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  • Lumina Lemon's Avatar
    Lumina Lemon
    June 6, 2023, 12:36 pm to Public
    Been playing terraria. I've gotten far before on the same character, all the way up to moon lord, but I never beat moon lord himself. I was equipped with a terrablade.
    And then at some point I threw it away like an idiot without realizing it and I was so mad at myself that I stopped playing. Now I am playing on a new world. My new goal is to get a new terrablade, and to become as strong as I can possibly be before I fight moon lord. As a summoner class.
    And the best gear available to a summoner before moon lord is perhaps the most difficult item to get in the entire game.
    The terraprisma and the kaleidoscope, drops of the empress of light- the DAYTIME empress of light.
    So my goal is to gear up with the intention of fighting and beating daytime EOL, whatever it takes, and then fight moon lord with my winnings.
    I'm not going to be able to do this successfully anytime soon but, in the words of a certain yogscast song,
    "You'll never know if you don't try-y-y"
  • Lumina Lemon's Avatar
    Lumina Lemon
    May 30, 2023, 12:27 pm to Public
    Procrastination is awesome. You find yourself working on a project you've had pushed into the back because you're using it to procrastinate on a newer project. Things switch around like that. It feels easier than forcing myself to focus on one thing at a time.
  • Lumina Lemon's Avatar
    Lumina Lemon
    May 23, 2023, 12:42 pm to Public
    I appear and disappear. This will now happen once a week. Every tuesday. Like this. Might make a skin, might share art, might just say something dumb, but it will happen each tuesday.
  • Lumina Lemon's Avatar
    Lumina Lemon
    May 16, 2023, 9:23 pm to Public
    I think I just graduated? Huh??
  • Lumina Lemon's Avatar
    Lumina Lemon
    May 11, 2023, 7:17 pm to Public
    tired today. very tired. sleepy? no. tired? yes.
  • Lumina Lemon's Avatar
    Lumina Lemon
    May 6, 2023, 1:30 pm to Public
    So are walking wake and iron leaves mythical pokemon, or legendaries that will be released in the DLC and able to be caught normally later? it'd be awesome if they were mythicals because that would be really rewarding for anybody who caught them already, but the legendaries seem more likely. I also expect that, if they are legendaries, we'll get the rest of their trios and possibly be able to fuse them like necrozma with lunala and solgaleo or kyurem with reshiram or zekrom.
    In case it wasn't obvious I'm super excited for the DLC. And for the games to actually run well. Because the last time I played the intro, after there was already bug fixes, it was still choppy animations for all the npcs in the school. Consistently. I want to be able to replay the games without seeing something that jarring again.
    Anyways, I've only got a couple more weeks of school left. I'll soon have the time to work on my page and make a proper background and such. I wish I had a drawing tablet. I can still make stuff at a fairly good quality using a mouse, but it's a struggle. Oh well. I'll figure something out.
    This concludes today's rant. Also, check out my last wall post because I will. make a lil joke comic thingy of whatever more people like. Maybe I'll even make it a poll, who knows. K bye.
  • Lumina Lemon's Avatar
    Lumina Lemon
    May 6, 2023, 10:46 am to Public
    What would be funnier, Charlie's guide to necromancy for ghosts or Elizabeth's cooking show (for ice cream specifically and nothing else)? Just checking.
  • Lumina Lemon's Avatar
    Lumina Lemon
    April 30, 2023, 4:55 pm to Public

    Fnaf 6 true ending except it's chaos
  • Lumina Lemon's Avatar
    Lumina Lemon
    April 29, 2023, 12:20 pm to Public
    No this isn't the comic thing, this is just continuing The adventures of MSPaint Springbon tm
    because I personally just find it really funny and I want to take it to the absolute limit
  • Lumina Lemon's Avatar
    Lumina Lemon
    April 22, 2023, 12:10 pm to Public
    working on rough draft, except it's more of like a more complex version of the outline? idk where I'll post the finished comic when it's done lol probably here but idk maybe I'll find another place to post it too
  • Lumina Lemon's Avatar
    Lumina Lemon
    April 15, 2023, 11:50 pm to Public
    So yeah comic thing? Inspired by the E-shop closing and Mr. Hippo's monologues and nobody will ever know why or how, including myself
  • Lumina Lemon's Avatar
    Lumina Lemon
    April 15, 2023, 11:16 pm to Public
  • Lumina Lemon's Avatar
    Lumina Lemon
    April 13, 2023, 7:43 pm to Public
    comic idea has been thought of and NONE OF YOU shall know what it is! You know, until I either make it or forget about it myself. wee woo.
  • Lumina Lemon's Avatar
    Lumina Lemon
    April 9, 2023, 10:34 pm to Public
    ok hear me out. what if I made a comic that's just. fnaf except I follow my own timeline because the original doesn't make sense WHAT ON EARTH IS FAZGOO I'VE NEVER READ THE BOOKS and also the animatronics get mr. hippo level sentience so they're just like "dang, ghosts. so as I was saying-"
    If I did that... would it be better to just have silly stick figures or actually try...?
    Like IFFFF I did that I'd definitely actually try with the story and such. Just like. visuals.
    Silly like the previous dumb things I've done or actually. put work in. and take time on it?


    asking for... a friend...?
  • Lumina Lemon's Avatar
    Lumina Lemon
    April 8, 2023, 7:43 pm to Public
    My brother (older than me, to be clear) constantly makes jokes about among us. He does this to try to annoy me. Joke's on him, I think it's hilarious because he's been doing it so long that I can't get it out of my head and he still manages to keep it fresh somehow.
    I've taken some inspiration from him.
    In a bloxburg build. My first that I actually finished the exterior and still liked it. Which I'm still not done with. Front and back pics included.

    I'm a little evil :)
  • Lumina Lemon's Avatar
    Lumina Lemon
    April 8, 2023, 1:23 am to Public
    Every time I make my bed, I put a plushie in the middle, right in front of all the pillows. Sometimes I'll tuck it in.
    You may think I've just been a little extra fancy, but this whole time it's actually been a FNaF 4 reference and I'm just so timid that I have never acknowledged this outside of this post in particular.
  • Lumina Lemon's Avatar
    Lumina Lemon
    April 1, 2023, 1:08 pm to Public
    I've never liked april fools. It's scary. I love the month of april though. bunbun month.
    GlitchWraith said 2023-04-02 13:01:43
    GlitchWraith's Avatar
    Bunnies make everything better
  • Lumina Lemon's Avatar
    Lumina Lemon
    March 29, 2023, 11:38 pm to Public
    Update on my last post.

    Didn't work as well as I thought but I persisted! Working on getting the ultimate sim- max inherited traits. I wonder if I could get multiple... It would be annoying but I could probably do it.
  • Lumina Lemon's Avatar
    Lumina Lemon
    March 29, 2023, 9:42 pm to Public
    It feels like EVERY TIME I want to play the sims 4 it wants an update and by the time the update is finished I've lost any inspiration I had :(
    This also happens with minecraft and welcome to bloxburg and drawing in general.
    Good solution? I'm going to try listening to the sims 3 building music and not the sims 4 because nostalgia might help. and if that doesn't work then that music box. May or may not keep you updated on how that goes.
  • Lumina Lemon's Avatar
    Lumina Lemon
    March 28, 2023, 9:40 pm to Public
    I remade the how hungry meme except fnaf once.
    Here's an even BETTER version in two different sizes! Intended size, and... resized in ms paint to be visible size. and also the original meme that it's modeled after.

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