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Level 67
High Grandmaster Engineer

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    11/03/2015 8:22 am
    Level 67 : High Grandmaster Engineer
    hmmcrunchy's Avatar
    Not sure if there would be a time limit in which you have to verify or its counted as a spam post and removed...
    11/03/2015 8:20 am
    Level 67 : High Grandmaster Engineer
    hmmcrunchy's Avatar
    I posted on this forum,
    I feel quite pleased about it!
    10/19/2015 6:52 am
    Level 67 : High Grandmaster Engineer
    hmmcrunchy's Avatar
    It is a shame, I try to get my server a little different, with an rpg feel programmed npc chat, quests, an older world that has not been reset for 4 years, more of a live survive and explore the world type server. it's hard to get anyone on - I think most come on and say "where's the hungergames" or whatever mini game is most popular and leave, so I only assume they don't want more involved servers just super minigame servers..

    I like building my world so I carry on and some regulars come and go but hey that's the way it goes
    10/19/2015 5:37 am
    Level 67 : High Grandmaster Engineer
    hmmcrunchy's Avatar
    does this mean gaming is dead most genres are now done beyond belief, but stopping them would not leave you with much
    10/19/2015 3:23 am
    Level 67 : High Grandmaster Engineer
    hmmcrunchy's Avatar
    Life's not short.. it's the longest thing you will ever do.
    08/13/2015 3:44 am
    Level 67 : High Grandmaster Engineer
    hmmcrunchy's Avatar
    Helloo there,

    one trick i use is that unless its a posh house then all medieval housing is basically a barely support, roped together heap of junk!

    take a look at any medieval street its narrow the houses are all wonky, bits added in all over the place

    I try to get a picture of a building similar to that which im trying to build, then start as the builder would have started.. so build a frame that looks like it would support everything, then go from there adding heavier materials to the bottom and lighter to the top, putting in beams where you think would be good ie roof spaces etc. makes it look more realistic

    I usually then smash a wall down and add an extension overhanging or an extra window in the roof XD or an arch over the street to try and make it feel like a cramped medieval street, then scatter carts crates and junk everywhere
    08/05/2015 3:37 am
    Level 67 : High Grandmaster Engineer
    hmmcrunchy's Avatar
    Quite a lot owning a server, besides plugin use and gameplay

    java programming for plugin development
    MySQL database setup for plugins
    command line batch files
    08/04/2015 4:14 am
    Level 67 : High Grandmaster Engineer
    hmmcrunchy's Avatar
    Hey always welcome at
    06/26/2015 9:23 am
    Level 67 : High Grandmaster Engineer
    hmmcrunchy's Avatar
    Here try this for permissions if this helps
    06/26/2015 3:49 am
    Level 67 : High Grandmaster Engineer
    hmmcrunchy's Avatar
    Hey do you have a permissions plugin if so which one?
    06/19/2015 12:21 pm
    Level 67 : High Grandmaster Engineer
    hmmcrunchy's Avatar
    Are you specifically Minecraft hosting or just general web hosting? have you been going long?

    don't despair its quite an awkward business to be on with a lot of competition, it may be good to look at local area first for your bread and butter hosting the do specialist hosting ont he side , can you pm me your website
    06/19/2015 11:11 am
    Level 67 : High Grandmaster Engineer
    hmmcrunchy's Avatar
    Hey there, I also run a web hosting co, I tend to charge £2 a month for home hosting, whats that about $3 or so then £4 for office and £8 for professional

    that's about enough to compete with the big guns but you can actually keep your company going XD

    No point in battling your prices down so you cant make a profit as you wont be able to sustain it for long
    06/08/2015 11:20 am
    Level 67 : High Grandmaster Engineer
    hmmcrunchy's Avatar
    pretty cool idea

    we are going the same sort of way on our server, I love the fantasy feel and RPG theme
    05/21/2015 3:50 am
    Level 67 : High Grandmaster Engineer
    hmmcrunchy's Avatar
    Hey yes I reckon youll get more incoming polishing the game up and releasing it as a work in progress on steam, people can then play it straight away as you improve it and the sales fund the dev

    good luck
    04/27/2015 7:59 am
    Level 67 : High Grandmaster Engineer
    hmmcrunchy's Avatar
    My first server is still my existing server and its helped me come such a long way.

    my daughter wanted a server we could play on so I started a small private one, hosted locally, as time went on a couple of other people found the server and started to play on there as well which was nice.

    eventually I bought an online server to speed things up and moved the old map I had online, this was in 2012, i've kept adding cool bits and adventure plugins to the server to make it a proper adventure game.

    the community ive found waxes and wanes now and then - getting popular then easing off as people do their own thing, but there are a load of guys and girls who ive known for 3 years from all over the world who still pop back and say hello even if they don't play that much anymore. what a great community. its great to see people grow up on the server - people who started when they were 13 are now off taking exams and leaving school,

    Through the whole time ive kept the old server map - ive added new worlds and servers etc but all the time kept the same old main map where I first spawned and climbed out of the sea to make a shelter 3 years ago, I think its wonderful to go back and see the old towns and builds we all made, and the outposts of the wars and remember all the good times.. players can still now login and go and find their old towns they may have thought lost,
    04/22/2015 5:02 am
    Level 67 : High Grandmaster Engineer
    hmmcrunchy's Avatar
    Hey how long would you need it for and do you need exclusive use?
    04/22/2015 4:58 am
    Level 67 : High Grandmaster Engineer
    hmmcrunchy's Avatar
    Very nice indeed - clean - easy to navigate

    easy to find subjects from contents tables

    code snips look good

    keep up the good work
    04/22/2015 4:54 am
    Level 67 : High Grandmaster Engineer
    hmmcrunchy's Avatar
    What sort of plugin are you looking to get ?
    04/14/2015 10:10 am
    Level 67 : High Grandmaster Engineer
    hmmcrunchy's Avatar
    maybe that they just don't understand, Could you explain fully to someone who is entirely comfortable with their being, how it feels to feel like you shouldn't be in that body?

    It may not be transphobic, just think you are playing for attention as they don't know what it would feel like..

    perhaps they don't believe that feeling exists or think its not a choice people have, who knows

    just being devils advocate
    04/14/2015 5:01 am
    Level 67 : High Grandmaster Engineer
    hmmcrunchy's Avatar
    Very brave coming out well done

    other guys lup etc - don't jump on people who wish you well, but don't understand, also don't confuse negativity with ignorance (not meant as rude but as lack of knowledge on the subject).

    many, not having ever been in this situation, may feel a little uncomfortable or confused on the subject, this doesn't mean they are negative or against transgender gay etc..

    I think in those cases take time to explain and be as understanding to them, as you'd like people to be to you.

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