of an invalid griefing ban.

    Something else?
    Well I enjoy helping people a lot, you know making sure they have a very fun and enjoyable time all while making sure the rules are being followed. I am very determined and if I set my sights on something I wont stop until its been achieved. I believe I can handle people very well and like to make sure that no matter who it is, I remain unbiased. I don't like doing things for myself I do it for the community and the people who make the server possible. Everything I do is to make sure the server becomes the best possible server it could possibly be. I try very hard to make sure everyone is having fun and that everyone is being treated with respect and that no one is unfairly treated. I am very willing to put a lot of effort in to make sure that the server is the very best for everyone. I make sure to put the players needs before mine and make sure that whatever problem they have is dealt with immediately.

    Why I can trust you with perms? Unlike other people, I hold true to my word and don't abuse powers. If I am told to do something I will make sure to get it done as fast as possible, yet still upholding a high degree of care and quality.

    Have you been owner or any other rank on a diff server? I have been an Owner, Co-Owner, Moderator, Head-Mod, Helper, Chatmod, Admin, Head-Admin and all other kinds of staff ranks.

    Commitment Level: I am a very dedicated and committed person who is willing to put their heart and soul into this server to make sure that it becomes the very best server it can possibly be. I am willing to spend hours making sure that the server has good builds, a great community, and many players.
    12/20/2015 8:37 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    HealthCareUSA's Avatar
    Alright, I finally fixed my account. Here's my application. :)

    * Indicates REQUIRED

    Name (IRL)

    IGN (Minecraft)*
    First Officer

    Age* >

    How can we trust you?*
    Unlike other people, I hold true to my word and don't abuse powers. If I am told to do something I will make sure to get it done as fast as possible, yet still upholding a high degree of care and quality.

    Why should you stand over all other candidates?*
    Well I enjoy helping people a lot, you know making sure they have a very fun and enjoyable time all while making sure the rules are being followed. I am very determined and if I set my sights on something I won't stop until it's been achieved. I believe I can handle people very well and like to make sure that no matter who it is, I remain unbiased. I don't like doing things for myself I do it for the community and the people who make the server possible. Everything I do is to make sure the server becomes the best possible server it could possibly be. I try very hard to make sure everyone is having fun and that everyone is being treated with respect and that no one is unfairly treated. I am very willing to put a lot of effort in to make sure that the server is the very best for everyone. I make sure to put the players needs before mine and make sure that whatever problem they have is dealt with immediately.

    What positions have you held?*
    I’ve held many ranks. I’ve owned servers, been pluginmanager, been co owner, “grandmaster” moderator, admin, chat mod, forum mod, and forum admin.

    What positions would you be best and and why?* Admin maybe any works fine

    Anything else you want to add?
    I am a very dedicated and committed person who is willing to put their heart and soul into this server to make sure that it becomes the very best server it can possibly be. I am willing to spend hours making sure that the server has good builds, a great community, and many players.

    I know what I am doing, for example I know how to;

    * Stay positive and focused to make sure people have a good time
    * Deal with rule breakers and people in general
    * How to run a server
    * How to make sure that the right people are chosen to also become a Staff member.

    Skype?* luna.ponyalicorn
    11/25/2015 6:34 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    HealthCareUSA's Avatar
    Hi. I see that your server is full. Can I just put my app on here?
    11/25/2015 6:33 pm
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    HealthCareUSA's Avatar
    Skype: mason.besmer
    11/24/2015 10:09 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
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    Ign: DotNod
    Why i need to choose u:Well I enjoy helping people a lot, you know making sure they have a very fun and enjoyable time all while making sure the rules are being followed. I am very determined and if I set my sights on something I wont stop until its been achieved. I believe I can handle people very well and like to make sure that no matter who it is, I remain unbiased. I don't like doing things for myself I do it for the community and the people who make the server possible. Everything I do is to make sure the server becomes the best possible server it could possibly be. I try very hard to make sure everyone is having fun and that everyone is being treated with respect and that no one is unfairly treated. I am very willing to put a lot of effort in to make sure that the server is the very best for everyone. I make sure to put the players needs before mine and make sure that whatever problem they have is dealt with immediately.
    *As co~owner,u need to be
    1. Know the how most plugin working All of it.
    2. Friendly Most of the time
    3. Experience Co-owner and owner on many servers
    4. Help me in everything(i'm a noob) Sure. I can educate you.
    11/24/2015 9:50 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    HealthCareUSA's Avatar

    IGN: DotNod

    AGE: 15.8

    SKYPE: mason.besmer

    POSITION: Co-Owner

    PAST EXPERIENCE: I have owned atleast 3 successful servers in the past and I have been admin on so many

