Helioscrow's Avatar
Level 7
Apprentice Mage

Forum Posts

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    08/01/2013 9:41 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Helioscrow's Avatar
    Hi my name is Zane and here is my app enjoy.

    [Name] Zane.c.Kidd
    [Age] 16
    [Job] Admin/Head-Admin Co-Owner/Owner Head-Mod/Mod
    [In game name] Sir_FailZane
    [How I can help you] I'm good with plugins and all basic commands I can play on your server about 4 to 5 hours a day I'm good with other people and I have good people skins I can help with websites and I know HTML and some java script and I'm learning how to make basic plugins and animations videos I can do intros and outros I'm good with Building and basic red stone.
    [Time zone] Eastern Standard Time
    [Skype] Don't have Skype but I have team speak and I'm active on all forums.
    [Building skill] 1/10-7
    [Maturity level] 1/10-9
    [Past Experience] Ive been Owner 2 times Co-Owner 3 times Head-Admin 2 times Admin 4 times, [Server names] Relaxedcraft Pureinpacked genesismc Universe Of Steve ThenewLand and a few others that I don't remember the names to
    [Links to work] This is a website I'm working on now http://www.codingcom.tk/ some past work http://genesismc.tk
    [Some stuff about me] I'm a hard worker and fast learner I am learning HTML and JAVA I can build websites using Weebly and I'm learning Enjin I'm just another normal 16 year old I'm willing to spend all my time on the server and make it in to a Popular server I'm trustful and truthful.
    [Sex] Male.
    [Can you donate] No.

    Thank you for taking the time to ready my app.

    Regards, Zane

    PS. I cant donate but I wont take any of the donations
    07/31/2013 9:52 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Helioscrow's Avatar
    Hi my name is Zane and here is my app enjoy.

    [Name] Zane.c.Kidd
    [Age] 16
    [Job] Admin/Head-Admin Co-Owner/Owner Head-Mod/Mod
    [In game name] Sir_FailZane
    [How I can help you] I'm good with plugins and all basic commands I can play on your server about 4 to 5 hours a day I'm good with other people and I have good people skins I can help with websites and I know HTML and some java script and I'm learning how to make basic plugins and animations videos I can do intros and outros I'm good with Building and basic red stone.
    [Time zone] Eastern Standard Time
    [Skype] Don't have Skype but I have team speak and I'm active on all forums.
    [Building skill] 1/10-7
    [Maturity level] 1/10-9
    [Past Experience] Ive been Owner 2 times Co-Owner 3 times Head-Admin 2 times Admin 4 times, [Server names] Relaxedcraft Pureinpacked genesismc Universe Of Steve ThenewLand and a few others that I don't remember the names to
    [Links to work] This is a website I'm working on now http://www.codingcom.tk/ some past work http://genesismc.tk
    [Some stuff about me] I'm a hard worker and fast learner I am learning HTML and JAVA I can build websites using Weebly and I'm learning Enjin I'm just another normal 16 year old I'm willing to spend all my time on the server and make it in to a Popular server I'm trustful and truthful.
    [Sex] Male.
    [Can you donate] No.

    Thank you for taking the time to ready my app.

    Regards, Zane
    07/13/2013 10:15 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Helioscrow's Avatar
    Hi my name is Zane and here is my app enjoy.

    [Name] Zane.c.Kidd
    [Age] 16
    [Job] Admin/Head-Admin Co-Owner/Owner Head-Mod/Mod
    [In game name] Sir_FailZane
    [How I can help you] I'm good with plugins and all basic commands I can play on your server about 4 to 5 hours a day I'm good with other people and I have good people skins I can help with websites and I know HTML and some java script and I'm learning how to make basic plugins and animations videos I can do intros and outros I'm good with Building and basic red stone.
    [Time zone] Eastern Standard Time
    [Skype] Don't have Skype but I have team speak and I'm active on all forums.
    [Building skill] 1/10-7
    [Maturity level] 1/10-9
    [Past Experience] Ive been Owner 2 times Co-Owner 3 times Head-Admin 2 times Admin 4 times, [Server names] Relaxedcraft Pureinpacked genesismc Universe Of Steve ThenewLand and a few others that I don't remember the names to
    [Links to work] This is a website I'm working on now http://www.codingcom.tk/ some past work http://genesismc.tk
    [Some stuff about me] I'm a hard worker and fast learner I am learning HTML and JAVA I can build websites using Weebly and I'm learning Enjin I'm just another normal 16 year old I'm willing to spend all my time on the server and make it in to a Popular server I'm trustful and truthful.
    [Sex] Male.
    [Can you donate] No.

    Thank you for taking the time to ready my app.

    Regards, Zane
    07/11/2013 8:22 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Helioscrow's Avatar
    I hope you like my format but next time please ask me.

    Thank you
    07/11/2013 11:51 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Helioscrow's Avatar
    Hi my name is Zane and here is my app enjoy.

    [Name] Zane.c.Kidd
    [Age] 16
    [Job] Admin/Head-Admin Co-Owner/Owner
    [Ingame name] Sir_FailZane
    [How I can help you] Im good with plugins and all basic commands I can play on your server about 4 to 5 hours a day I'm good with other people and I have good people skins I can help with websites and I know HTML and some javascript and i'm learning how to make basic plugins and animations videos I can do intros and outros I'm good with Building and basic redstone.
    [Time zone] Eastern Standard Time
    [Skpye] Dont have skpye but I have teamspeak and I'm active on all forums.
    [Building skill] 1/10-7
    [Muterity level] 1/10-9
    [Past Experience] Ive been Owner 2 times Co-Owner 3 times Head-Admin 2 times Admin 4 times
    [Links to work] This is a website im working on now http://www.codingcom.tk/ some past work http://genesismc.tk
    [Some stuff about me] I'm a hard worker and fast learner I am learning HTML and JAVA I can build websites useing Weebly and im learning Enjin I'm just another normal 16 year old I'm willing to spend all my time on the server and make it in to a poplure server I'm trustful and truthful.
    [Sex] Male.
    [Can you donate] No.

    Thank you for taking the time to ready my app.

    Regards, Zane
    07/11/2013 11:46 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Helioscrow's Avatar
    Hi my name is Zane and here is my app enjoy.

    [Name] Zane.c.Kidd
    [Age] 16
    [Job] Admin/Head-Admin Co-Owner/Owner
    [Ingame name] Sir_FailZane
    [How I can help you] Im good with plugins and all basic commands I can play on your server about 4 to 5 hours a day I'm good with other people and I have good people skins I can help with websites and I know HTML and some javascript and i'm learning how to make basic plugins and animations videos I can do intros and outros I'm good with Building and basic redstone.
    [Time zone] Eastern Standard Time
    [Skpye] Dont have skpye but I have teamspeak and I'm active on all forums.
    [Building skill] 1/10-7
    [Muterity level] 1/10-9
    [Past Experience] Ive been Owner 2 times Co-Owner 3 times Head-Admin 2 times Admin 4 times
    [Links to work] This is a website im working on now http://www.codingcom.tk/ some past work http://genesismc.tk
    [Some stuff about me] I'm a hard worker and fast learner I am learning HTML and JAVA I can build websites useing Weebly and im learning Enjin I'm just another normal 16 year old I'm willing to spend all my time on the server and make it in to a poplure server I'm trustful and truthful.
    [Sex] Male.
    [Can you donate] No.

    Thank you for taking the time to ready my app.

    Regards, Zane
    07/11/2013 12:05 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Helioscrow's Avatar
    Minecraft Account Name: Sir_FailZane
    Age: 16
    Timezone: USA
    Experience in video editing? (Well I have made intros and outros that about all and i made some little videos here and there)
    Have you been a video editing member on a server before? (No.)
    Do you enjoy editing videos especially for minecraft? (Yes.)
    Do you expect to be paid or rewarded for your video editing jobs?: (No.)
    Show any previous works of video editing here: Ill have to show you i cant get my work on here right now (The type of video editing our server is going to need most are, server trailer, server events and basic update videos): That will be easy but i cant make the video some one has to make them then send them to me then ill edit them
    07/10/2013 11:57 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Helioscrow's Avatar
    Hi my name is Zane and here is my app enjoy.

    [Name] Zane.c.Kidd
    [Age] 16
    [Job] Admin/Head-Admin Co-Owner/Owner
    [Ingame name] Sir_FailZane
    [How I can help you] Im good with plugins and all basic commands I can play on your server about 4 to 5 hours a day I'm good with other people and I have good people skins I can help with websites and I know HTML and some javascript and i'm learning how to make basic plugins and animations videos I can do intros and outros I'm good with Building and basic redstone.
    [Time zone] Eastern Standard Time
    [Skpye] Dont have skpye but I have teamspeak and I'm active on all forums.
    [Building skill] 1/10-7
    [Muterity level] 1/10-9
    [Past Experience] Ive been Owner 2 times Co-Owner 3 times Head-Admin 2 times Admin 4 times
    [Links to work] This is a website im working on now http://www.codingcom.tk/ some past work http://genesismc.tk
    [Some stuff about me] I'm a hard worker and fast learner I am learning HTML and JAVA I can build websites useing Weebly and im learning Enjin I'm just another normal 16 year old I'm willing to spend all my time on the server and make it in to a poplure server I'm trustful and truthful.
    [Sex] Male.
    [Can you donate] No.