    WHAT YOU CAN BRING TO THE TEAM: I can recruit staff, and promote the server via advertisements and stuff, I can bring in as many players as I can and I'm an amazing staff member

    WHY WE SHOULD CHOOSE YOU OVER THE NEXT: Well I enjoy helping people a lot, you know making sure they have a very fun and enjoyable time all while making sure the rules are being followed. I am very determined and if I set my sights on something I wont stop until its been achieved. I believe I can handle people very well and like to make sure that no matter who it is, I remain unbiased. I don't like doing things for myself I do it for the community and the people who make the server possible. Everything I do is to make sure the server becomes the best possible server it could possibly be. I try very hard to make sure everyone is having fun and that everyone is being treated with respect and that no one is unfairly treated. I am very willing to put a lot of effort in to make sure that the server is the very best for everyone. I make sure to put the players needs before mine and make sure that whatever problem they have is dealt with immediately.

    HOW MUCH DEDICATION DO YOU PUT IN IT: I am a very dedicated and committed person who is willing to put their heart and soul into this server to make sure that it becomes the very best server it can possibly be. I am willing to spend hours making sure that the server has good builds, a great community, and many players.

    PROOF(only for builders and dev): N/A
    11/23/2015 7:12 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
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    11/23/2015 5:16 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
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    Application format? My skype is mason.besmer
    11/23/2015 1:27 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    HealthCareUSA's Avatar
    IGN: DotNod
    Name: Alex
    Age: 15 (16 in January)

    Commitment Level: I am a very dedicated and committed person who is willing to put their heart and soul into this server to make sure that it becomes the very best server it can possibly be. I am willing to spend hours making sure that the server has good builds, a great community, and many players.

    Unique Skills: I know what I am doing, for example I know how to;
    * Stay positive and focused to make sure people have a good time
    * Deal with rule breakers and people in general
    * How to run a server
    * How to make sure that the right people are chosen to also become a Staff member.

    Why should we choose you: Well I enjoy helping people a lot, you know making sure they have a very fun and enjoyable time all while making sure the rules are being followed. I am very determined and if I set my sights on something I wont stop until its been achieved. I believe I can handle people very well and like to make sure that no matter who it is, I remain unbiased. I don't like doing things for myself I do it for the community and the people who make the server possible. Everything I do is to make sure the server becomes the best possible server it could possibly be. I try very hard to make sure everyone is having fun and that everyone is being treated with respect and that no one is unfairly treated. I am very willing to put a lot of effort in to make sure that the server is the very best for everyone. I make sure to put the players needs before mine and make sure that whatever problem they have is dealt with immediately.

    Why I can trust you with perms? Unlike other people, I hold true to my word and don't abuse powers. If I am told to do something I will make sure to get it done as fast as possible, yet still upholding a high degree of care and quality.

    Have you been owner or any other rank on a diff server? I have been an Owner, Co-Owner, Moderator, Head-Mod, Helper, Chatmod, Admin, Head-Admin and all other kinds of staff ranks.
    11/22/2015 10:24 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    HealthCareUSA's Avatar
    [quote="TrewCraft360"][center]Hey guys, I was wondering if I could get some greater help on my Network. I'm a dedicated server owner striving for my server to become something better than the rest. Will be opening very soon and yes will get a custom domain dont worry. All plugins or created by our staff team and our tons of fun! If you want to tag along in this journey then you can apply below only if you think you've got what it takes. [b][color=#0040FF]Skype: howtheplaysclash[/b][/color] [b]Ip:[/b][/center]

    --Rank Needed--
    Dev - [color=#40BF00]Open[/color]
    Dev - [color=#40BF00]Open[/color]
    Builders - [color=#40BF00]Open[/color]
    Admin - [color=#40BF00]Open[/color]
    Co Owner - [color=#40BF00]Open[/color]
    [b]AND MUCH MORE[/b]

    Format for Applying
    How much time per day:
    Managing Players:
    Recent Experience:[/quote]
    Age: 13 and mature
    Skype: mason.besmer
    Rank: Co-Owner
    How much time per day: All day for the next week.
    Managing Players: You mean how do i manage players? I ban griefers and warn rule breakers. Not much to say when I dont fully understand the "managing players" thing
    Recent Experience: I've owned a server in the past month called cookie craft. Thats about it recently. i just got back from a vacation.
    11/22/2015 7:35 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
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    *1) Skype Name

    13, mature

    I've owned many servers and know how to use and configure a variety of plugins and I know how to be an honorable staff member, ive been co owner on many, mod on many, admin on many, and ive been a plugin configure developer thing on many others.

    5)*And Country Located in
    United states
    11/22/2015 6:03 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    HealthCareUSA's Avatar
    Can i give you my application on skype? lunapony.alicorn is my skype

    EDIT: it's luna.ponyalicorn

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