    Thank you for taking the time to ready my app.

    Regards, Zane
    07/10/2013 11:51 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Helioscrow's Avatar
    Thank you for you time.
    07/10/2013 11:49 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Helioscrow's Avatar
    Hi my name is Zane and here is my app enjoy.

    [Name] Zane.c.Kidd
    [Age] 16
    [Job] Admin/Head-Admin Co-Owner/Owner
    [Ingame name] Sir_FailZane
    [How I can help you] Im good with plugins and all basic commands I can play on your server about 4 to 5 hours a day I'm good with other people and I have good people skins I can help with websites and I know HTML and some javascript and i'm learning how to make basic plugins and animations videos I can do intros and outros I'm good with Building and basic redstone.
    [Time zone] Eastern Standard Time
    [Skpye] Dont have skpye but I have teamspeak and I'm active on all forums.
    [Building skill] 1/10-7
    [Muterity level] 1/10-9
    [Past Experience] Ive been Owner 2 times Co-Owner 3 times Head-Admin 2 times Admin 4 times
    [Links to work] This is a website im working on now http://www.codingcom.tk/ some past work http://genesismc.tk
    [Some stuff about me] I'm a hard worker and fast learner I am learning HTML and JAVA I can build websites useing Weebly and im learning Enjin I'm just another normal 16 year old I'm willing to spend all my time on the server and make it in to a poplure server I'm trustful and truthful.
    [Sex] Male.
    [Can you donate] No.

    Thank you for taking the time to ready my app.

    Regards, Zane
    07/10/2013 11:48 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Helioscrow's Avatar
    Hi my name is Zane and here is my app enjoy.

    [Name] Zane.c.Kidd
    [Age] 16
    [Job] Admin/Head-Admin Co-Owner/Owner
    [Ingame name] Sir_FailZane
    [How I can help you] Im good with plugins and all basic commands I can play on your server about 4 to 5 hours a day I'm good with other people and I have good people skins I can help with websites and I know HTML and some javascript and i'm learning how to make basic plugins and animations videos I can do intros and outros I'm good with Building and basic redstone.
    [Time zone] Eastern Standard Time
    [Skpye] Dont have skpye but I have teamspeak and I'm active on all forums.
    [Building skill] 1/10-7
    [Muterity level] 1/10-9
    [Past Experience] Ive been Owner 2 times Co-Owner 3 times Head-Admin 2 times Admin 4 times
    [Links to work] This is a website im working on now http://www.codingcom.tk/ some past work http://genesismc.tk
    [Some stuff about me] I'm a hard worker and fast learner I am learning HTML and JAVA I can build websites useing Weebly and im learning Enjin I'm just another normal 16 year old I'm willing to spend all my time on the server and make it in to a poplure server I'm trustful and truthful.
    [Sex] Male.
    [Can you donate] No.

    Thank you for taking the time to ready my app.

    Regards, Zane
    07/10/2013 11:46 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Helioscrow's Avatar
    IGN: Sir_FailZane
    Name: Zane
    Age: 15
    Experience: Ive been Owner 2 times Co-Owner 3 times Head-Admin 2 times Admin 4 times I have played paintball a lot and i know how it works
    Skype: Don't have Skype but i have team Skype
    Anything Else: I'm a hard worker and fast learner I am learning HTML and JAVA I can build websites useing Weebly and im learning Enjin I'm just another normal 16 year old I'm willing to spend all my time on the server and make it in to a poplure server I'm trustful and truthful.
    07/10/2013 11:33 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Helioscrow's Avatar
    Hi my name is Zane and here is my app enjoy.

    [Name] Zane.c.Kidd
    [Age] 16
    [Job] Admin/Head-Admin Co-Owner/Owner
    [Ingame name] Sir_FailZane
    [How I can help you] Im good with plugins and all basic commands I can play on your server about 4 to 5 hours a day I'm good with other people and I have good people skins I can help with websites and I know HTML and some javascript and i'm learning how to make basic plugins and animations videos I can do intros and outros I'm good with Building and basic redstone.
    [Time zone] Eastern Standard Time
    [Skpye] Dont have skpye but I have teamspeak and I'm active on all forums.
    [Building skill] 1/10-7
    [Muterity level] 1/10-9
    [Past Experience] Ive been Owner 2 times Co-Owner 3 times Head-Admin 2 times Admin 4 times
    [Links to work] This is a website im working on now http://www.codingcom.tk/ some past work http://genesismc.tk
    [Some stuff about me] I'm a hard worker and fast learner I am learning HTML and JAVA I can build websites useing Weebly and im learning Enjin I'm just another normal 16 year old I'm willing to spend all my time on the server and make it in to a poplure server I'm trustful and truthful.
    [Sex] Male.
    [Can you donate] No.

    Thank you for taking the time to ready my app.

    Regards, Zane
    07/08/2013 8:31 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Helioscrow's Avatar
    Hi my name is Zane and here is my app enjoy.

    [Name] Zane.c.Kidd
    [Age] 16
    [Job] Admin/Head-Admin Co-Owner/Owner
    [Ingame name] Sir_FailZane
    [How I can help you] Im good with plugins and all basic commands I can play on your server about 4 to 5 hours a day I'm good with other people and I have good people skins I can help with websites and I know HTML and some javascript and i'm learning how to make basic plugins and animations videos I can do intros and outros I'm good with Building and basic redstone.
    [Time zone] Eastern Standard Time
    [Skpye] Dont have skpye but I have teamspeak and I'm active on all forums.
    [Building skill] 1/10-7
    [Muterity level] 1/10-9
    [Past Experience] Ive been Owner 2 times Co-Owner 3 times Head-Admin 2 times Admin 4 times
    [Links to work] This is a website im working on now http://www.codingcom.tk/ some past work http://genesismc.tk
    [Some stuff about me] I'm a hard worker and fast learner I am learning HTML and JAVA I can build websites useing Weebly and im learning Enjin I'm just another normal 16 year old I'm willing to spend all my time on the server and make it in to a poplure server I'm trustful and truthful.
    [Sex] Male.
    [Can you donate] No.

    Thank you for taking the time to ready my app.

    Regards, Zane
    07/08/2013 7:25 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Helioscrow's Avatar
    Hi my name is Zane and here is my app enjoy.

    [Name] Zane.c.Kidd
    [Age] 16
    [Job] Admin/Head-Admin Co-Owner/Owner
    [Ingame name] Sir_FailZane
    [How I can help you] Im good with plugins and all basic commands I can play on your server about 4 to 5 hours a day I'm good with other people and I have good people skins I can help with websites and I know HTML and some javascript and i'm learning how to make basic plugins and animations videos I can do intros and outros I'm good with Building and basic redstone.
    [Time zone] Eastern Standard Time
    [Skpye] Dont have skpye but I have teamspeak and I'm active on all forums.
    [Building skill] 1/10-7
    [Muterity level] 1/10-9
    [Past Experience] Ive been Owner 2 times Co-Owner 3 times Head-Admin 2 times Admin 4 times
    [Links to work] This is a website im working on now http://www.codingcom.tk/ some past work http://genesismc.tk
    [Some stuff about me] I'm a hard worker and fast learner I am learning HTML and JAVA I can build websites useing Weebly and im learning Enjin I'm just another normal 16 year old I'm willing to spend all my time on the server and make it in to a poplure server I'm trustful and truthful.
    [Sex] Male.
    [Can you donate] No.

    I would love to help you please PM me

    Thank you for taking the time to ready my app.

    Regards, Zane
    07/08/2013 7:12 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Helioscrow's Avatar
    Hi my name is Zane and here is my app enjoy.

    [Name] Zane.c.Kidd
    [Age] 16
    [Job] Admin/Head-Admin Co-Owner/Owner
    [Ingame name] Sir_FailZane
    [How I can help you] Im good with plugins and all basic commands I can play on your server about 4 to 5 hours a day I'm good with other people and I have good people skins I can help with websites and I know HTML and some javascript and i'm learning how to make basic plugins and animations videos I can do intros and outros I'm good with Building and basic redstone.
    [Time zone] Eastern Standard Time
    [Skpye] Dont have skpye but I have teamspeak and I'm active on all forums.
    [Building skill] 1/10-7
    [Muterity level] 1/10-9
    [Past Experience] Ive been Owner 2 times Co-Owner 3 times Head-Admin 2 times Admin 4 times
    [Links to work] This is a website im working on now http://www.codingcom.tk/ some past work http://genesismc.tk
    [Some stuff about me] I'm a hard worker and fast learner I am learning HTML and JAVA I can build websites useing Weebly and im learning Enjin I'm just another normal 16 year old I'm willing to spend all my time on the server and make it in to a poplure server I'm trustful and truthful.
    [Sex] Male.
    [Can you donate] No.

    Thank you for taking the time to ready my app.

    Regards, Zane
    07/08/2013 7:08 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Helioscrow's Avatar
    Hi my name is Zane and here is my app enjoy.

    [Name] Zane.c.Kidd
    [Age] 16
    [Job] Admin/Head-Admin Co-Owner/Owner
    [Ingame name] Sir_FailZane
    [How I can help you] Im good with plugins and all basic commands I can play on your server about 4 to 5 hours a day I'm good with other people and I have good people skins I can help with websites and I know HTML and some javascript and i'm learning how to make basic plugins and animations videos I can do intros and outros I'm good with Building and basic redstone.
    [Time zone] Eastern Standard Time
    [Skpye] Dont have skpye but I have teamspeak and I'm active on all forums.
    [Building skill] 1/10-7
    [Muterity level] 1/10-9
    [Past Experience] Ive been Owner 2 times Co-Owner 3 times Head-Admin 2 times Admin 4 times
    [Links to work] This is a website im working on now http://www.codingcom.tk/ some past work http://genesismc.tk
    [Some stuff about me] I'm a hard worker and fast learner I am learning HTML and JAVA I can build websites useing Weebly and im learning Enjin I'm just another normal 16 year old I'm willing to spend all my time on the server and make it in to a poplure server I'm trustful and truthful.
    [Sex] Male.
    [Can you donate] No.

    Thank you for taking the time to ready my app.

    Regards, Zane
    07/08/2013 11:57 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Helioscrow's Avatar
    Hi my name is Zane and here is my app enjoy.

    [Name] Zane.c.Kidd
    [Age] 16
    [Job] Admin/Head-Admin Co-Owner/Owner
    [Ingame name] Sir_FailZane
    [How I can help you] Im good with plugins and all basic commands I can play on your server about 4 to 5 hours a day I'm good with other people and I have good people skins I can help with websites and I know HTML and some javascript and i'm learning how to make basic plugins and animations videos I can do intros and outros I'm good with Building and basic redstone.
    [Time zone] Eastern Standard Time
    [Skpye] Dont have skpye but I have teamspeak and I'm active on all forums.
    [Building skill] 1/10-7
    [Muterity level] 1/10-9
    [Past Experience] Ive been Owner 2 times Co-Owner 3 times Head-Admin 2 times Admin 4 times
    [Links to work] This is a website im working on now http://www.codingcom.tk/ some past work http://genesismc.tk
    [Some stuff about me] I'm a hard worker and fast learner I am learning HTML and JAVA I can build websites useing Weebly and im learning Enjin I'm just another normal 16 year old I'm willing to spend all my time on the server and make it in to a poplure server I'm trustful and truthful.
    [Sex] Male.
    [Can you donate] No.

    Thank you for taking the time to ready my app.

    Regards, Zane
    07/08/2013 11:54 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Helioscrow's Avatar
    OK thank you
    07/07/2013 11:52 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Helioscrow's Avatar
    Hi my name is Zane and here is my app enjoy.

    [Name] Zane.c.Kidd
    [Age] 16
    [Job] Admin/Head-Admin Co-Owner/Owner
    [Ingame name] Sir_FailZane
    [How I can help you] Im good with plugins and all basic commands I can play on your server about 4 to 5 hours a day I'm good with other people and I have good people skins I can help with websites and I know HTML and some javascript and i'm learning how to make basic plugins and animations videos I can do intros and outros I'm good with Building and basic redstone.
    [Time zone] Eastern Standard Time
    [Skpye] Dont have skpye but I have teamspeak and I'm active on all forums.
    [Building skill] 1/10-7
    [Muterity level] 1/10-9
    [Past Experience] Ive been Owner 2 times Co-Owner 3 times Head-Admin 2 times Admin 4 times
    [Links to work] This is a website im working on now http://www.codingcom.tk/ some past work http://genesismc.tk
    [Some stuff about me] I'm a hard worker and fast learner I am learning HTML and JAVA I can build websites useing Weebly and im learning Enjin I'm just another normal 16 year old I'm willing to spend all my time on the server and make it in to a poplure server I'm trustful and truthful.
    [Sex] Male.
    [Can you donate] No.

    Thank you for taking the time to ready my app.

    Regards, Zane

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